Sylvan site *update 10/02/09*

Started by Abbadon, February 04, 2009, 03:06:54 AM

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i think it is great also keep up the good work guys.


*grins and goes back to tweaking with Nayra*


No, this project isn't dead.... just slow due to those who are working on it being busy... and due to me taking a while to get this stuff uploaded somewhere... sorry about that.

Anyways... here are three versions of the banner so far.

Please enjoy  :)


The truth is Link wore me out.....  *lits a cigarette and then coughs since she doesn't smoke*

Let us know which version you prefer the most,it was highly debated *laughs*

(and he still refused to include the shaded one I!)

In game:

In game no more.Goodbye.


Are those banners supposed to look different?  I only see one banner three times.


The banner is the same but the effects on it (regarding creatures mostly) are different: the middle one is the plain one with just some shading; the first one is embossed and the third one is sorta engraved. There was a fourth one in which I tried to blend creatures more, but Link said they weren't much visible,so meh.....

Up to you :P

In game:

In game no more.Goodbye.


I thought I included the shaded one... do you mean the one with transparent characters? Gah! Too many versions floating between my computers... three computers and my thumb drive... countless copies and versions lol