What does the Future hold?

Started by Skynar, April 18, 2009, 04:21:54 AM

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It is really a curious question. 
Lets think back a year and half ago.   Greatest shard i ever joined.  and I have been on a few and I gm'd one of the originals.

Today.. The Titantic.

What the hell happen? Now  I could prob point a few fingers at a few people that I think helped bring it on. But ya  know  I am not going too.

I could point a few gms who I think have let their personal issues affect their judgement in game.  But ya know  I am not going too.

I could name a few changes to rules and in game things that helped it.  But ya know I am not going too.

All I am going to say is this.

This is a Game.  There is no room for Cheating, Lying stealing Name calling, Crying, Scamming, L33ting, boohooing, favortism, hateisms, and any other lame ass thing people can think to do. That includes All players and Gms.

For heavens sake  when i see all this crap going on the boards and in game, when i see people being banned, even if just,  when i see monopolies in game,   when i see name calling, and whining from Shard council members,  when i see  a whole host of crap and you get the picture... It is time for a reality check.



And i say If you cant do any of those then Take a break, leave the shard, quit Gming,   Whatever  But quit bringing your BS, DRAMA, Misery, Greed, Cheats, Etc into the Game. because you have been slowly destroying it. And i'm about to recommend to Acacia to scrap the whole thing for her own Sanity!


Admin Acacia

I have been asked why I have left this post here... why I didn't delete it... because some may not understand why it is here, and what the context is surrounding the post.
I did think about deleting it, but have left it for now.

There are players here who believe that I am doing a truly horrible job running this world...among many other horrible things. The players can argue, bend and break the rules, but Staff are evil, terrible people when we say, please do as the rules state.

I hate to see a fantastic, dedicated Shard... with fantastic dedicated players, and the most fantastic dedicated Staffers of about any player shard out there, be torn down and chewed up by the few who choose to create drama and dissension.

I am damn angry at anyone who is trying to destroy this shard, and those that are content to jump on that bandwagon with them.  Play here, be happy, have a great time. Please take the drama, the hate and the desire to tear us down somewhere else.

Never be less than your dreams.