Shard Couoncil Minutes 5/20/07

Started by Stormi, May 21, 2007, 03:19:14 PM

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From the office of Lord Helegsul
Subject: Shard Council Minutes from meeting held on 5/20/07
Chaired by: The Great Lady Acacia, Queen and Ruler of all she surveys
Members present: Lord Helegsul

New Business:

It was asked if there was a way to make yards private like houses are, so that creatures cannot enter them unless invited in.  It was explained that houses and yards are 2 separate properties.  Houses are actually part of a players account and taken out of the world map, and are in a sense "owned".  Whereas, yards, do not become part of a players account and stay part of the world map.  This is why players can manipulate items in their homes and only staff can manipulate items in a yard.  There is no setup for making yards part of a players account, there fore, there is no way of making them private. 

Events were discussed in the aftermath of the latest Champ Spawn event.   It seems like everytime the Champ Spawn event is played anymore, rules are broken, players become annoyed, and it causes havoc.  No one wants to see this event, or any other event, halted because a few players cannot obey a few simple rules.  All rules for all games are clearly listed in the forums and staff makes sure that the rules are gone over before every event.  Lady Acacia stated that at the next Champ Spawn if the rules were broken, she herself would delete every bit of loot.  This has become a frustrating problem,  for Admin, Staff and players.  All players should re-read the rules posted in the forum for the events they attend so that they are familiar with how the game is played and what the rules are.

Fel has now been opened for a quite a few weeks and is doing well.  June will see the opening of the Islands and a few new twists.  June will be seeing the introduction of "disturbed" staff members (like thats a long stretch), and each will have random unique drops.  Fel is still proceeding as planned with more to come.

June will be celebrating Sylvan Heart's 1 year anniversary.  To mark this occassion, Admin and Staff are planning many events for the month.  Now here is where you come in.  Staff needs your ideas on what events you would like to see in June to mark this grand occassion.  Put your idea in a book and page staff to give it to them.  To make this an awesome month Staff really needs input from everyone.

From the First Shard Council to the entire Shard:  It has been an honor and privledge serving you all for the last 3 months, but it is now time for a new council to take form.  Anyone wishing to run for election please page Staff to make your wishes known.  Candidates will be announced this week and elections will be held on Tuesday May 28th.  Your first council accomplished alot in the first 3 months and helped set the parameters for the next council.  Let the next council continue this hard work to make the Shard a more enjoyable place for everyone.  Look in the forums for more information on the Shard elections in the announcement section and from the town crier.

Thank you Everyone
Lord Helegsul


There might be a way to make yards peivate if they have a gate. Not sure if it would work on this shard or not cause it was done with a yard wand on other shard i played on. Can security be set on the gates?
Flint the Dwarf


Locked gates won't keep out mobs that have magic and will just teleport to you.