2/24/13 Pet wars

Started by Garrick, February 24, 2013, 01:57:27 PM

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Unless another staffer can host tonight and tomorrows events we won't have any.  My sickness seems to have gotten worse with me running a very high fever along with full body pain and swollen joints.  I'm not getting out of bed today unless I have to after this.


TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!  This is a very bad flu season.  I have it but im "somewhat" on the mend.  It seems to just hang around.  Ya start feeling better then the next day yer wrecked again.  Drink lots of juice and water.  Stay warm.  Sleep much.  You will feel better in a day or two.

I wish you  well sir. 


Feel better soon Garrick darn flu's are a terrible thing. Hope you feel better as soon as possible, us tamers will take this time to train up our beast and have an epic battle when you are able to return.


Yeah, seems that stuff is going around. Get well soon man!