
Started by Rei, July 20, 2012, 06:17:29 PM

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Don't want to tame those pesky critters on your own?  Well for a nominal fee my orcish friend Kalador will go along with you to peace and help tame any beast you wish to attain!  Too much work to tame it yourself? Still no problem! For a higher nominal fee Kalador will go and TAME it for you! you must meet the Taming and Lore requirements though and know where the creature spawns.  If you don't know, we don't know!


Sweet, umm if I know a pet I want but don't know where or when it spawns, can I still hire you to get it for me?  for a nonimal fee of course  :)


If you don't know, we don't know.  But we can maybe look around for it and if we get lucky we'll send you a bill. PM me in game