Happy Anniversary!

Started by Admin Acacia, March 22, 2009, 12:26:30 PM

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Admin Acacia

Sylvan is 4 years old!!  I can hardly believe it, four years since the server known as Sylvan Dreams became public and welcomed our first residents.   Believe it or not, we do still have a few of those very first accounts and players still here... though I won't name names.

A lot of players have come and gone over four years, we have even lost a couple of our members who have crossed over from this world to the next.  The shard has gone through growing pains, a few different server hosts, a plethora of Staffers, the opening of Felucca, and monsters galore.  Through it all, our desire has been to give you a great place to enjoy UO with friends and family.

Thank you all for making it four years of fun!!

*note*  Sylvan Heart will celebrate its 3rd birthday in June.  We will be working on fun celebration events.  If you might have and idea to help with the party, let Staff know.

Never be less than your dreams.


Unicorns are the most beautiful creature


Sylvan Heart is a great place.  Happy B-Day Sylvan!

A funny aside, my wife works for Sylvan Learning Centers, so whenever I mention Sylvan Heart, she always thinks I'm talking about her work at first :)
Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue. -- Buddha


Yup, Sylvan Heart really is a great place! Sylvan heart actually got me back into UO after years of having shunned public shards (matter of fact... only one I remember playing after I quit was my little test shard on dial up lol). I've been here a little while now, and I love it a lot! I've met various people and made plenty of friends!

Happy Birthday Sylvan Heart!!!  ;D

Alaric McCree

A Very Happy Birthday to Sylvan!!   :D
Sometimes the dragon wins, that's why there is such a shortage of white knights.


It's been really fun Sylvan! Dang, I've had so many different memories and I've made so many different friends. Sure I haven't been on very long (a year and half maybe *too lazy to really figure it out*) Anyway, it's been a crazy ride and i'm glad i had so many fun times past and yet to come!
;) *wanted to do a different smiley face then everyone else*

GM Feenix

Happy Birthday Sylvan. You ole devil you!!!

It's not who's at the top that matters. Only the path you chose to get there.


Happy birthday Sylvan Heart :)