
Started by Admin Acacia, August 26, 2007, 01:00:04 AM

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How often would you like to see Sylvan have and auction?

Once a week, like we used to.
10 (41.7%)
Twice a month like we do now.
11 (45.8%)
Once a month
3 (12.5%)
Stop having them.
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 14

Voting closed: September 05, 2007, 01:00:04 AM

Admin Acacia

How often would you like to see Sylvan have an auction?

Never be less than your dreams.

Rocks Silivan

Hello everyone, I have a question or two.

If we were to have an auction every week what day would it be on? Cause I know if it was every week on a Sunday then I would not be able to attend none of them so every week would not be any good for me.

I think twice a month does well. Once held on Wednesday and one on a Sunday. Hopefully the vote goes twice a month!


I tend to agrree with Roc. My work schedule is all messed up so i useally get to go to only 1 auction but with wat it goes now i get to go to at least 1. Maybe though a few spceial auctions thrown in once in a while would be cool, like say a grabbag auction.
Flint the Dwarf

Thane ir'Wyndan

I find the current rate to be a pretty decent one, though I know my work schedule is starting to get a little wonky so who knows hehe.

Time is a healer, time is a stealer, time is an angel, time is a devil that burns.


Thane said "wonky."  lol :D


Through the summer months attendance at auctions dwindled at times, and at others was higher.  Maybe that was due to the day of the week, peoples vacations etc.  I say we keep the current schedule until we see a need to change it back to weekly or some other format.  I believe right now its every 1st Sunday and every 3rd Wednesday.  Maybe by only having 2 or 3 auctions a month we can increase the attendance rate.  I also hope that with Fall approaching this will also help increase the attendance.  My vote will be for 2  a month as it stands right now.


I picked twice a month because every week would make it hard to find "Good - Solid - Worth" it items to auction.  Also meaning, if it was every week, people would just throw up whatever they had and just hope it sells.

I didn't pick once a month because I really like auctions and when I do come across some cool items or weapons that I can't use, I almost count the days down until the auction, so once a month would tear a hole in my heart. (not literally but ya know).

For an ending on this post, I just want to mention to the Sylvan Heart GM Team that you guys are doing an awesome job, not just say it to make you feel good either.  The populated people of sylvan heart are in my amazement good people or really good at faking it because everyone trys their best to be friendly and some-what helpful.  I am shocked that there are no players running around like they are 9 years old with a desire to have their name posted on the front of the website saying "IM L33T."

Anyhooo, Latas.



I say twice a week as well, due to the fact it may take a lil time to find items worthy of putting up for auction that other players would be interested in...So the way we r doing it now works great for me  ;D


right now ill say twice a month. but with the summer months coming to an end more people will be inside gaming so if the number of items starts to exceed the number of space in the auction house then we can look at increasing it then. but for now i find 2 a month is decent enough


I selfishly voted for weekly, because the more auctions held, the better chance I have of being able to attend a few of them with my completely random work schedule. Hehehe. :)

I'm not an addict... I'm NOT! Stop looking at me like that! *hides face*


I also voted for weekly. The reason being is school is now in session and I have 2 in soccer, 1 in girl scouts, and one either going to do wrestling or football. Plus Friday nights I have to meet my ex to exchange kids. So figured I would vote for weekly so I have a better chance at catching an auction.


 :(   man  where was i when this was posted...oh wait    holiday  right...didnt vote, but if i did...every two weeks.  gives me time to find cash and maybe a couple of good items too.  However, i find it hard to get to auctions as they are for me extrememly late on a sunday night.  I live in gmt{for those of you that struggle to work it out...thats plus 5 hours on east america time acacia    LOL}    hehe      so i would prefer a day that everyone can get to an auction and not have to stay up late an go workie early in morning next day...saturday maybies....


Just as an alternative, since I like to be a problem solver....What about 3 times a month? like every 10 days (10th, 20th, 30th of th month)? That would have it on different days, meaning people that can't usually make it on Sundays have another opportunity.

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