Traveling to Fel

Started by Caelan, December 27, 2008, 03:13:12 AM

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Just a friendly reminder for those traveling to Fel.

Be aware that there are dangers awaiting, not only from creatures, but also from other players, along the lines of roleplay. Posts have been made warning players of these dangers, so take heed and keep your head!

If you are not prepared to be attacked by wandering assassins out for blood, then please do not travel to Fel. Be aware that they may try to lure you to areas that are unsafe using somewhat unscrupulous means. They are very cunning in this respect. If you are not comfortable with this possibility, then do not go to Fel to meet with those types.

If they wish to conduct business with you, have them meet you in an area that is safe (like anywhere in Trammel). Once these villians go red, Trammel will be off limits to them, so if they refuse to meet you in Trammel, that's probably why.

Above all else, use common sense.

If you have someone tempting you to come to them alone in Fel, chances are they don't want to exchange cookie recipes with you.

You have, after all, been warned!