Sylvan Heart Forum

General Category => Shard Basics => Topic started by: Admin Acacia on July 03, 2006, 11:31:43 PM

Title: Guild Towns
Post by: Admin Acacia on July 03, 2006, 11:31:43 PM
We do allow guilds to make their own guild towns, with a few requirements.  There must be at least 4 different account players on the guild stone, this gets you on your way to having your guild town.  You must petition an Admin to look at your guild town area and see if you meet the requirements.  Admin's retain the right to deny a guild town.

When choosing the location for your guild town, make sure you have enough spaces for housing so there is no crowding of player houses. Try to keep it within the housing placement regulations stated elsewhere here.

The guild town will be given a classic UO house, or up to an 18x18 plot to build the guild hall on.  Usually the guild master would own the house, but another player can, so you will need to have a spare house slot. The guild is responsible for the cost of building the house. You will be given a certificate good for 100K worth of decoration items from our Home Deco mall.

The guild town is allowed to have one NPC vendor of their choice for their guild hall.  Other town special items may be considered on a guild by guild basis.