Quest and a mount

Started by Cpt_Starfox, April 04, 2009, 07:03:41 PM

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alrighty... well as soon as the major thing of logging in gets fixed... before I end up with withdraw symptoms *twitches* ... I'd like to request having two things added to the to-do list.

1. About quest... some I can understand not having them be repeatable... due to the reward and not wanting it stockpiled and all that... but some quest are the long, just for fun/adventure/challenge kind... and I think it'd not hurt to have them be repeatable. As a matter of fact, it is slightly frustrating that some of them are not! There are two main ones I have in mind.

The Fel-T2A quest - nice reward... but I really don't think people are going to be farming that quest LOL... and even if they do, it is long enough to warrant the reward so much so that if they do actually manage to "get rich" off of it... then wow... power to em! lol

The Holy Grail Quest - LOOOONG (in a good way) and the reward is arguably good... suffice to say, I don't see people stockpiling it or getting rich off it hehe ;) Though it is nice to have :)

One more quest I'll add now... the wander's quest... not sure if it is repeatable... but it should be if it ain't lol

2. Ok... now... the other thing to add to the to-do list... I'd like to see maybe porc/obsidian Hyrus (or however ya spell it... the Tokuno bird mounts).

Yeah, we'll probably need a scripter for the mounts thing, but the quest I think can be handled in game by the GMs when they get a moment or two or more lol  :)