Pet Breeding

Started by Moxy, October 03, 2009, 08:03:02 PM

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Now I know we dont have a scriptor for the shard right now, I just wanted to throw this idea out on the forums, as it was brought up in game the other night.

I played on a server that had this very, very exceptional Pet Breeding system. The breeding alone opened up an entirely new dynamic to this game that was unparalled, and therefore ideal for this already great, and unparalled shard. The way the system worked is as follows:

Every tameable pet had a starting level of 1, with a varying max level of anywhere from 3-9. And a sex ie, Male or Female.
So the ideal pet to tame would be one with levels 1-9 available.
You would then train that pet by letting it fight other creatures or  you could have it fight yourself. Each level gave you the option to upgrade a stat point, and a few of their skill points. (wrestling, resist spells etc.)
Now once this pet was completely leveled up you took it to someone (or you could just raise another one yourself) who had the opposite gender. Together you then went to a breeder, which essentially stabled both pets for 7 days. At the end of the 7 days you got 1 or 2 babies which would then most likely have a level range of 1-12. You would then rinse and repeat this cycle all the way up to a max level of 32. Not all breeding were always successful though unfortunately. Sometimes they would come out weaker etc..

This is a very complex script I know but If we could find it already in existence somewhere on the world wide web for runuo 1.0 I think the tamer on this shard would virtually die with happiness. It was such a great system. It would also coincide with the solo mentality of alot of the players here that want to be able to solo as much content as possible. A pack of 5 level 32 Frenzied Ostriches on that shard could clear an entire champ spawn if bred properly.


Yeah, something like that (when balanced properly) would be a great addition I think. And there are some pretty awesome scripts out that that can be easily modified to fit into this place. For instance, i know that would be awesome to see here.



This topic seems to come up alot this isn't the first time its been suggested I know that for sure X)


Quote from: Moxy on October 03, 2009, 08:03:02 PM
Now I know we dont have a scriptor for the shard right now, I just wanted to throw this idea out on the forums, as it was brought up in game the other night.

I played on a server that had this very, very exceptional Pet Breeding system. The breeding alone opened up an entirely new dynamic to this game that was unparalled, and therefore ideal for this already great, and unparalled shard. The way the system worked is as follows:

Every tameable pet had a starting level of 1, with a varying max level of anywhere from 3-9. And a sex ie, Male or Female.
So the ideal pet to tame would be one with levels 1-9 available.
You would then train that pet by letting it fight other creatures or  you could have it fight yourself. Each level gave you the option to upgrade a stat point, and a few of their skill points. (wrestling, resist spells etc.)
Now once this pet was completely leveled up you took it to someone (or you could just raise another one yourself) who had the opposite gender. Together you then went to a breeder, which essentially stabled both pets for 7 days. At the end of the 7 days you got 1 or 2 babies which would then most likely have a level range of 1-12. You would then rinse and repeat this cycle all the way up to a max level of 32. Not all breeding were always successful though unfortunately. Sometimes they would come out weaker etc..

This is a very complex script I know but If we could find it already in existence somewhere on the world wide web for runuo 1.0 I think the tamer on this shard would virtually die with happiness. It was such a great system. It would also coincide with the solo mentality of alot of the players here that want to be able to solo as much content as possible. A pack of 5 level 32 Frenzied Ostriches on that shard could clear an entire champ spawn if bred properly.

Having them solo a champ means it's really imbalanced ><.  I think it would add a new dimension to animal taming, which is very difficult, but we have such powerful creatures here that it would kind of create a super breed and allow for more 'rare' creatures to be easily obtainable.  That would mean certain ones can't be bred and a ton of other stuff so no one would probably use it.  I like the idea, but it's still not as important because of the huge and amazing creatures that already exist.

Bronwyn d'Rosier

I dunno about the rest of it, but a breeding system would be really cool, especially if you could breed colours as well. Grafikportal has miniature (baby) horses, ostards and cows as well, but that's a whole other (annoying) issue.


The fact remains that we do not have a shard scriptor, and there will be of course a lot of complication that would get involved if this idea would go through. (for example, how would the stats on old school dragons go? Would the baby dragons bred from old schools have same stats as their parents? People with the old schools would argue for this, and people without would argue against and say that this makes old school pets even more OP). This topic has been brought up before and was decided that we could not go ahead with something like this due to these reasons.

Its a good idea though and could bring a new dimension into the shard.

Bronwyn d'Rosier

I realize there's no scripter, but to address the dragon (for instance) issue, I'd venture to say that old school not be breedable at all, but that this is something which would be brought in new, and dealt with as a whole new concept. That way the old school can retain their niftiness and it would give owners/tamers something new to work at, with dragons that could be tamed up to the stats of old school style. But like you said, it's all simply theory.

Lamalas Telemnar

Sorry i just cant ever see it working here. Even though i really like the system. For 1 we dont have a scripter and this is a magor plugin. 2. as much as i liked it its way to powerful. On the last shard i gm'd on we had the complete pet level system. Every time a pet is bred you get a new generation that is better than the originals has a max of like 32 lvls if i remember right. Let it get up there breed it again ( endless cycle ) till you have like a 6th generation dragon with ungodly stats. Though i did love the pet level system for Friday night chicken fights. nothing like a couple of 5th or 6th gen chickens dukeing it out.


If it was implemented perhaps it could be only chickens and other such small animals would be breedable. Like I said in my post though I know we dont have a scriptor, its just a thought.

Skip the chickens...I want squirrells!


I like the idea of breeding simply for colors if nothing else  :)  Would be almost like the gardening system we have then... mixing colors to get new colors etc.  This would make the old school pets pretty fun because they have unique colors :)  I'd think the script could just take the values of the two colors, run them through some function (like average each number in the hue or something simple) and come out with a new one  :D

I'm thinking there are still little problems with this idea maybe... but still... sounds the simplest and best as far as balance issues since it only deals with color. The only problems that might arise would be in the balance of the shard economy... and while I don't forsee any problems, that doesn't mean that there wouldn't be for sure.

However... I guess there does need to be at least *some* way to determine the child's stats...

As far as determining stats, I'd say give it the average of the parent stats and leave it at that (or maybe better... randomly choose from which parent to take each stat. Like from one parent the Str is taken and from the other the Int and from one, the fire resist, and from the other, the cold resist. And have it be random... but then again, I guess you could breed enough that way to get a super dragon with all the best stats of all the breeds and that could solo *anything*... maybe not such a good idea... yeah... just do an average and leave it at that lol!) (oooo OR, for stats like resist, for resist with a large diff between the two parents, average it, and for those with not such a large diff, use the higher of the two. That way you could breed up just a little but not too much and still make breeding worth a little more than just color for the people who that would matter to.)


Idea 1 - strait average (resist):
Dad: 20,10,10,10,10
Mom: 10,5,15,20,5
Baby: 15,8,13,15,8
(Only simi-worth-it for people who want to breed for power... more worth it for color/show breeders.. still a lot of fun either way.)

Idea 2 - Random choice (resist):
Dad: 20,10,10,10,10
Mom: 10,5,15,20,5
Baby: 20,10,15,20,10 (possible)
(Too easy to create super breeds... probly bad idea.)

Idea 3 - average large diffs and take higher of smaller diffs (resist):
Dad: 20,10,10,10,10
Mom: 10,5,15,20,5
Baby: 15,10,15,15,10
(I guess this could still be bred up into a super breed... probly still a bad idea sadly... you could vary this slightly but likely still end up with the same problems too.)

Also.... *sigh* no scripter  :-\

hmm... might also be some "problems" with some very weird colors coming about depending on the breeding function written lol.


The colors would be pretty cool.  That could be something that could just be handled with a simple item.  Lets say you kill some random boss and he drops a scroll that says "This item is good for one animal breeding ticket"

You would then get your 2 animals ready and page a GM. GM could then take the two seperate hues of each individual animal and then just add them together so Steed A has a hue of 1000, and Steed B has a hue of 1001. The new Hue'd "baby" would then have a hue of 2001.

The obvious argument for that I could think of is hey wait...then you get a free pet! Well, what if you had to sacrifice one in order for the baby to survive....or maybe provide a third pet as the sacrifice.  Also..if you have the skills to tame 2 to begin with you can probably get a third if you wanted.