Marketvale Chrsitmas Party!

Started by Predatory Beauty, December 17, 2007, 12:07:03 AM

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Predatory Beauty

On December 18th starting at 4pm central time. Rayne and Rease Hunter will be hosting a Christmas Party!

Games will start at 4:15.
We will have a Winter Horse race, & a Sled Race for those daring snow bunnies! Prizes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place! Everyone will get something!
Free Food and Drink at the Pretarian Tavern complements of Rease & Rayne Hunter.
We will have a gift Exchange and White Elephant Gift grab!
There will also be Door Prizes given away by Dawning! - This is a major good prize! Some come try your luck!

Please Each guest bring one gift if you wish to participate in the White Elephant gift grab! Everyone will be given a number and we will pick from gifts with out looking in them. You may opt to pick a gift off the table of presents or take a gift from someone else! Once a gift has been picked three times its frozen till the Last person gets to pick. Its lots of fun!

Looking forward to seeing you all at the Party!

Merry Christmas, & Happy New Year to everyone!

( ='.'= )
( " )_( " )


Thank you both for the party! I'm sorry I couldnt stay longer, but I loved the Horse race!!!!


I took liberties to make small album for the memories.
Thank You Mr. and Mrs Hunter for providing such a great holiday occassion.
  Wish you all a fabulous xmas!
- Merry Christmas from Ventesa and Alcarion -


Good Job on the pictures Ventesa hehe Crim looks purty in pink lol  :D :P

A real friend will tell you when your face is dirty~~sicillian proverb