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Topics - Skynar

September 01, 2009, 01:52:06 PM

only one on 100 so far at 27th Ugh go vote

Ever since the server change i have noticed the Bag that opens itself when you reenter dungeons... etc

But today  I couldn't open my Inventory without logging out and in
I was having issues with Building mode  trying to delete stuff.  it just wouldn't work  almost like some things would and others would not. very weird stuff

Note:  I have Never ever ever ever  had issues with my client  so do not go there.  This is something weird on the server side going on.

General Discussion / What does the Future hold?
April 18, 2009, 04:21:54 AM

It is really a curious question. 
Lets think back a year and half ago.   Greatest shard i ever joined.  and I have been on a few and I gm'd one of the originals.

Today.. The Titantic.

What the hell happen? Now  I could prob point a few fingers at a few people that I think helped bring it on. But ya  know  I am not going too.

I could point a few gms who I think have let their personal issues affect their judgement in game.  But ya know  I am not going too.

I could name a few changes to rules and in game things that helped it.  But ya know I am not going too.

All I am going to say is this.

This is a Game.  There is no room for Cheating, Lying stealing Name calling, Crying, Scamming, L33ting, boohooing, favortism, hateisms, and any other lame ass thing people can think to do. That includes All players and Gms.

For heavens sake  when i see all this crap going on the boards and in game, when i see people being banned, even if just,  when i see monopolies in game,   when i see name calling, and whining from Shard council members,  when i see  a whole host of crap and you get the picture... It is time for a reality check.



And i say If you cant do any of those then Take a break, leave the shard, quit Gming,   Whatever  But quit bringing your BS, DRAMA, Misery, Greed, Cheats, Etc into the Game. because you have been slowly destroying it. And i'm about to recommend to Acacia to scrap the whole thing for her own Sanity!



This is just a Normal day for me LOL.  In red I added some notes so would make sense
But this is what I actually sent in to my boss this morning and scary part is, There is not a lie in it LOL

Ok so heres my day so far.

At 3am our explosive gas detector went off and half the Batallion  Came to our house  only to get zero readings for gas.  We even reset it before calling and 30 sec later it went off again.  Ghost? (we have EVP's of voices in our house and have been investigated multiple times, Midwest Taps group is coming out in April) Malfunction?  To much beans last night?    One will never know But i am sure i will appreciate the bill for the call.

needless to say   sleep following did not commence.   After freezing my arse off this morning getting both cars ready to go at 6 am( wishing i had a bigger garage), Blowing ten pounds of Crud out my nose and coughing up another 3 lbs, I sent the mom went to work with a kiss and a "thanks alot" for the duty of getting the child ready and taking him to school Since we get to start late today. 

Took my antibiotic (wicked sinus infection)   drank a full glass of water with it and proceeded to take the " I dont wanna go to school" attitude child to daycare.  The whole time from 3 am till then being still slightly irritated about the whole merit increase thing   (we found out yesterday that due to economy all raises for 2009 were suspended.  Lovely since I just got approved a month ago and was going to be on 1st check on 2009  So im S.O.L) and wondering "is it really a good idea for me to go work today with this 'unAmerican' attitude"

Dropping the Child off, I  proceeded to make best of it and head for work and think about all the things I was NOT going to say.  !/4 the way to work  Due to the lack of sleep, over exertion, lack of food, antibiotic, stressed out bad attitude, I felt the warm internal flow of yuckyness heading up my throat.  At this point I said the  Heck with everything and came home.

So in short  I'm starting my Christmas Vacation a day early.  reevaluating my attitude, throwing my detector out and buying a new one,  eating some dry non retching type food, Building a bigger garage, buying more Tissue, hiding from my child for a day, and  at some point try to remember  who the shmuck is that says "Life is Grand" so that i can whack em upside the head.

Merry Christmas to all And I will see you when myself or yourselves get back.


This is My attempt to bring some more Positiveness to Sylvan And Acacia and all the Staff and Players.  Please add on!

The Friendly atmosphere and dedication of Acacia .....and Decoing too!

P.S   Thank You Cael, you Always manage to make me laugh and put things back in perspective for me.
Misplaced Graphics / Moonglow Trammel
October 29, 2008, 12:34:48 AM

In Moonglow trammel on SW corner IN   there is a  Painting that is so high it sits outside the building
General Discussion / the word whiner
September 27, 2008, 08:34:19 PM

I think this word "whiner" needs to become a jail word.

I am so sick if trying  to have a conversation with someone and explain my position and be called a whiner.  It is not only immature it just shows that people have run out of their own argument and know they they may just be incorrect so they have to throw out the word whiner.

There are a lot of posts on this forum about being kind and showing respect to fellow players and yet   there sure is a lot of that word being used.

Now feel free to start calling me a whiner for this post.

Announcements / Sept 19th DONT FORGET HAR!!!!
September 18, 2008, 07:18:40 PM
 Sept 19th is national Talk like a Pirate Day

General Discussion / airing my gripes
May 18, 2008, 04:21:19 PM

Since you cant have an honest, fair, non whining debate within the game. guess I will air my gripes here since Lamalas told me too.

1.  why does some smart alec always have to accuse you of whining when you disagree with a gm in pub chat.  Not aggreeing with someone  does not consitute whining. simple means you disagree and everyone has the right to sway you left or right or to ask questions as to WHY the way something is.

2. why are all the gms so cranky all the time lately. Especially  Lamalas and Thane. now granted you have your happy moments  but lately   sheesh  more cranky then normal. Not to mention  i had to page  2 times a night last few weeks to get something placed on auction simply cause no gms were even on.

3.  I came em to play and made a joke about creating a mystery bag with 100 gold coins, 500 leather, and a pile of fake doggy do (aka a bag of crap)  in it and was told it could be rejected by gms.....  hello  is it not a "mystery" bag.
when i bring up the point that  Lotto contains junk.   I am told that gms have no control over lotto.....  Bullogneeee.  You have just as much control over everything equal within this game. Then to boot I get told im whining by a fellow player  and then , as normal, some other "cranky" gm  pops in and tells everyone to quit talking... Ok so  now  1 gm can butt in on another Gms conversation with a player and tell the player to shut up?????????       

Now i  hope that makes sense to you cause it makes absolutely none to me. I was so turned off  that i said heck with it and logged out. and really had no intention of even coming in here to write this. but  wth  I was told i  to take it to boards  so According to gms  this is ok in here. just not in pub chat..  WHATS THE DIFFERENCE???

it really seems lately like its a   " im gonna have my cake and eat it in front of you so deal with it" attitude from some of the staff.  and its a real let down  and turn off into even playing anymore. and if you notice my game time has been going down considerable lately.   now you know why.  So for me to put alot  of time into playing this shard sine Nov with raising money ( which is actually hard for me cause im no tamer /druid/tank ) and as some gms know put a ton of time into builing and decoing etc etc.. then to just start playing hardly at all.  I hope speaks louder words then this.

in short : Life dictates that you cant have it both ways.. just some words of advice for everyone.