Guild Tub

Started by Eliona, June 18, 2009, 03:21:25 AM

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I think that I played on that shard Aesa was talking about. There was this huge static building with all the available colors. There was a Cloth Dye Tub, Leather Dye Tub, and Plate Dye tub, each sold seperately for a large sum of gold. Once bought from a GM, that GM would remove the color from available colors building. They had set up a large square walled in area in green acres where each guild had a small 5x5 room with your purchased tubs. The GM would give out 1 rune for the location to the Guild Master. Players can not mark runes in green acres normally so that prevented anyone other then the guild master being able to get to the tubs.

As far as what Admin Acacia said about not wanting to be the color police, this was not even an issue. The Guild Master had soul access to the tubs. Granted the Guild Master could Gate people there to use, but it was strictly forbidden to allow nonguild members to use these tubs. And being that it was YOUR guilds color, it was almost a matter of pride not to share with people outside of the guild.

It would take a little effort on the part of the GMs in setting up all the available colors, and the walled in area in green acres, but I dont think any additional scripting would be required. Obviously we wouldnt need a Platemail dye tub with the universal dye tubs, and to be honest, I would be happy just to see a cloth dye tub made available for guilds.  That is one of the first things I noticed about this shard is there is absolutely no guild uniform action going on. One should be proud to stand in the meadows with their mates boldly displaying the colors of their clan, that they all worked so hard to acquire.