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Topics - Kalif

General Discussion / Common courtesy
April 06, 2008, 07:04:29 PM
Cid locked the post about the disrespect going on in public chat so haveing to do it this way....I believe also the gm's need to be reminded of being careful what they say as well. I have seen some total disrespect to players by a staff member, so i just ask for the staff to please be respectful to the players as well.  Everyone has feelings and they do get hurt.
Announcements / We need your help!!!! =D
April 05, 2008, 04:11:46 PM
Alas Me (Aador) and Rithik have come to the final part of the new T2A quest, but the boss seems impossible, one hitting anything that moves with his breath. So me and him ask for anyone who will dare venture into the depths of Fel, to the island of T2A to please assist us in slaying this creature, tonight Saturday, April 5th at 8pmest. Please message me (Aador) ingame if ur willing to help =)
Trading / augments for sale!
April 01, 2008, 08:23:09 PM
Got all kinds of ancient, legendary, regular and radient crystals, skulls and woods for sale! pm me ingame as Aador to talk price =D
Trading / Shoppin list!!!!
March 31, 2008, 08:44:52 AM
Looking to buy mythic tourmalines, and mythic rubies, (pm aador ingame or message on forums to talk price)....Also buying human soul, 125K each or if ya have 5 or more 150K each. Also buying atones/VS. 100K per vs or 125K per vs if u have 5 or more.

PM Aador ingame or feel free to drop me a line on forums.
General Discussion / for the orc!
March 26, 2008, 05:03:27 PM
Found this, and it reminded me so much of someone...take a guess who =D
Announcements / Book of shard records!!!!
February 09, 2008, 06:54:51 AM
I got a idea tonight (yep everyone run my head is over heating) But i was thinkin maybe i could make a book of shard records (kinda stealin the idea from guineses but oh well) lol so with it being early in the month still, i will be doing a book for once a month, and putting it at my vendor house for all to see. it will consist of any record ppl think is worthy of viewing (largest fish, what ever it may be) If u have a idea for a record plz message me on forums or ingame as Aador and we can talk it over. just a idea so any feed back is welcome
Wish List / Leathers
February 09, 2008, 04:20:03 AM
Not sure if this has ever then thought of, and if it has i am sorry for bringing up a old subject hehe but i was talkin to someone the other day about leathers, how they really are not used a great deal for as much as they drop, so we thought maybe makeing them to where they could be turned into bandages, and depending on the type leather (spined, horned,barbed,troll) maybe adding a stat bonus. sorta like the dwarf rations but maybe a bit lesser of a bonus, just something to use them for because normally i just chunk my in the trash most days
Bulk Order Deed Trading / Buying....
January 24, 2008, 06:44:37 PM
Looking to buy ANY  BOD tailoring or smithing. PM me on forums or in game as Aador/Kalif/Saleorn with quantity and what ya lookin to get for em =)