NPC Vendor Changes

Started by Admin Acacia, October 02, 2008, 03:16:48 PM

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Good posts guys, I don't want to beat this thing to death, but you have to look at us Shard Council members as your local congressmen. Lobby us for the things you want and tell us when you see something you don't like. The against voices were silent and went without representation. Not because we didn't want to hear you, but because you didn't make yourselves head. Even if a third of the people out there didn't want this we likely would've done more reasearch or possibly had a town hall meeting on it. So please use your shard council. If one isn't on, ask if one can come on. I am on an alt most of the time, but if someone needs a shard council member, I will drop everything and come see you so I can represent you. I am sure the rest of my council members feel the same.

ok, I love this idea. Prices are gonna go down not up. the items in demand are gonna be the ones selling. I just might go pick cotton all day today. If cloth and bandaids are in demand and they are big movers then they will be made and sold by more than one vendor and a price war will ensue. Same for bottles, same for anything. Give it a chance and I think it'll be a good thing. PLus I think it's wasy cooler to go see the armor repair guy rather than just grab a deed. He might even have a new piece that I don't know about he'll offer me at a good price and then we can haggle and such. Mundane? A bit maybe, but how much excitement is there really to shopping for a repair deed going to the shop and clicking it? PLus if you need a lot of something, it'll be much easier to place an order. Need 1000 bottles, you'll get them cheaper than before and you'll probabl employ 2 people. The bottle maker and the sand gatherer. So give it a try and don't sweatt he small stuff. It'll work itself out. If there is a problem, staff and the players here will fix it. :)


Alan... I don't think bottles are being removed... and are you saying the npcs won't even be able to repair items anymore even if you have a repair deed??  :o

Anyway, I'm still not really convinced it is good to take away cloth and bandaids... and not wanting to repeat myself on reasons... so I'll leave it at that. But, I thank you for your dedication, and I plan to keep that in mind. *nods*  :)


Sorry if I confused anyone as far as I know repair deeds will still work, the NPCs are not being removed, just the items on their inventory that are craftable.


  i got no problems with what is going on at the mo with vendors,  i do however,  [and did object when subjct was first brought up] to the big vendor mall in trinsic. Many of us have tried to develop our own malls, i personaly have just redecorated little fel mall and would like everyone to visit and shop there,  now everyone is going to go to trinsic for shopping>>>   what will become of our player malls?  it's like big corporate mall shuuting down the corner store...

   *grabs protest banner*   but i agree with every other aspect of what is being done with the vendors and think its great...    8)

Admin Acacia

I am all for player malls, and that has been a part of Sylvan from the beginning.  Originally, there was a GIGANTIC vendor building built in Maginica with the thought of all vendors being housed there.  I was against that and it was changed to where player housed vendors was the way of things, because we wanted to encourage people to get out and visit and find things that way.   I don't know how well that ever really worked.

The Trinsic mall was a first step into easing the way for this vendor change.  A place where the basics might be found in one sport, meat, fruit, arrows, cloth, things like that.  A chance, too, for players to hopefully be there from time to time, on their crafters for a little role play interaction.   It was never intended to take the place of the player run malls and I do hope these vendor changes will even be a boost for the home stationed and guild run vendor areas.  Trinsic isn't intended to take over everything.

Take a deep cleansing breath.... It will all be okay, it will all be okay, it will all be okay.

Never be less than your dreams.


 ;)  lol,   *Hugs Acacia*  it'll be alrite hun,  hehe.   I got a lil idea tho,   why not throw into the trinsic mall area a few looms, wheels n anvils...then the crafters can make stuff to order right'll be like car boot sales and farmers markets...    I dont disagree with anythging...long as our vendors are getting paid   hahahaha

Admin Acacia

That stuff is already there at the trinsic mall.

Never be less than your dreams.


 ::)   *hangs head in shame*

Admin Acacia

I can't believe the hubbub over fear of bandages being removed.  I won't go into how easy it is to make cloth and bandages, you will only say, "but I don't want to do that.. therefore, I don't like it."   In about 30 minutes time, you could make enough bandages to last you a month, but I won't tell you that.   I will tell you that the player vendors will have tons of cloth on them for you, and tons of bandages you can buy, and in larger quantities than you can get on an NPC vendor.     

Vendors will be in game, vendors will give out bods, vendors will buy your junk, vendors will sell you a darn pair of scissors if you need them.  I'm even gonna leave the diddly dang bandages on healers, just for you, Link. You'll be able to get way more making your own, or buying from the player vendors.  I don't think vendors have a thing to do with using repair deeds, those are made by players to use, but they'll still work. The regs will be there, the bottles will be there, the blank scrolls (though players can craft those) will be there. The current player vendors will still be there, and we'll have a few newer ones in Trinsic, if you want to use them  Remember, it will all be okay.  If it doesn't work out, our little world will be a heck of a lot easier to fix up than the US economy.

Topic is  finished.

Never be less than your dreams.