Sylvan Heart Forum

General Category => Wish List => Topic started by: bstceltics4 on February 15, 2009, 05:45:02 PM

Title: armor and gear.
Post by: bstceltics4 on February 15, 2009, 05:45:02 PM
i think that people should not be able to make the best armor and weapons. It should be worth while for me to kill things like hope for armor or weapon drops, its cool that players can make good armor/weapons but it should not be the best. I played World of Warcraft for a long time and i think that if the weapon styles and armor styles of monster drops if implanted into the game would increase in game play and possibly an increase in server population.

Also the world of UO is huge but i ran around in straight lines for like an hour and its huge for nothing if extra cities or dungeons were added to this giant world it would be a larger variety of things to do.
Title: Re: armor and gear.
Post by: Mina on February 15, 2009, 05:51:07 PM
*shakes head*   oh dear..  here we go with the huge post following..  LOL.

  Sorta agree but there is plenty places for hunting that nobody goes to,  shard general concensus on armor ...  magority of it is dropped stuff.   Mina wears some crafted gear,  but mostly the bits were just to add up the stats.  rest were drops

  Tell ye what tho,  wouldnt mind a new dungeon to check out.  when prehistoric one opened all i got was a glitch in floor,  never been to it. *sighs*
Title: Re: armor and gear.
Post by: Myrick on February 15, 2009, 05:52:06 PM
There are many pieces out there that are typically better than player crafted. Most Warriors use a Heart of the Lion and a Dwarven Lords Helm, I see Stormgrips on just about everyone, Piwafwis also, a few Rune beetle Carapaces and Kasa's of the Ra Jin. Many players use Lizard Claws, Ettin's Clubs, Wrath of the Dryad, Druid staves, Golden Krysses, etc... and Jewelry is allways drops. Aside from arms and legs, which there are a few pieces out there that do spawn as random armor that could be arms and legs, pretty much everyone uses drops. These pieces aren't necessarily "easy" to get, but isn't too hard with a decent group. I honestly am not sure you are aware of everything that is out there, but I promise you it IS out there. That said, why shouldn't a legendary crafter make armor that rivals that found in a dragon's hoard?
Title: Re: armor and gear.
Post by: Abbadon on February 15, 2009, 08:05:15 PM
Thing is, its all a matter of time.

To make all those good things you need runic kits - kits in general are bought by people in VS (65 for a barbed kit/val hammer which equates to around 6.5mil). You are complaining that you havent got anything good from killing 100s of dragons? People kill THOUSANDs to get a runic kit, only to find that 50 swings or uses of a kit only yields like one or two decent items.

So please do not complain about seeing good items on other people - if you want some yourself dragons can actually get you them believe it or not. Dragons happen to give great atonements which in turn can be used to buy runic made gear off others.

Well thats just my opinion anyways heh
Title: Re: armor and gear.
Post by: Abbadon on February 15, 2009, 08:37:47 PM
A: I am not yelling.

B: I never said you are not allowed to wish. You may wish all you like, it isn't my place to tell you what you can or cannot wish.

Now you say, "good monster." Now here we have to draw a fine line to see what is "good." In my opinion (no offense meant) dragons are not "good" monsters. Even the ancients give nothing most of the time. What I would think is a "good" monster might be e.g. Dr. Deth who has a 100% chance of dropping an augment, but getting a decent augment is very difficult (most of the time you get worthless runes). Also killing things is "worthwhile" because Sylvan is balanced in two ways:

1. You grind mass mobs like dragons (as you do yourself), save up cash and atonements, then buy better gear.
2. You go kill "good monsters" e.g. boss type mobs that have a chance of dropping a rare etc. and try to get something there.

The reason this is balanced is because:

A: Grinding mass mobs like dragons cannot yield rare drops (except in Alarics where they can drop dragon robes which are VERY rare) - however give good cash and atonement ratio timewise.
B: Killing "good monsters" can yield nothing - as I have personally experienced from constantly grinding rare-dropping mobs.

So basically you gotta weigh out - do you try your luck and see what auggie you get from Dr. Deth? (An auggie that might be worth up to 1 mil?) However if you are not lucky he will yield around 200 gold and a rune lol. However, in the time it takes to kill Dr. Deth you could have made much more money and atones killing dragons or other farmable mobs.

So, basically what you are asking for is stuff to drop off monsters that are not supposed to drop decent stuff. If you are looking for "good gear" you have to change what you are killing and move off to new areas such as fighting paragon balrons and the like to get a shot at getting that "good gear."
Title: Re: armor and gear.
Post by: Abbadon on February 15, 2009, 09:12:22 PM
Not true - dragons give better loot than scorpions. I myself have found so far two mythics off dragons - I have yet to get anything other than gold off scorpions. (not to mention dragons give more gold and atones)
Title: Re: armor and gear.
Post by: Skynar on February 24, 2009, 12:56:04 AM

Wow Abb  kinda harsh

BSt  the mob drops in Sylv  are less then OSI dragons.  The reason being is because of the augments and such make players so strong that they could 1 whack dragons all day  etc etc  mobs  etc.

So they are purposely set to give less loot    ALL mobs are except for the special spawns/really BIG BIG fel mobs  etc.

Personally I don't think it is optimal to game play but that is just my opinion and it has been disagreed with numerous times.

Best advice is  Get super strong 1337 and go kill the big mobs like most the others in Sylv Or  do like Abb suggested initially ( and what i have been preached at numerous times)   To GRIND GRIND GRIND and buy the runic kits in the hopes you may get a really good piece.

Other things you can do is kill certain mobs to get lesser tokunos and trade in for a major  deed t o get like stormgrips and such.

Hope that helps

Title: Re: armor and gear.
Post by: Thane ir'Wyndan on February 24, 2009, 04:38:04 AM
The loot drops are hard coded in, we cannot change them on a whim lacking a scriptor again.  And some of what has been pointed out is true as well, players can get too strong to allow regular stuff like dragons to drop excessively good loot.

There has been talk before of revamping the power curve, removing sockets, making monsters easier or stronger etc.  It boils down to this, we cannot please all the people all of the time and for that I am sorry.  We do the best we can to give the greatest amount of good to the most people.  We are incorporating new ways to get good loot to players.  Just killing dragons will not do it though, if you are in a hurry to get better loot then group up and go after the bigger mobs.
Title: Re: armor and gear.
Post by: Abbadon on February 25, 2009, 04:30:50 AM
Im sorry if you took it harshly that was not my intention. I was just pointing out that the drop rates ARE low for a reason, and its all to balance out the gameplay. Besides, it wouldn't really be "rare" if everyone was able to get it easily would it?
Title: Re: armor and gear.
Post by: Skynar on February 26, 2009, 12:31:34 AM

I want it all... I want it now.... 
Title: Re: armor and gear.
Post by: Shakka on February 26, 2009, 02:41:28 AM
me too......
Title: Re: armor and gear.
Post by: Christina on February 26, 2009, 06:45:37 AM
don't we all want it all now. But then we don't have any more fun things to do trying to get it all  and beating each other up over them.he-he ;D
Title: Re: armor and gear.
Post by: Abbadon on February 26, 2009, 07:03:25 AM
Lol, theres ALWAYS something better out there! The quest for better gear never ends, just depends on which point you get frustrated and give up at :P