Any Ideas to improve my template?

Started by Malik, March 08, 2013, 08:56:38 PM

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So my new template is as follows
120-healing, parrying, Bushido, anatomy, macefighting, animal taming, animal lore, veterinary, magery, meditation, Musicianship and Peacemaking.
with the last 60 going to Chivalry.
I was thinking about getting the bear mask (for those who know what it does) right now i have the elk. plus some of my stuff gives bonus' to healing and Bushido as it is so i might raise chivalry up to 75. any ideas or suggestions my friends.


If you take the Dex route, as I'm assuming you wish to be a tank druid, you won't need the Bear Mask.  However if you will be pumping less sockets to Dex and more to other area's then the Mask may help you out more.  The template looks sound but Cypress is the template guru and will be better able to judge your desired template.


Looks great to me! As a matter of personal preference, I'd drop meditation for tactics going extra damage route or drop it for magic resist going a more defensive route. Still, meditation is fine too :)


alrighty thank you for the tips :), I think I will be dropping med for tactics.... now i just gotta get tactic up lol