Sylvan Heart Forum

General Category => Roleplay Discussion => Topic started by: Miri on March 05, 2007, 03:00:20 AM

Title: don't honeymoons need two people...?
Post by: Miri on March 05, 2007, 03:00:20 AM
Inara steered her ship away from the docks, her eyes closed in pure pleasure as the sea breeze ruffled her auburn hair, filling her nostrils with the scent of brine.
She had done this so many times before that she could navigate her way from Moonglow docks and out onto the open ocean without having to pay attention.  There were never any other ships to fear ramming, which was a pity really since that lack cut into her money-making considerably.  It was, she had remarked before, difficult to be a pirate when hers was the only ship on the sea.

Business, however, was not the reason she was sailing now.  This was a simple pleasure cruise, a way to relax and unwind.  Most people would do that on a couch or in a tavern, but Inara never felt better than when she was out on the rolling waves with nothing to distract her save the occasional storms.

Back on land, she mused as she turned the wheel to avoid a small stretch of reef, things had been quite stormy of late.  It would be nice if she made it through this voyage without running into any more.  Then again, storms were always fun.  The scramble to get everything tied down, the need to concentrate on ensuring the ship did not capsize in the bad weather... it brought such an adrenaline rush that she always found herself laughing as she steered into the next high wave.
Sometimes, but not often, she got the same feeling when she was weathering the personal storms on land.

Take this last one, for example.  That had been the biggest rush yet!

A few days since, Inara had woken up to find herself married.
As if the shock of finding that out hadn't been big enough, it turned out that her husband was the newly returned ShadowStone!
Inara laughed to think on it now, but back then she had panicked.

Inara and her owner-by-consent had been standing in his house.  She had been admiring all the shiny rare items he owned, and there had been many.  However, they were all strewn across the floor, a fact which almost made her cringe with distaste.  As both a sailor and a cat, she had always been used to keeping herself and the area around her neat and clean but that place had been a complete mess!
She recalled remarking to ShadowStone that he needed a wife to see to his obvious decorating problems, which is when he had proposed to her.  No ring, no bended knee.. nothing even remotely romantic.. just a question and a grin.
She had laughed then, thinking it it a highly amusing joke and had turned him down, telling him that she would think on it only if he provided a ring, an altar and an aisle down which she would need to be forcibly dragged.
He had, of course, provided none of these things.  Instead, he had called to Thane to wed them.  Thane promptly appeared and made the pronouncement.
For a moment, Inara had felt the first stirrings of panic, almost running from the house in an attempt to get away from the awful words.  However, she had calmed down for long enough to point out that none of her demands had been met and that she had not said "I do", thus it could not be binding.
Neither Thane nor ShadowStone had disagreed, and thus the mock marriage was set aside, a fact for which Inara was grateful.  Thane left, so she and the demon had resumed their normal insulting banter.  As always, she had enjoyed it immensely... at least until her owner had said something that had actually hurt her feelings.
In retaliation, she had asked that Thane marry them after all, for ShadowStone deserved the kind of hell that only a wife could provide.  Unexpectedly, Thane had done just that!
In less time than it took to blink, Inara was a wedded cat!
She had thought it a joke, put the idea aside and thought no more on it.  It was only the next day that she had discovered it was all true.. all real, and by then it was too late to run for her life.

Tricked! she thought with a chuckle.  He tricked me into it!

Inara had never thought she would be married one day, had never wanted to be.  It had all seemed so... restrictive to her, like putting a collar around ones neck and allowing oneself to be leashed.  The very idea of it had scared her, made her wish to flee every time it was mentioned, even in passing.  In the cold light of day, however, it turned out there was very little difference.
ShadowStone had made no attempt to rein her in or tell her what to do.  He let her go her own way, same as he did before.  True, he got jealous and a little nasty when she flirted with other men, but he had done the same when she had just been his pet.  In truth, it amused her every time he did it.  His black glares, nearly-growled words and pointed weapon sharpening almost made her think he cared about her.
She knew he did not, however, and it did not bother her in the least.  If he cared about her, then it would mean she would have to let herself care about him in return.  She did not want to have to do that.
It wasn't that she couldn't care about him, or that he was unlovable.  It was simply that she was too scared to let herself.  Everyone she had ever cared for had abandoned or hurt her in one way or another.  Maybe not right at first, but they always did in the end.  Better to sail alone, she had long since decided, than be marooned again.

Turning her thoughts away from her own emotional walls, Inara considered her sister.
Navun had been livid when she heard the news!  It had been funny in some ways, although the chair that Navun had shredded in her fury probably did not think so.
Navun did not like ShadowStone in the least, which did not surprise Inara.  Navun never liked any of the men that Inara spoke to.  Sometimes, Inara found herself wondering if Navun liked anyone, or approved of anything.  She certainly did not approve of Inara's carefree lifestyle, and to say she disapproved of Inara's marriage would be an understatement.
But, after a long conversation, a lot of explaining and a chair that would never be serviceable again, Navun finally purred and said she was happy, as long as Inara was.  It was probably a lie to make her feel better, but Inara found that she didn't mind.

So, here she was, out on the ocean again sans husband and sister.  It felt so good to be sailing, especially with the wind rising and the sky beginning to darken with heavy rainclouds.  A flash on the horizon and a tang in the air told of lightning; a storm to ride.
Happier than she had been in a long time, Inara, a glint in her yellow-gold eyes, steered straight toward it.
She would ride this one, she knew.  She would ride, survive and return to shore.  After all, ShadowStone would kill her if she died.
Title: Re: don't honeymoons need two people...?
Post by: Miri on March 07, 2007, 01:22:40 AM
Inara stood in a quiet room.  The sun streamed brightly through the windows and the air smelled of flowers.  It would be perfect, she thought, if someone could gag those damned birds.  Most people thought birdsong was pretty and sweet.  Inara viewed it as being taunted by a bunch of winged rats.
She huffed and turned away from the window, closing her ears to the sounds of the birds but not to the rustle of silk which her movements caused.
Surprised, she looked down at herself.
Her hands and arms were covered to the elbow with white silken gloves.
"White silk?" she muttered.  "How tacky."
It was only then that she saw the rest of her attire.  Confused, and more than a little repulsed, she walked over to a full-length mirror that stood against one pastel shaded wall to get a proper look at herself.  The sight that greeted her yellow-gold eyes was shocking.
In place of the usual short leathers and blue, fluffy jacket she wore was what appeared to be a very frumpy dress.  It, like the gloves, was made from white silk.  It was sleeveless, but the bodice was cut high, almost to her neck in fact.  Figure-hugging, it showed off her curves perfectly, until it reached her hips where it puffed out into a rather wide skirt which reached all the way down to the floor.  Someone, without her knowledge or consent, had curled her long auburn hair, piling it on top of her head and pinning it in place with what looked like white feathers.
Inara wrinkled her nose in distaste and turned away from the reflection.
What, she wondered, is going on?

Hoping to get a better idea from her surroundings, Inara looked around the room.  It was sparsly furnished with only the mirror, a single chair and a cloth-covered table in the center.  The tankard of water and the candlestick that stood atop the table yielded no clues at all and so she strode across the room to the door.
Cracking it open only a little, Inara peeked out.  What looked like an entryway stood on the other side.  Red drapes blocked her view to the room beyond and although they muffled the noise somewhat, Inara's sharp ears could pick out the sounds of many voices.
Ever more confused, Inara closed the door.  She had no idea what was going on, but she did not like the feel of it.

"Are you ready to go?"
The soft voice startled the felinus.  She turned on her heel to see the dusky complexion of the drow woman, Rayne.  For some reason, she looked smug.
"Go where?" Inara asked.  "Hold on... how did you get there? You weren't there a moment ago."
Rayne's only reply was a soft, but disconcerting smile.
Inara turned away again.  Irrationally, she hoped that if Rayne had appeared when she wasn't looking, then the hateful wench would disappear again if Inara couldn't see her.
"Time to go," Rayne said.
Inara felt a sharp shove from behind and closed her eyes.  She was going to go face-first into the wall!  Oh... this was going to hurt...

She stumbled, almost tripping over her dress.  Straightening, she opened her eyes once more.  She was in the entryway now, and Rayne was behind her still.  Where had the door to the other room gone?
"We need to go this way," Rayne told her, taking her by the hand and leading her toward the velvet curtains.
Instantly, Inara suspected a trap.  Why was Rayne here?  Why was Rayne being so nice to her?  Rayne hated her!  There was something very wrong going on...
Then the music started.
"No," Inara muttered.
"Yes," Rayne replied, dragging Inara forward.

Inara tried to pull away.  She didn't want to see what was in the next room.  The dress and the music was horrific enough!  Rayne, however, would not let go.  Try as she might to get away, Inara was slowly being dragged toward the curtains and what lay beyond.
The curtains parted.
Beyond lay a long room, a red carpet stretching the length.  To either side of the carpet, benches were placed.  As Inara was dragged those first steps into the room, the hoard of people that had been seated now rose and turned to look at her.  She stopped and, for a moment, Rayne made no move to pull her forward.
Inara took in the view.. the carpet, the flowers, the people... all leading toward the far end of the room where there was a dais.  Upon it, Thane stood, a grin showing behind his mask and before him... ShadowStone in tophat and tails.  Inara stared at him in abject horror, but a little voice at the back of her mind spoke in astonished tones: Who knew a penguin suit would actually make him look like a penguin?  Will he waddle if he moves...

"Come on," Rayne said, yanking Inara's arm.
"No!" Inara replied, pulling away.  "Let go of me, you miserable wench!"
"Oh my,' Rayne said, a twinkle in her eyes.  "Is that any way for a lady to speak?  Hissing and spitting won't help you any, Inara.  Time to make a moral woman out of you."
Inara turned and tried to flee, but Rayne caught her by the back of her dress and pulled her backwards.
"What would you know of moral, pie-eyed soot catcher?"  Inara spat, struggling against Raynes greater strength.
Inara tried to unsheath her claws, hoping to use them to tear through the material of her dress and thus make her escape.  Fleeing the chapel in nothing but her underwear would be so much better, she thought, than going through with this.  For some reason, though, the gloves defeated her claws and, it seemed, the bodice was tied at the back!
"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Inara could hear the concealed anger in Raynes voice, but it was overlaid with a level tone that told of a will to do the worst.  "Well, of course you do... although knowing you, you probably ate her or have her stuffed in a gunny sack somewhere.  No dear, it just will not do.  If I was anyone else, you'd be going to the altar with a black eye.  That's no way to look on your wedding day.  Hmm, perhaps we should enroll you at the Brittania Lady's College.. get you some proper etiquette lessons.  Now, stop fussing! You're going to ruin your hair."
Inara dug her heels into the carpet, and was almost pulled off her feet in return.
"Oh, so you're responsible for this birds nest?" Inara growled.  "You have just as much taste in hairstyles as you do in men!  Now let me go!"
Inara tried desperately to morph into her cat form.  She'd be small enough to slip out of the dress and fast enough to speed away before she could be caught, she reasoned.  Unfortunately, the tight dress would not allow her to do that any more than the gloves had allowed her use of her claws.
Panicking now, she threw all her weight into a forward step, yanking the dress from Raynes grip, but causing herself to fall in the process.  Before she could regain her feet, Rayne had her in a tight grip once more and began dragging her towards her doom.
"Yes," Rayne said, no strain sounding in her voice from the effort of dragging Inara's scant weight.  "My husband is a bit of an uncouth cad, isn't he?  But he has his finer points.. enough that you took notice of him in the past.  Now, stop struggling and face facts.  You're being.. well.. a pussy."
Inara furiously tore off her gloves, extended her claws and dug them into the carpet, but it made no difference.  Rayne still dragged her onwards.  However it did, Inara noticed, leave perfect parallel tears down the length of the runner.  Suddenly, she was picked up, turned around and thrown back down again.  A little stunned, she looked up to see ShadowStone standing over her, a bright metal collar in his hand.
Inara stared at the shining band, frozen in horror.  Rayne leaned down, placed her hands beneath Inaras arms and lifted her to her feet.
"Get some guts cat," she hissed into Inara's ear.  "Stop dreading the inevitable.  You love the man, as twisted as he is... so marry him!"
Inara tore her eyes away from the demon and his accessory of doom long enough to glare at Rayne.
"Ooooo, will you stop that?" Rayne said, ignoring the black looks Inara directed at her.  "You're tangling your veil up.  Am I going to have to stand on your tail to make you be still?"
Rayne started fussing with Inara's veil (Where had that come from?) and, once it was straightened, put her hands on Inara's shoulders and turned her back towards the tuxedoed demon.  Once more, Inara's eyes were transfixed by the collar and she stood rooted to the spot in fear.
She didn't hear Thane begin the ceremony, not did she hear any vows given, but at one point Rayne jabbed her sharply in the ribs.
"Well, do you?" Thane asked impatiently.
Inara looked at Thane, looked at ShadowStone and then turned to run...
But a quick glance told her it would be a very bad idea.  Rayne was still standing very close, an almost sadistic smile on her pretty face.  A glint caught Inara's eyes and she looked down to see a barely concealed knife in Raynes hand.
Inara didn't want this, didn't want to be collared and trapped... but she did want to keep living.
"I..." she muttered.  "I do."
ShadowStone grinned and reached toward her, the collar in his hand.  Inara tried to lean out of the way, but the tight grip of dusky hands held her in place.  Rayne wasn't going to allow her to get away.
The clang of the metal collar clipping into place about her neck, the cold feel of it against her skin, the air of true ownership that ShadowStone now permeated... it was all too much.
Inara screamed.

She opened her eyes to the bright moonlight.  The sound of waves softly slipping over wood and the salty tang of sea air met her senses.  Below her back, she could feel the tightly coiled rope she had fallen asleep on after the excitement of the storm.
"A dream," she breathed in relief.  "Just a nightmare."