Perhaps a Thief...

Started by Elanora, May 22, 2008, 11:49:41 AM

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town? I don't care for doing that myself, but if something like the following were around, I might even be tempted to create one...

Imagine if you will, a town comprised solely of thieves (npcs). If you are of positive karma alignment (even with 1 karma) you are autotargeted by all the npcs, excepting the shopkeepers.
If you are negative alignment, perhaps the shopkeepers give a discount, perhaps ala begging or high fame?
       For those who remember ultima 3, think like death gulch... :)
Perhaps with some chests that you HAVE to stealth to to reach, with nice prizes? like several, so if a couple of different ppl want to do it, you don't have to wait on one respawn? (The reason for the stealthing being perhaps like a treasury, with guards that autokill if you are visible? having to pass between two sentries that flank the only entrance into said treasury?) This seems suited to Fel, but I was just thinking that there is not too much reason to be negative karma around, excepting for necromancy.
I just thought this might be a neat idea, and one to perhaps bring back a similar rp line ala the old orcs one back in roughly *coughs the year* lol. I will blame Rithik for reminding me of that, I was reading old posts, and thought about this idea. I know that unicorns and other positive karma creatures will attack neg karma's without fail...would be only fair for the evil among us to have a similar thing...

Anyhow, just something to consider, I know a lot of people want more rp, or more variety. This could be one path to it.


I would think for role play purposes this wouldn't be a good idea.  Thieves do not like to advertise they are thieves.  So, a town of thieves?  Would you want to move in next to a thief... even if you were one?  I'd rather move into a town where no one knew I was a thief and make a living of my unsuspecting neighbors.  Just my two cents.

And we have Bucs Den which is has a thieving atmosphere :D