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Topics - Festus

Well it all went well until of course the hard part.  Killing two Dimir Oathsworn.  I  had one killed and the second down to 0 life then Poof.  Reset?  Ya it was doing the hide thing but this isnt what happend.  It went away.  So, I waited for a respawn and killed another Oathsworn and still had one to go.  Sooo, this time I got the second one and wha,la.  Now I only have Two Left to Kill.   heheh  I spent around 4.5 hours on the last part of the quest and it seems I will have at least another 2 or 3 to go.  Man them things are tough to kill unless there's a trick Im not knowing about.  I did reskill Scat a bit and finished up her magery and inscription and eval int.  No room for Meditate but I can get mana back from wacking stuff most of the time.  Anyways,  Ember Eyes is def tough!
Ok,,,Im obviously doing something bad.  I have broken 3 SWEEET katanas and a couple bows while socketing them.  My smithy is at 120 skill and is wearing Hephustucuff for another +5 smithing.  There must be something im doing or not doing right as I have had people socket stuff in the past and never had anything break.  Hep meh??
Welp here goes nothing.  I just got my desktop fixed.  Geek Squad told me my hard drive was trashed because the fan was broken and it was imprinted onto the hard drive.  Since im stupid i believed them.  Well just for Sh... and giggles i took it to a local guy in my small town here.  We opened the case and I showed him the issue.  He looked at the broken fan and laughed.  Heck he said, thats not the hard drive thats the video card and its prolly been broken for years and since you have 3 other fans in here you dont need it.  So he put a battery in and boom all good to go.
Well i brought it back home and hooked everything up and it seems to run great as it used to. 

NOW!!! im going to try to log onto Sylvan.  I dont know if its gonna work or not since I cant remember if I have the updates or not. 

More later,  hehe
General Discussion / Tome of Chaos Magic Quest
December 04, 2014, 07:02:57 PM
Wow, I just finished the New Quest to obtain the New Chaos Spells.  Dang, it was a bit hard to figure it out but, with me being a bit slow on the uptake I am sure you all will have no problems figuring it out.  As for the fighting portion(s) of the quest, ohhh my.  Lot of fun.  Not to tough as I was able to handle it.  There were some real surprises but I think if someone is willing to "think" (which im not good at) you will have as good a time as me if not more.  I cant wait to see and hear what people have been able to accomplish with using the new spells too.  Good Job Cypress.  As always, Sylvan is awesome.    (bows to the staff)
General Discussion / dinner is on me irl??
June 05, 2014, 07:08:51 PM
Im pretty sure someone here is from the Seattle wa. area.  Im going there soon with my wife to visit my son and grandson wellll and his wife to I guess.  err Son's wife.  Anyway, I thought I may try to run into someone that still plays uo and maybe buy dinner at somewhere that has food better than Illinois has to offer.  I look forward each year to going to seattle and having good food.  Thought maybe this year I would include some Good company too.  :)     Sooooo, who is it that lives near or in seattle?
General Discussion / HOLY COW!!!!!
May 27, 2014, 11:37:40 AM
Ive had to be absent for a week and im going nuts.  Dang holyday weekends and all the prep for em is kill'n meh!!!!!
General Discussion / Boy its been a while.
May 15, 2014, 06:39:21 PM
Oh wow.  I didn't realize it had been so long since I checked in on forums.  Im sorry to all you guys that "really really missed me".  hehe

Ok here I go, same as usual with a question.

If I wish to smith or fletch and have the best chance to make an awesome weapon or bow, beside the basic 120 smith or 120 fletching skill what other skills augment my chances.  Does magery help for instance?  Or does arms lore help?  Anyone have this info?  PM me if you don't wish to put it out in public.  I have a few nice runics and I hate to waist or use them without doing the very best possible.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Or ....I could buy or trade something for the info I guess also.  hehe  I think its time I upgrade my axe ive been using for a year and the bow I use which is very basic.

Also I am still seeking a super nice set of mage gear.  (armor, jewelry, other stuff)  As well as Hrrm  good jewelry for Scatatch.  She is still looking.  It seems Very good jewelry is indeed rare.  or?
General Discussion / druid/mage help
March 28, 2014, 08:36:27 PM
Welp here goes nothing.  Im getting close to having a druid/mage macer ready.  Im looking for someone that can feed me info about gear and augments that will help my toon as needed to be a viable pvm character.  Also in the absence of Misty I will be seeking gear or info for what gear to make as I have resources and a legendary tailor.  I just am totally ignorant as to what will be needed.  I read some books in the Mag library and read up on these forums but really didn't find a ton of info.  Any help would be nice. 
Either by pm or here in public messages.  thanks all
General Discussion / A sad day for Festus
March 23, 2014, 07:16:46 PM
Well I had no idea how attached a person can become to a pixel with a name.  LOL  I think around late 1995 my son HHH/Frito Bandito and I started Beta Testing Ultima online and we were both there for the public opening in 1997 I think it was.  My first Character on the public shard was Festus.  I had a few other names one of which was a notorious PK of the T3a guild (The Three Amigos and of a much larger guild known as 409.  Festus was always and has always been a peaceful character but not one who would shy away nor run from a fight if there was a chance of survival.  Since beta days I have had one real break of about 4 months and went nuts missing my characters.  Over the past 18+ years I have never deleted Festus.  He has been known on OSI Sonoma and on OSI Pacific shards as well as on around 8 free shards.  Festus Stayed with OSI on Sonoma until Statloss forced any real pks into endless days of macroing up skills after a death or standing as a ghost for weeks on end waiting as a ghost to avoid macroing.  As for free shards, Festus was always there until sadly for one reason or another the shard failed and one day I was unable to log back on. Finally I found Sylvan and a family where Festus and my other toons can feel secure that I will be here for years to come.  On Friday last week I realized that a bard is not at all a viable character build here and decided to DELETE Festus in order to save time macroing.  It was quite sad believe it or not to click the delete button and then to log onto my account and see no Festus in the line-up.  Well Festus was resurrected in short order as a brand new Toon and will for the first time ever not hold Provoking and Musicianship skills. 
Festus will be training Mage skills as well as Swords or Maces with a twist or two in some other skills.  There has to be a way to make a viable Mage that can bust a can of woop butt {<<hehe) on the hunt of higher level beasts that roam the lands of Sylvan.  I will be seeking  high end mage equipment as well as any information I can get that may assist in the character build or equipment acquisition. 
Long Live Festus and Long Live Sylvan and our family here.!!!!!!! 
Two things. 

A very good bow that hits hard.  Has mana leach, stamina leach and life leach if possible.  I will pay well for such a weapon or even trade something for it if I have anything ya may need.

The other thing is "where the heck is the alien ship crash site".  After a year of wandering the lands I have yet to see it.
Events / Question on christmas quests
December 21, 2013, 03:58:31 PM
Candy Cane land is a lot of fun.  I still haven't finished everything but I was wondering.  I think last year there was one or two quests there.  One by the greeter and one by the "do not go there unprepared" ankh.  hehe
General Discussion / Snow = no uo
December 14, 2013, 06:02:28 PM
To much snow to shovel today.  sooo No time for UO.  ugh!! Probably Wednesday ill have some time in the am.
General Discussion / UO Automap files
November 27, 2013, 04:15:35 PM
Since I had to redo my computer a while back I didn't get the uo map files for all the lands.  I have trammel and fel only.  Does anyone knowwhere I can dl the files and can anyone tell me how to install them.  Or even is it possible to uninstall my uo automap and install one that has all the files?

thanks all.  happy thanksgiving
Shard Downtime / lag spikes
November 20, 2013, 08:43:45 PM
lag spikes started around 14:30 hrs today.
they were short in duration.  Around 5 to 10 seconds.  I was in fel dastard and unable to sustain myself so had to leave.  I checked with another player and he was having same issues.
buying large amounts of valorite. Paying 100gp per ingot  If your minner is unable to smelt then We can discuss a price for ore.
Shard Downtime / since everyone started dropping out
November 07, 2013, 08:55:44 PM
im assuming its not just me that was having lag of 10 to 20 seconds for a time then freezing up followed.  I did manage to escape from fel fire temple and get to the shore line and even jump on a carpet and sail a half screen out before completely freezing up.  Im guessing its not me but again something with the server or isp.  HELP ya;ll skygods.   Get er done again er  ill sick Si on ye wit es big raggity beard an all.
General Discussion / TOKENS
November 03, 2013, 02:40:44 PM
I wish I knew when staff would be around so I could use my tokens.  I work both Monday and Tuesday so wont be able to log on probably.  Today I will have some time however is someone will be around.
General Discussion / Arwen and Susanne?
October 29, 2013, 01:02:10 AM
Arwen may be coming.  I await her appearance.
General Discussion / on a seperate issue. ;)
October 18, 2013, 06:08:18 PM
I have heard of blessed bags or blessed containers.  How does one obtain this item? 
I may be interested in a purchase if anyone has one they would sell.  Im sure they are indeed rare so I expect to pay for it dearly but figuring in what I have lost to either my dumbness, chat pks, and a glitch here and there I may be ahead of the game to have one.  Orrr, will a bless deed allow one to bless a bag?

Hep meh.  hehe
General Discussion / Another big thanks
October 18, 2013, 05:33:33 PM
Id like to Thank Hades for his help today in bucs den felucca.  He didn't hesitate to come to my aid.  Sadly, his boat was bugged and he couldn't raise his anchor nor cold he res me while I was dead and 'stuck' on my carpet.  A valiant try and I really do appreciate his help.  Infact he did perish one time from the same spawn that got me but thankfully Iris happened by about that time and was able to assist him.  To late for my bones however.  Ya, its been awhile since I lost all ,my goods and im sure it wont be the last time either.  I tend to venture where I shouldn't at my skill level and try to find a way to Vanquish the evil lurking in dark shadows.  Ill grab a few bags and some more food and a couple more buckets of water as well as a few other items I like to have handy and again Ill be up and running in a day or so.   Thanks again to Hades and Iris for the effort and time put in.

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