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Topics - Wuffy

General Discussion / A small refresher...
February 15, 2008, 07:32:47 PM
- Respect the Staff and Players. No harassing, no name calling, no cursing, luring MOBs, impersonating staff or players, no griefing of any kind. Period. This applies to the forums as well. If you enjoy flaming others for fun or profit, go somewhere else.

Think it's about time to remind everyone on this shard of this one particular rule that has been ignored time and time again... how has it been ignored? Rumors, backstabbing, and total disrespect.

It has came to my conclusion - as well as other players who I've spoken to about this - that these have been going on for a long time now, but what has their answer been for it?

To just lay back and take it.. or to simply just ignore it.

I'm not one to sit back and take it - if things were a 'joke', why would it be kept behind one's back for over two weeks - then denied that such was ever said when another asks if this was true? If things were 'just friendly bantering' why do people speak of horrible things behind another's back when they didn't know - and even more didn't do anything to deserve such ill treatment?

I've reached out to players, I've respected them - only to be turned upon for something daft, one in particular for my getting upset over something that had been going around that was disrespectful to me.. they got angry when they were  never involved in the first place - and I hadn't even been angry towards them! What made it even more worse was the fact that when a friend asked them if what they told me was true.. they denied it.

So the next time you log in to the forums or in to the game today - I want you to please remember this one rule that people have seem to take for granted (that goes for even the older players of this shard...) and think twice before you spout off any sort of 'rumor' that you think is fun to spread.. or call others names behind their backs.

Eventually someone will find out.. someone who has the intelligence to keep things logged just in case.. and I'm certain the last thing anyone wants to do is get in trouble for something they considered 'fun' and 'harmless' - because in all reality, there are people that take offense to that 'fun' and 'harmless' stuff, more than you all know, and those people are within this shard right now..

Respect the Staff and Players!
The function of this skill is that, when inflicted upon your opponent, after five steps of movement or five seconds elapses, the target takes damage.

When I first had this skill on a new character, and used it - the five second elapse for damage worked - and he had 100 ninjitsu. Now that Fenrir finally maxed ninjitsu at 120 however, when he uses it the five second elapse for damage does not work.

No matter how many times I used the skill, they must move five steps before the duration passes to take the damage - just sitting there for five seconds doesn't do anything, and ultimately the skill wears off.

Bug or was a change made?
Wish List / Grab Options
January 10, 2008, 04:39:37 AM
Instead of making weapons and armor just one selection, seperate them into two different options.

So you can choose if you want to just pick up weapons, or just pick up armor if you don't want the other.
Wish List / Weapons and Craft Skills
January 03, 2008, 05:22:34 PM
Brachus and I were just talking about this, and the suggestion slipped off my fingers - and seemed to make good sense to me, and even to him.

It seems everyone is using axes because lumberjacking skill gives a bonus to axe damage. So, with this in mind, why not make it to where, in example, fishing skill could increase spear damage? (Fishing with spears would make sense.)

We could even go so far as to say Blacksmithing skill could increase mace damage!
(Swinging that hammer so many times, you're going to know how to use that hammer.)

This would help balance out weapons so there is not one ultimate damage dealer out there for melee (axes) and it'd present a variety for the players to choose from.

Any thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?
Wish List / 'Use Best Weapon' Bows
December 31, 2007, 10:04:46 AM
They have all other weapons with a use best weapon attribute, why not bows for the adventuring warrior that wants to plink a paragon once in awhile from a safe distance? Or perhaps if the event ever comes down to staying on the wall of a fort and throwing spells and pelting enemies with arrows?

Just a thought.. *smiles*
Questions, Game Problems and Bugs / RP Shapeshift Forms
December 31, 2007, 03:14:02 AM
I noticed that when a player uses a shape shift stone to morph into their roleplaying race, other players' attacks such as energy vortex and area effect weapon hits damage said roleplayers. It must have something to do with the way their name changes to grey when they do it the first time?

I had to stop using momentum strike near Tyaila and the night before I kept getting smacked by Mina's EV and poison field, just figured I'd ask if it's normal.
Wish List / Camping Skill and Magic Reflection
December 31, 2007, 03:08:52 AM
I just figured camping might be one of the more useless skills here, and no one would take it for anything besides raising their stats - but if possible, can one change what it does? If so, how about modifying it?

Example: Based on the adventurer's camping skill, when they successfully make a camp fire.. have it greatly increase the regeneration rate of said adventurer and any 'friendly' pets and players in a radius, the draw back to this being that if anyone goes into combat mode or if an enemy gets too close, the regeneration is canceled and the camp fire is rendered useless.

Also I talked this over with a friend, and we figured it'd be neat considering the only damage reflection out there is physical - and many mobs in different areas are spell casters - add a 'Reflect Magical Damage #%' to the game?

Just a couple of suggestions, feel free to discuss. :)
I noticed that, after some testing, none of the ninjitsu animal forms that say they increase movement speed do anything to speed up your character movement.

Walking is still like walking without a mount, and running is still like running without a mount.

Is this a bug or does it speed up something else besides movement?
Roleplay Discussion / Fenrir's Journey
December 11, 2007, 07:53:45 PM
Roaming through the woods... he couldn't help but think they looked so awfully familiar- a sense of dread welling up from within- no! That is silly, this couldn't be real.. though whatever reasoning he had it was useless at the sight that appeared before his emerald eyes:

It had been hidden deep within the forest, far from any civilized town, and he knew it was for a good reason- but why? Why was he struggling with his mind? Putting a lone forepaw upon the metal door of the tower, he knew it wouldn't budge.. the soft scratch of claws upon metal filling the air.. then the scent of ozone assaulted his nose and a deafening boom of thunder filled those sensitive wolven ears whilst the rest of him went numb.. blackness prevailed.

Struggling with his body the young black wolven, in his feral form, awoke with a start- and unfortunately met the iron bars of the cage he had been locked in so securely- no! This couldn't be happening! It couldn't be real! Fear streaked through his body- cloaked figure approaching, that smug smirk upon his lips...

Again a clap of thunder sounded off- and this time he awoke with a start! The not-so-young wolven in question shuddering as the meager pitter-pat of rain began to sound upon the roof of his haven.. wait.. his haven?

Fenrir sighed and laid back upon the mat with a low groan- it had just been a nightmare.. but it had seemed so real; then he had to remind himself that it had indeed been real.. so many years ago. That dark fear had laid within him for ages, and he had been able to hold it back for many years- but recently his move into Magincia, and his roaming adventures through the lands had stirred it once more.. maybe it was the fatigue? Maybe it had been the liches he had encountered? Either way.. this ebon furred wolven had a good reason to be afraid.

Even though his family had came to rescue him, and killed the wizard who had experimented upon him.. Fenrir knew that the true source of his fear layed within the arcane- that horrible week within the tower having done.. abnormal things to him.

Of the most debilitating effects, his resistance to magic had been completely stripped away at the start of his captivity, to provide full effect to the wizard's experimental spells..

.. which some of the effects of these spells made way to his inability to fully shapeshift back into a full human form.. always looking like that of a werewolf that those horror stories of old had depicted - though much gentler in many ways and not so scary, unless you angered him- he was after all a skilled warrior.

Though he had grown used to his new animalistic guise, he couldn't help with his resistance.. which led to some rather interesting ends: He could definitely feel the flow of magic beneath his own two hind paws.. and sense the path of it when one started to cast..

.. but the later of the two had only became apparent since he started adventuring through the lands and met some rather nasty undead.. having avoided the arcane for as long as he possibly could.

Now Fenrir couldn't help but dwell over these thoughts.. some doubts that he'd ever be a real help to anyone at all. Besides, what could a warrior do when struck down so easily by a mage's lightning bolt? Paralyzed seemingly forever whilst poison ate away his strength? Where burly trolls were just a small challenge- a frail necromancer would be like facing  death itself?

Fenrir turned over onto his side quietly before closing his glistening emerald eyes, and let out a low sigh..

Perhaps time would tell his fate? It always seem like doing so;

.. but he knew he wasn't going to sleep well for awhile, and that'd make the days that much longer..