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Messages - Miri

Chit-chat / Re: Soon, I hope
October 18, 2012, 07:34:09 PM
I'm out of hospital now, so I'll be back very soon! Yay!
Thanks everyone for the thoughts :)
Chit-chat / Re: Soon, I hope
October 17, 2012, 04:01:09 PM
Jharnul... I'm not sure I know that name. If not, then nice to see new people around :)
Chit-chat / Re: Soon, I hope
October 17, 2012, 03:49:19 PM
I'm being good, I promise! The staff here have been wonderful. Thanks for the well wishes!
Chit-chat / Soon, I hope
October 17, 2012, 12:15:17 PM
Hey everyone. It's been a while since I last checked in, I know. I didn't mean to disappear for so long but unfortunately I've been rather ill for a long time now. At present, I'm still in the hospital. This is my fourth week here and if I'm lucky then I'll be allowed home in the next few days. Looking forward to playing again, see you all soon I hope!
General Discussion / Re: Just wanted to say....
September 19, 2012, 05:48:27 PM
Drat! Sounds like I've missed some interesting stuff :(

I will be back sooner or later and then Rei will pay.... oh yes, Rei will pay <insert evil laughter here>
General Discussion / Re: Lockpicking training.
August 02, 2012, 02:38:18 PM
Oh, if that's the message then the lock is too high for your skill level.
Check around Buccs Den. There's a theif guildmaster, or some such, wandering about behind the "Pirate's Den" who should be able to give you a few extra points to start off with.
General Discussion / Re: Lockpicking training.
August 02, 2012, 07:31:14 AM
Silly question, but did you set up the macro correctly? I know I had some trouble training the same when Razor decided it'd put the re-lock before the pick-lock part. I've no idea why since it pretty much works out the same in the end.

Beyond that, though, I'm afraid I've no idea. I did recently train my lockpicking, but I started at 70.
Shard Downtime / Re: 7/26/2012 - 8:51 CST
July 26, 2012, 01:56:03 PM
Came up again almost straight away :)
Trading / The Front
July 25, 2012, 05:44:54 PM
A new shop in Buccaneer's Den is now open. The Front - situated at the south of the island, accessible by sea, land and telepad - currently stocks the following goods:

* Potion Kegs
* Shipwrecked Items

Coming Soon:

* Various Plants
* Various stealables

- Requests can be made for furniture, deco and clothing.
- Hair can also be dyed on request for a small fee via Barbers' Dyes.
- Magic Hat Morpher also available (Hat fortification tool - turns your helm into a hat)
Do keep checking back for new stock.

General Discussion / Re: Hello friends!
July 24, 2012, 10:07:22 PM
There's quite a few of us, Ardin ;)

There also seem to be a bunch of new ones sneaking in too, so hey to everyone old and new including you Rocks.
Questions, Game Problems and Bugs / Peacemaking
July 22, 2012, 11:23:12 PM
I know that the taming system here has been tweaked somewhat with the skill requirements for certain critters having been raised, but is the same true for Peacemaking and, if so, to what degree?

My tamer has 120 real-skill in both musicianship and peacemaking, she's not using any jewelry to augment it, and yet she's still not able to use peacemaking on certain creatures. It's not that she fails an attempt, it's that her skill is apparently not high enough to even try.

Am I missing something? Or, for whatever reason, have the hiryu (normal, not the lesser or ancient) and rune beetle been set as essentially un-peace-able?
Oh heck.... a list of questions that I should know the answer too. I've been away for 4 or 5 years however, so I'm a little rusty. I might not be 100% correct, but I'll do my best to answer:

1) That just needs you need to gain more skill. Keep at it and you'll find you get that message less and less. Any cave floor or mountainside will do.

2) The different ores do indeed have different properties. Which ones are better is purely subjective, though. You'll need to decide what you want to be using for yourself. Check this page for a more in-depth look at the different ore types and properties:
Valorite is the hardest to gain and is used for more than just making armour and weaponry - it's also highly prized for it's use in socketing (I believe the general premise for that is explained on the homepage and under the shard basics section.)

3) That depends entirely on your play-style. Whilst many would suggest having chivalry, bushido, ninjitsu or a combination thereof to aid you, it's not strictly necessary.

4) ....I honestly have no idea anymore. It's been too long and I've completely forgotten!

Hope this helps you some anyway.
Shard Downtime / Re: 7-6-2012 11:22AM
July 06, 2012, 04:24:54 PM
An elastic server? Nice!
Roleplay Discussion / Dreaming Anew
July 03, 2012, 11:29:24 AM
It is strange to think that this morning I walked through the halls of of my treetop home. It is strange to think that this afternoon I completed the last of the sweetmeats for tomorrows festival. It is strange to think that this evening I curled up in bed next to my husband, my darling Fuegan, and slipped away into a peaceful slumber. These things, of course, are not out of the ordinary. In fact, such was my life before and after the... interruption. Rather, it is strange to think that my normal life could go on in such a manner only for me to awaken here.

I knew as soon as the sunlight kissed my eyelids that something had changed. The first thing I noticed was the smell; it was still of trees and naked earth, but it was subtly different to the scent I was used to. The second thing to bring itself to my attention was the simple fact that I was no longer in my bed. Gone was the softly stuffed mattress, gone were the satin sheets and plump pillows. In their place was the damp undergrowth.

I opened my eyes and peered at my surroundings. There was something eerily familiar about this place, this sleepy woodland hollow and the leaden-limbed sensation I felt as I pushed myself into a seating position. It was all so foreign and yet so familiar, so new but so old. My mind raced with the need for answers. It seemed as if I was trying in vain to remember something half-forgotten, seeking to catch smoke in broken hands. The only thing I knew for certain was that I would learn nothing by remaining on my behind so, weary though I felt, I rose to my feet and began to walk.

I know not how long I traveled. Truth be told, it made little difference to me; I grew no more or less weary as I continued on my way. When I happened across a hanging mage-gate, however, I knew that I had to make a decision. Sooner or later I would grow hungry but I had nothing with which to hunt and none of the trees bore fruit or nuts. Sooner or later I would grow thirsty, but the warmth of the day told me that rain was unlikely and I had yet to come across so much as a small pond. I could continue to wander aimlessly in the hope of finding shelter and sustenance or I could step through the gate and hope that it would take me to somewhere from which I could gain bearings.

Opting for the latter, I suddenly found myself within a settlement of square buildings sculpted largely from sandstone. The architecture looked human in nature, yet more finely crafted than the abodes belonging to that race upon my own world. As I stood there alone between the beach and the buildings a sudden realisation came upon me; I had been here before. Names crept between my lips as faces swirled within the depths of my mind. Damira, the human paragon of order. Izbel, the reluctant assassin. Thane, this world's trickster god, and oh so many more. One stood before all of the others, however. One name, one face, called to me with urgency; Icemere, my second great love.

Could it be? Could this be real, or was it yet another fever dream brought on by the consequences of my infamy? That is what it had been last time, had it not? A dream to ease the way as my body lay dying in my marital bed. If it was not, then I had to find him. There had to be a reason for my return to this dream; could he be it?
Events / Re: Roleplay
July 03, 2012, 08:47:24 AM
I'll see what I can do, hun... depending on how long I stick around.
No guarantees, however, since time zones are time zones and I'm just getting out of bed when most people here are tucking themselves in for the night ;)