New Game: The person below me...

Started by Crimson, January 19, 2007, 06:10:11 PM

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False! If you were antisocial, you wouldn't be so darn chatty! ;)

TPBM is freaked out by the skittles commercial with the singing rabbit.


False.  Never saw it. (no tv)

TPBM knows what's REALLY in McDonald's food. :o


True.  I worked at McDonald's when I was a teenager for almost 2 years through high school.  And there really isn't anything icky in their food, like the rumored worms in the burgers.  The icky part is when you have rude teenagers that drop food and put it back on the bun.  Although, I can't say that I ever saw it, just heard about it before.  :o

TPBM has eaten a whole habanero hot pepper.

Kydaer Shol

uh thank god false......... have tasted them before though.

TPBM would go into shudders without a TV

:o :o :o :o :o

Posted by: Madeline 
Insert Quote
False.  Never saw  (no tv)


False.  I actually didnt watch tv for like a year or so.  And sometimes I wish we didn't have one. It's called an idiot box for a reason.  I should be reading instead of letting my brain become mush. Lol

TPBM can yodel.


TRUE!  A bit, anyway.  I  played "Maria" in The Sound of Music my senior year of high school and had to yodel in the show! :-)

And just so no one worries TOO much, we do own a TV.  We just watch DVDs and don't get any kind of television reception or cable or anything.  There's too much garbage on TV that our kids don't need to see.  :P  Plus, it really IS an idiot box if you watch it too much.  But then, the computer can be that way too.....  guess I should get off the computer!  lol ::) ;D

TPBM has heard Jewel yodel.


True.  I have and she's really good at it!

TPBM thinks I spend too much time in this thread! Lol

Kydaer Shol

um since I am on here about as much false?! hehe

TPBM has never been on an airplane


Quote from: Kydaer Shol on August 31, 2007, 01:48:15 AM

TPBM has never been on an airplane

False -- I fly back to Chicago to visit friends and family from California.

The Person Below Me has something special about their character they want to share.

Thane ir'Wyndan

True, I bought the first ever staff item offered at auction.

The person below me likes getting henna tatooes.

Time is a healer, time is a stealer, time is an angel, time is a devil that burns.


Hard to say. I like the resulting henna tattoos, but the actual process and making sure the henna-goop doesn't come off until the color has had time to set can be a real pain. I do, however, love giving other people henna tattoos :D

TPBM has gone to some sort of "geeky" convention before (ex. anime, sci-fi/fantasy, gaming, star trek, etc.)


Quote from: Aderyn on August 31, 2007, 07:09:50 AM

TPBM has gone to some sort of "geeky" convention before (ex. anime, sci-fi/fantasy, gaming, star trek, etc.)

True -- I just went to Gen Con, which is a role-players dream convention in Indy. I bought so many gaming table-top books, more things to add to my Dungeon and Dragon collection.  lol .. yes, a girl with a serious ambition--watch out! Ha!

TPBM has a song that represents their sylvan heart character. What is it?

Kydaer Shol

I would have to say true Lorenna McKennit is one of my absolute favorites... I have two very very favorite songs and Mummers Dance is one of of them. Especially when I am rping with the certain special someone. *grins*

TPBM loves new age music like me!


True.  I pretty much like everything but most country and rap/r&b and I can't stand most opera music.  Otherwise I'm game.

The person below me loves rap/r&b (for some weird reason).


True and false  i like good r&b but can do without rap.

TPBM is looking forward to Halloween.