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Messages - Cpt_Starfox

General Discussion / Re: Back in the day!
September 09, 2012, 01:20:28 AM
Back in the day you could turn a ship through another ship and swipe the people off the other ship onto your ship! I used to do this in a sort of RP pirate game.

Back in the day you could gate monsters into town. When I was still new to UO this was done near the Brit bank and seemed to kill a great many people. I think it was on my first visit to Brit having ventured from my home town of Skara Brae that someone did this. It scared me so badly I don't think I ventured back to Brit for quite a while afterward! LOL

Back in the day being a shepherd was a profitable business! I did this too hehe. I seem to remember people hording insanely huge sheep flocks in various areas just for this.

Back in the day (or maybe just the shard I played) I seem to remember that you had to save up a ton of boards and supplies and such to build your houses. I think you also needed to hire a carpenter. I don't know that I ever was able to do this. I think I was always staying with friends.

I seem to also remember that back in the day begging for armor and such from travelers passing through your home town was common. Maybe this still is on some shards; I don't know lol.

Back in the day what was a weapon special? I don't think they existed at first where I was lol!

Those were the days! Good thing they *were* the days hehe ;)
Technically, it isn't down but has just moved, and we've not made an official announcement of it yet because we're still ironing out everything hehe.

I'm one of the ones who has been and still is working on it, and I of course, and I'm sure Acacia too, would love to hear from anyone who is interested.

If you would like to log in for now, here is the address and port.

Port: 2593

Be looking for a "bigger" announcement and more updates I hope soon :)
Announcements / Re: SH Classic still running.
July 04, 2010, 04:17:06 AM
Thank you so very much Marl :)

I suppose now is also as good a time as any to announce that I have been working on classic Sylvan (and a little on 2.0 as well :) ). I haven't told too many people about this until now. I've just been working and gearing up for a nice little public surprise heh. Well, after several weeks and many, many hours of work, here we go!

What I've been up to:
Adding ML stuff to classic Sylvan including creatures, wearables, elves, new places etc...

I've got I guess hundreds of things ready to be launched - I've not really launched anything yet... have just been working and preparing to launch them, but soon I hope I should be releasing a ton of new stuff all in one big bag :D

I have also done even more custom stuff (not OSI add-ins but my own stuff) - mostly nothing huge, but just some fun stuff and some stuff to correct some of the OSI annoyances :) - this includes some surprise alterations to the ML stuffs as well hehe.

Despite that I am adding all this new stuff, all of the old customs should still be just fine and accounts should be fine, etc... it just we're getting more than we had before :)

However, this will require new custom patches and a new way to connect (hopefully much easier actually)

I have written an entire picture by picture tutorial on how to connect to classic Sylvan and 2.0 Sylvan how to use the custom patches I've made for both. I should be releasing this soon as well so you can look forward to it, and I hope everyone enjoys :)

If you are very interested and there is something you desperately want to see added, please let me know via pm or jump on msn\windows messenger with me! - and yes... before a certain person says anything, I've done the squirrels lol
Cool looking wedding and congrats!  ;D  Hope to see ya in game!
Take care Mina and have a safe trip :)
Chit-chat / Re: Beauty
June 08, 2010, 05:23:34 AM
Thank you Lukien - you made me think about that and reminded me of a few things.

We can look at a pocket watch... so amazingly put together, such tiny gears so small it may take a magnifying glass to see the teeth, all those tiny parts working together in such amazing harmony performing the single function of telling time. Such a tiny thing able to tell about something as massive as the rotation of the earth on it's axis as it goes around the sun - simply amazing.

And still more amazing I take a look at a single living cell. To bring my thoughts to more focus, I think more specifically on one of my own small skin cells. So tiny... so very intricate! Just one of them made up of untold thousands of atoms each coming together to form highly complex molecules and proteins and those coming together to form the body of that single living cell the existence of whose own life we still can not explain or fully understand except to say that its life came from the cells before it. We can mesh all the parts together correctly but it would not be alive. How does it receive life? From the cell before it because according to the scientific law of biogenesis, life must come from life. But where did the life come from in the very beginning? All these microscopic mysterious living cells all come together, all work together, all function individually but as one for the single purpose of being my skin. And yet I once heard that we lose and re-grow thousands of them in just a short time. Can you imagine thousands of these tiny mysterious, highly detailed cells living and dying and multiplying as you read this? And if you think that's something, look at some of the other types of cells you have! What about your brain cells? I will not even begin to describe the unexplainable marvels of such cells.

And another thought comes to me - a thought of love and thankfulness. We know it would be ludicrous to see a pocket watch with all its amazing detail and tiny intricate parts and think that it just happened or that it somehow made itself or wound itself up. We know that a watch maker made such a thing.

In the same way, we know that a world maker made the world and "wound it up" and gave us life. Life from life and then later in time we know there was life given for life: His for ours. The very maker of all of this that we know and more... gave His life to save ours because we were failed and doomed. And we know that life goes on still, because He arose again to life, and so will we if we trust Him and accept His forgivness. It makes me so thankful and gives me such a great example of love. Good things to think on :)

Just my thoughts - thanks Lukien. It's good to stop and just take a look around once in a while and think on such things. I could go on... the Fibonacci sequence is another topic I'd love to cover, but I might leave that for another time hehe.

General Discussion / Re: depressed
June 08, 2010, 04:46:32 AM
I understand what ya mean man. I got hit in real life pretty good and took a long break to de-stress and deal with things. I've not left, but I don't get to be on as much as I'd like. At home my comp is old and slow and at work well... it's work hehe, and I don't need the boss sneaking around the corner on me lol - but the old shard is not forgotten, and it is my hope that it grows well too. Just stick with it man, and I hope to see ya on. I'm on MSN (windows messenger actually) all the time, jump on there and message me if ya wanna meet up in game :) Same goes for any other players. I'll send ya my address Lukien - and anyone else wants it, drop me a message via the forums :)
*waves* hey you hehe  :)
awwwww so cute  :D
General Discussion / Re: Deaths to come...
February 15, 2010, 09:17:47 PM
I can teach you how to walk in Fel  ;D
General Discussion / Re: Deaths to come...
February 15, 2010, 09:09:10 PM
Roast newbie anyone?  ;D
General Discussion / Re: Reasons you don't play now?
February 02, 2010, 08:32:20 AM
Well, I still play some, but here's what I'd like to see. New Dynamics and more RP and deeper story driven RPish quest.

Here are some ideas and opinons:
Druids and warriors are fun and powerful... but let's let some other "classes" have some more fun.

Mages have druids, let's give necromancers something I'd call Technomancers. They would he 100 necro/tinkering/arms lore. The could craft and control powerful machines of magic and war! They would be the leaders of the Technomantic Empire (sorta playing off the Exodus stuff with their golem controllers and such... maybe an extention of this in sotry along with other old UO myths and such!) Like druids they would have a seperate meathod of being able to effeciantly "heal" their machines such as a making Spirit Speak do it... giving SS more purpose as a decent useful skill. The higher the SS the better it would heal the machine than say something like GH or Cleans Wounds (like ppl can GH and cleanse wound pets but it isn't as good as vet so in this case not as good as SS)

This could have many many deep story driven scripted RPs and could also inspire some player/gm driven rps! :D

Bards also could use some attention... maybe some serious similar quest for them to aquire specail instruments that might do things like area discord or area flame strike or sometihng else... the instruemnts might require not only barding skils but also magery or something.

I belive that various ML stuff might easily be scripted in as I've done it a bit myself and would like to see that happen and possibly even be made craftable! :D

It also might not hurt to improve the druid quest and give it a bit more story... not just change it to make it hader... but make it more interesting! Even exisiting druids might do it just to see what has changed!

I think the races could use a bit of attention in the area of RP... this could also be done with race-specific, RP, deep-story quest. The reward for the quest might be an item for that race only. I'd not suggest a balance altering item or anything like that, I'd rather play a race for RP purposes and not because of one race can do/have such and such special power and another race can't... That part of the beauty of Sylvan, we have all the races and they are all equal and are there mainly to promote RP and not change dynamics. So long as the story is deep and enjoyable and the reward and exsperience give the person pride in their race... then that is what I'm talking about and in that way it can jsut be for increased RP :)

These are a just a few ideas I've dreamed up so far - They would add new dynamics and new RP and some of the ideas as u can see can do both at once! :)
Questions, Game Problems and Bugs / Re: Lumber-jacking?
January 30, 2010, 06:27:14 PM
Various weapons can do various special moves. Most weapons (if not all) that I know of can do only two special moves. They are located in the book with the sword picture in the bottom right of your paperdoll. Also in that book, you can go through it and see what weapons can do which moves so that you can collect weapons for every situation! :)
I could be wrong, but from what experimentation that I've done, it's 150 each.
The main advantages that shield users have that I can think of are the fact that even if you are disarmed, you still have your shield to protect you and the fact that you have an extra item (your shield) that you can socket with all sorts of useful stuffs.

So, it comes down to a matter of style and choice - what's your style and what do you consider to be the best advantages for you: the shield stuffs or the bushido stuffs.