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Messages - Elanora

I couldn't believe this. I was between laughing out loud and being horrified for the people who live and work there.
2nd floor of the castle, room with vases flanking a desk which has a globe right next to the chair, thw wall behind the desks has two bookcases that are hiding other shelves.
Announcements / Re: Donation Link
July 06, 2008, 04:43:45 AM
As far as a battery back up was concerned, were you thinking something to carry through the hiccups in power, or something that would run longer in the event power was out a few hours? I would suggest APC for that-they do nothing but power management. :)
Wish List / Re: Scroll Box?
June 01, 2008, 07:16:03 PM
Would we be able to have skynar hammer out a script for this item? Is that a workable option?
General Discussion / Re: House Specifics
May 22, 2008, 04:46:44 PM
Thank you both. I didn't read the fir page right, but they both answered me. :) Future house deco purposes. :)

Does that mean that a 9x14 is the smallest plot size capable of three full floors and a roof? (four total floors you can place flooring on)??
Wish List / Musical distractions
May 22, 2008, 12:05:42 PM
LOL today I have all kinds of ideas-blame it on my frequent absence of late. :)
I love the musics in this game-is there a way to get our favorite UO melodies, perhaps on something similar to the windchimes or statues concept, where the music plays in perhaps a screen and a half radius, from someone's home? Based upon a player nearby concept as well. I know there are many areas without a tune, and sometimes I long for the various ones I have heard when going through the music available in the UO folders. If something like this were buyable, and we could select the tunes, I would almost certainly get one or more. :)
Is this a doable option in any way?
General Discussion / House Specifics
May 22, 2008, 11:55:14 AM
I was wondering if anybody knows the minimum house size capable of still having four floors(three floors and a roof). Also if anybody knows, per plot size, ones capable of three, and two? It would be nice if we had a catalogue of this, for informational purposes, eg
Four story houses
Three story
  Marble villa(don't know if it is, just using for eg.)
Two story

This could save a lot of frustration for those of us who like to deco out there. Then we would know which was which-it would also save staff time of placing a house, then possibly having it placed again if it was not the correct choice. As many as we have here who like to rebuild houses frequently I hope someone knows this. :)
Wish List / Perhaps a Thief...
May 22, 2008, 11:49:41 AM
town? I don't care for doing that myself, but if something like the following were around, I might even be tempted to create one...

Imagine if you will, a town comprised solely of thieves (npcs). If you are of positive karma alignment (even with 1 karma) you are autotargeted by all the npcs, excepting the shopkeepers.
If you are negative alignment, perhaps the shopkeepers give a discount, perhaps ala begging or high fame?
       For those who remember ultima 3, think like death gulch... :)
Perhaps with some chests that you HAVE to stealth to to reach, with nice prizes? like several, so if a couple of different ppl want to do it, you don't have to wait on one respawn? (The reason for the stealthing being perhaps like a treasury, with guards that autokill if you are visible? having to pass between two sentries that flank the only entrance into said treasury?) This seems suited to Fel, but I was just thinking that there is not too much reason to be negative karma around, excepting for necromancy.
I just thought this might be a neat idea, and one to perhaps bring back a similar rp line ala the old orcs one back in roughly *coughs the year* lol. I will blame Rithik for reminding me of that, I was reading old posts, and thought about this idea. I know that unicorns and other positive karma creatures will attack neg karma's without fail...would be only fair for the evil among us to have a similar thing...

Anyhow, just something to consider, I know a lot of people want more rp, or more variety. This could be one path to it.
Chit-chat / For all you Mac lovers out there...
May 22, 2008, 11:30:04 AM
I used to play a long time ago on macintosh computers. I own a pc, but cannot afford to get an apple. I want to play some of the older mac games, which I can get for free-but I do not seem to be able to get any emulators to work. Does anybody know, or have one working, that they would be able to recommend/explain how to get it up and running, so that I can play these great games without going bankrupt to purchase an apple? I appreciate any help at this point...
Announcements / Re: Book of shard records!!!!
February 21, 2008, 05:12:31 AM
I think that would have to have been me, when I was not partied, due to that many ppl-I kept getting eaten alive by someone's dragon...*knows disturbingly accurately what the inside of a dragon's belly looks like*
Wish List / Re: Scroll Box?
February 06, 2008, 04:04:10 PM
I hope he is ok! *prays for their safety*
Wish List / Scroll Box?
January 24, 2008, 04:00:21 AM
Enelya got me to thinking when she mentioned the food in the last one. Would it be possible to make something like a scroll box? If I had something like that, I would be able to stick what I have now currently (64 items) into one spot, and save on item count. If it could hold any kind of scroll, whether druid, necro, or mage, it would work even better. I don't know if this is a feasible idea, but scrolls are something that take up a bit of space and can be cluttering. It would be helpful to have a scroll box, or something like that.
Thanks for the initial idea, Enelya! :)
Wish List / Re: Sheath Slots
January 24, 2008, 03:56:19 AM
If this idea were possible, it would be great! I know that on other characters, swapping weapons per a situation can be difficult even when it goes smoothly, and I know I have gotten a grey screen before when it hasn't been so effective. :) I like this idea a lot, and if it is possible, I would support it. :)
Wish List / Re: on my personal wishlist.....
January 24, 2008, 03:51:32 AM
That would be a wonderful addition if it could be done. :) I know it can take up a bit of storage to hold uncooked foods. :)
When you look at coworkers and think about what kind of character they would be...
"He would be a great thief..."