Hidden buffs.

Started by Syl, May 20, 2015, 07:19:26 AM

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The buffs "corner"  from the status bar isn't workin... A pity cause that's so useful..  :-\
That's it...

Have fun!


Last I looked we didn't have a 'buff' section on the status bar.  If memory serves that was added as a feature in future releases of the game but not in ours...... *looks at his status bar* Yeah don't see it on mine


The buff section is there, but bugged.. It should comes normally from the lil blue gem on the upper left corner of the status bar... But that display only a bugged interlaced corner, where buffs don't appears.
There's an error message statin of a "cliloc" problem, with "stringl" not found...


A lot of what we have in game from the vanilla files is from a REALLY early build of the game with a lot of custom work overlayed.  To avoid as much of the technical end of things as possible (would be here all day with explanations otherwise) certain things that were deemed non essential or not fully integrated in our build were altered or never finished under the original owners discretion.  Until recently there were features purposely broken that Cypress (current owner) fixed to be reinstated into the game.  I would have to say the buff screen falls into the 'not completed' category of our build, same as the elven race and heartwood.  Maybe Cypress can find a way to implement it fully, but that's up to his time schedule and workload.


I see, thxs for you!  :)