Where Do We Go From Here?

Started by Admin Acacia, November 24, 2008, 06:01:36 PM

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Admin Acacia

There are a tremenous amount of things to consider on BOTH sides of the fence... Do we NOT change and work to keep Sylvan as it is now, keep all the wonderful things that are Sylvan... all the things that players have accumulated over the years, all the rich history,  and work to attract new players, and keep current players.   Do we CHANGE to RunUO 2, and gain the chance for new content, yet lose all the players have accumulated, the rares, the pets, the houses, the special items... all in the hopes of gaining new players, and keeping current ones. 

There really is no easy answer, and it is one that myself as well as all other Staff is thinking hard one.  I get input from all of you here on the forums, when I chat to some of you on messangers, and when I listen to things I hear in game.  Everyone is worried, will we... won't we.  Now, today, I can't answer that.  I'm still looking at the options.

All this being said, if we convert to RunUO 2, that is not going to guarantee we'll get new players or keep current ones.  It's all an unknown factor.  BUT... many of us are going to keep Sylvan going whether as it is, or into a new unknown lands of RunUO 2... because this is our family, and we love the shard.   I value each of you players here, and I value all your opinions.  Thanks for being here, reading the forums, making your comments.

Never be less than your dreams.


Sweets. I know I can speak for myself and maybe a few others who will agree. Sylvan is home! And change or not. I am here to stay.  ;D Course not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing for you guys. *Chuckles* I know I work some of your nerves. *CoughThaneCoughCough*