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Messages - Teclis

Events / Re: Lakeshire RP this week
October 09, 2008, 07:33:09 AM
I'll be there. Might want to put this on the town crier too!!
Events / Re: Vampire Quest
October 06, 2008, 09:21:30 AM
Yeah, it's working. I found what I needed, they had just gone on lunchbreak or something first time I checked.
Events / Re: Vampire Quest
October 05, 2008, 01:23:16 PM
I am having trouble with this quest. It might need to be checked. has anyone else completed it sucessfully?
General Discussion / Re: NPC Vendor Changes
October 04, 2008, 12:06:19 PM
Sorry if I confused anyone as far as I know repair deeds will still work, the NPCs are not being removed, just the items on their inventory that are craftable.
General Discussion / Re: the word whiner
October 04, 2008, 06:50:51 AM
I love invisible maze and all the events. We've asked for more time an again, but staff has to deal with their pesky annoying real lives and a lot of times players don't support them. Only time I don't go to an event is if i am seriously deep in doom or fel or if I go afk and miss the start. Events are cool, even the ones that are annoying to me I can't stand rat ina jar but I still play it because I get to hang out with al these fun people, who are killing me endlessly. Anyways I think you have the right attitude, do what you enjoy and avoid what you dont and go do something else you do enjoy. No one will get upset with you for that. :)
General Discussion / Re: NPC Vendor Changes
October 04, 2008, 06:45:54 AM
Good posts guys, I don't want to beat this thing to death, but you have to look at us Shard Council members as your local congressmen. Lobby us for the things you want and tell us when you see something you don't like. The against voices were silent and went without representation. Not because we didn't want to hear you, but because you didn't make yourselves head. Even if a third of the people out there didn't want this we likely would've done more reasearch or possibly had a town hall meeting on it. So please use your shard council. If one isn't on, ask if one can come on. I am on an alt most of the time, but if someone needs a shard council member, I will drop everything and come see you so I can represent you. I am sure the rest of my council members feel the same.

ok, I love this idea. Prices are gonna go down not up. the items in demand are gonna be the ones selling. I just might go pick cotton all day today. If cloth and bandaids are in demand and they are big movers then they will be made and sold by more than one vendor and a price war will ensue. Same for bottles, same for anything. Give it a chance and I think it'll be a good thing. PLus I think it's wasy cooler to go see the armor repair guy rather than just grab a deed. He might even have a new piece that I don't know about he'll offer me at a good price and then we can haggle and such. Mundane? A bit maybe, but how much excitement is there really to shopping for a repair deed going to the shop and clicking it? PLus if you need a lot of something, it'll be much easier to place an order. Need 1000 bottles, you'll get them cheaper than before and you'll probabl employ 2 people. The bottle maker and the sand gatherer. So give it a try and don't sweatt he small stuff. It'll work itself out. If there is a problem, staff and the players here will fix it. :)
General Discussion / Re: NPC Vendor Changes
October 03, 2008, 03:48:46 PM
The info was out there guys, I asked a few people's opinions on it and I believe my other shard coucil members did the same. WE also had a discussion on forums here:

It also included the idea of a black market guy for those things like bottles and bandages that players can make but you might not want to rely on them for.

The support appeared really strong and that is why this went forward. I personally heard no negative comments til now. I again am not dismissing anyone's concerns, just saying I wish we'd heard them sooner.
General Discussion / Re: NPC Vendor Changes
October 03, 2008, 04:09:06 AM
OK guys, I have to say this here and some of you will get mad but I'm ok with that. Where were all these voices when Shard Council was going around surveying people about the upcoming change to vendors. How fair is it to be told that these changes are being considered and letting the positive voices ring out while you stay silent until people have done a lot of work to implement something you don't want and only then speak up about it. I'm not saying you don't have the right to be against it, but I am saying it's unfair to criticise after someone has worked hard on this. We work our GMs hard enough without having them do work for nothing. So give it a chance, lets see what happens and I bet if the system is given a chance to work everyone will be saying how good it is in a month or so.

Just my 2 cents.

Also, this is the perfect example of things to use your shard council for. Grab us and talk to us, don't wait for us to come to you.
Killing drow in chaos
Questions, Game Problems and Bugs / Re: Shard crash
October 01, 2008, 04:45:01 PM
I don't think it was a crash. It's more like the server lost connection. Anyways, you died Morwen, sorry sweetie. :'(
General Discussion / Happy Birthday Christina
September 30, 2008, 07:03:05 PM
For those who don't know it today is Christina's B-day so many hugs to my sweet baby!!!   ;D
General Discussion / Re: Champ event pics.."mega death"
September 29, 2008, 06:35:25 AM
Oh how I wish I coulda been there man I hated missing this but it was just outta timezone for me. I'm glad everyone had a great time and thank you to Lamalas and Caelan for hosting. *Goes off to pout*  :'(
Chit-chat / Re: What can 700 billion dollars buy?
September 27, 2008, 02:41:59 PM
OK, I'm gonna chime in here also. I own 3 houses and I made sure that when I took out each of my loans it was under terms that I would be able to afford by hook or crook to the end. Others it seem haven't made the same responsible choices I have and now they stand to lose their homes. To that I say I am sorry to see anyone have to be homeless, but many of them did it to themselves and need to lose their homes to learn a lesson. Others say they were swindled by the mortgage companies and now they are in serious trouble, and if that is the case, perhaps some investigating should be done and some people should go to jail and some aid should be made available to assist those. I think the real problem is one that is complex and made of many factors. I think real estate speculators overextended themselves in certain areas, buying up lots of property where they expected prices to rise only to see them fall and since they have nothing to lose other than a credit rating, they jump ship and sellshort and let the banks take a loss and it drops the neighborhood value even further. I think banks made bad lending choices seeing the chance for a quick profit instead of sticking to formulas a century old that are proven to work to figure out who can afford a house and how much. To all this I say, hold the pros accountable. Republicans scream all the time that taxation is redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor. Well Subsidies and bailouts are a redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the rich to ensure they stay rich. How many of you are aware that oil companies that made record ever profits and profit margins last year still received 3.9 billion in subsidies. Yes, that is right, money that had no need for, just handed to them for no reason. Hey, I have 4 out of 10 stocks on my IRA as oil companies, so I say thank you for the free money uncle sam. I say let the market go, let it self correct, let us struggle for a bit. The market HAS to go up and down, if it never goes down, inflation goes unchecked and believe it or not, that money doesn't just disappear. Some people are making money as the market falls just as others make it when it rises. Well, that is enough of a rant for now, I know I was kinda all over the place but it isn't possible for me to go indepth here with all my theories of economics and politics. Two more quick things to think about before I go. #1 700 billion is about 150 billion more than the war on terror not just in Iraq has cost since 9/11/01. And #2 If the republicans broke it so badly, why do people belive they actually have the chance to fix it.
General Discussion / Friday Roleplaying
September 26, 2008, 06:42:51 PM
OK, I know this is 11th hour and Thane asked me to post this a week ago. I am not going to be able to continue making it to Friday RP if it starts at 10pm. It translates to 4am and that is just too early to get up. Last week we were pretty much feeling ill for the rest of the day from just getting up too early  :(. Anyways, We're asking what everyone thinks of moving the time later to either midnight or 1 am start time. I talked with Thane and Link and we came up with 1 am as a good time for them, we just weren't sure that would be a good time for anyone else. That would be 7am for me and would be much, much better. So, please post your thoughts here as I don't feel like doing a poll.
General Discussion / Re: Von Elric's condition
September 18, 2008, 01:54:01 PM
Me and my family wish him the speediest of recoveries and hope to see him in game again soon :)