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Topics - Cearbhalyn

Jillian More and i came across a problem today with the dragon armour graphics. While waiting around for some one I opened up her paperdoll and was looking at her equipment. It was red platemail, and ring leggings, only the title was Dragon plate. I wondered if she had renamed it, there was nothing special on it cept the name really, so I was somwhat confused about it. Cillian was on and she went ahead and popped out a peice of dragon armour of her own and it showed up the same way. Now just the other day I had seen thorn undertoe in a set and it had looked normal, and I didnt see any announcements about changing anything since then. So when Alaric showed up on a differant issue he said to post something to the forums about it, becuase he didnt know.
Well here is the post :), the dragon armour looked fine on her mobile, and in a trade window, but the paperdoll graphic is not showing up right. Is this a client side issue? did I miss a patch I was supposed to get? is anyone else having this problem, I know the armour is not that common, so its possible that people just havent noticed it yet.
Have a good one :)
Misplaced Graphics / Several tiles at sea
April 25, 2007, 12:26:41 AM
Malcom was out earlier with Bridget and wrote some funky things down and left them for me to post here-.
wo were in the haven area  3367.2814-2 and 2859-2  then an unknown at 3128.3404-2  Wife said that they were a board wall corner piece then a stone wall corner, then one of those black spaces saying unused.

have a good one
The Professionals / Vendor Prices.....
October 21, 2006, 12:05:36 AM
   Hiya, the FIRST thing I want to say is that this is not directed at ANYONE in particular. I have run across this several times at multiple vendors and just wanted to comment on it.
   Ok....Ill just get to the point :)....alot of people are just too cheap. I have run across goods and services offered at almost no price whatso ever. Leather goods, good quality goods in all types of leather for 60ish gold a peice, repair deeds for 20g, and the list could go on....
    GUys you are 1) undercutting the economy. I know I have talked to some people about this and part of the claim is that they wish to be nice to new players. I can understand that, I give away a set of troll leather to each new player I run across, BUT think about this. NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE starts poor on Sylvan Heart. Every Single Person starts with 20,000 gold to start, that is more then enough to equip a char with decent goods, even some enhanced drops or runic gear right off the bat. Then to top that off, gaining money here is easy, unless the player makes some mistakes right off the bat. That happens, I have helped some that have done that. but even so after a week or so they should be making money.
     BY selling goods cheaper then you can even buy them off the shard merchants, you are giving people the impression that goods are cheap here, and that is not the truth, nor should it be the truth. In other conversations the avg fighter makes 30k or more up into the 100's of 1000's in one hour. The avg person has money to buy goods, at a decent price, but if they can buy cheap they will. That is just common sense, if you can get it cheap :) buy it. true there will always be some that patronize the more expensive for various reason ( friends, guildmate, status, RP, etc...) but they are exceptions not commons.
    btw...before anyone says its just a price war, or im just jealous of them getting business...pfft....I dont care if they are cheaper....its that they are not even in the same ball park. I consider it rather insulting to me as a craftsmen. If I charge 1000g for an item and joe smchoe charges 900g he is trying to get buyers by under cutting me, and thats fine.....BUT if Joe is selling them at 10g then something is wrong.
   2) it is undercutting the crafter and others.....this is as I just stated an insult to crafters who spend time to collect the resources, takes the time to work the skill up, and takes the time to create the object to have someone else say their goods are basicly worthless. ( and if they sell them for cheaper then you could to a vendor then they are worhtless)  Now I REALLY DO NOT THINK THAT THIS IS INTENTIONAL. So PLease, please do not think that is what I am saying. I am simply saying that as a crafter I think that goods should cost more becuase they are worth more, and I think by virtually giving goods away that you are not respecting them, and this may become a common attitude. which would be poor for crafters as a whole.
   3)  Lessons in can only be assumed that one would place a vendor to make money. with that being the case, it might be that some people are bringing a OSI mentality to vendors. On OSI there are hundreds and hundreds of people playing at the same time and a vendor at the right location can make good money off cheap goods in the Wal-mart way...Volume. However, here we do not have people in those numbers here...or even close. so that means that one must adopt a differant business model, and that is one of quality. One must charge a decent price for decent goods, and make decent money on sales when they happen instead of a tiny bit ( or in some of the cases a loss since one can sell studded leather goods as an example to the vendor at 65, so a loss of 5 g on each item).

     I could also offer this to those that want to help the new, or poor without setting the economy lower. Try actually talking to people and giving discounts for personal service. I know I charge 100g for a repair deed, but if someone asks and Im not busy I will generally do it for free ( or accept a tip, but not actually charge anything). The same goes for crafting something, if you catch me and I do it for you based upon a one on one conversation, I give cheaper prices.

   Now, one person thought I was trying to fix prices, and that was wrong as well. I do not care what you charge, but when people go to almost the absolute bottom, it is discouraging to fellow crafters. I have also heard that they are just setting prices to see what they sell at....well then set them high :) and bring them down. You cannot do it the other way :) hehe

Anyway....once again, this was not directed at anyone in particular, rather a general rant :). It was also serious, but jovial, happyly said, not pissy or accusing. I know many times I am taken wrong, so I try at times like these to make sure that people understand my ranting attitude better :). SO if you ARE one of those who charges dirt cheap prices, and this is aimed at you, please beleive me that I am not aiming at you to create a problem, nor to insult. Rather I am ranting to hopefully create a dialog, and improve the situation for all :).

Have a good one.
Guilds / TCP
September 11, 2006, 10:28:20 PM
    The Trade & Crafting professionals would like to correct a misconception about our guild. We do not discriminate agaisnt any Class, or race. We will accept any who share the desire to be the best that they can be, within a professional manner. Many feel that we are only crafters and that we accept only crafters. If this were the case we would only be the Crafting Professionals guild :), and we are not. :)
     A trade to us is any skill that someone knows and uses to make a living. As such a mage or druid would certainly count, as a warrior would as well. Healers and Rogues are also welcome, as they to practice their trades as a method to earn money. THe only thing that we desire is that they abide by guild law, that they are serious about their jobs, and professional in their manner.
    With that being said :), we hope to clear up the idea that we accept only crafters, which just is not the case. We as well hope to encourage those professionals that did not feel welcome to join our ranks,  to take that step above the common to become the professionals that they Truely are.
Guilds / Trade and Craftering Professionals Guild Classes
September 11, 2006, 10:18:19 PM
     The Trade and Crafting Professionals Guild (TCP)  is please to announce the opening of Classes on various skills. These classes are aimed at teaching others the skills of the trade or craft being covered, as well as possible ideas that are not commonly available if there is such information. We are doing this to help the community through education, and friendly cooperation.

     These Classes are open to all guild members for free, and to non-guild members for a nominal fee of 1k. It is possible in individual cases to have this fee waived, although circumstances must warrant such action.

     The classes will be schedualed with repeat classes at differant times of the day, so as to accomadate the needs of all interested.

     Please check this thread often to see upon what the next class will be, and when it will be.