Sylvan Heart Forum

General Category => Roleplay Discussion => Topic started by: ShadowMoon on December 05, 2006, 02:41:31 AM

Title: Sweet Sins
Post by: ShadowMoon on December 05, 2006, 02:41:31 AM
Sitting at her rooftop garden, sweet scents of mixed flowers filled her nostrils. The wind gently blowing her long blonde hair. Shadow closes her eyes and lets emotion and thought take control. She is still feeling the warmth of his hand on her back as it had gently slid up and down. The warmth of him as he had leaned against her when she had placed her head on his shoulder. She smiles as she thinks of his smile and how it warms her to the very core. Then abruptly she sits up and shakes her head. "Abriel..." She shakes her head again. "No not him. He is in another world long gone behind me." She wants to kick herself for the thinking of the past, of another world."Think of the present and what lays right here before you." The man she had traveled worlds with and had called her husband no longer seemed her husband. She wanted someone who would be there all the time. Not someone who only came home every other month or so. Again his wise eyes and handsome face fills her head. She leans back on the chair and lets the sounds and scents drift her away. The birds were making lovely use of her bird house and the stream she had put in was rippling with life.

Suddenly a cold chill ran through her. She sat up and looked around. Everything looked as it should. But she knew what that chill meant. He was thinking of her. She hated him. She could feel him, smell him, see him. But he wasnt there. She stood and walked down the wooden trail through the flowers. Bees buzzed as they were getting there daily fill of pollen. Birds chirped and flew away as if she had disturbed them. Butterflies flew through the flowers without a care in the world. Her world. All this that she stood upon. That she built and cared for was her world. She wasnt going to let him take it from her. How did he always seem to follow her. No matter where she traveled he was always there. In her mind and in a disgusting way...a very small part of her heart. She hated him so much. She would love to see his warm red blood flowing down her dagger. The sweet irony smell of it. Her stomach churned at that thought. Even though her mind knew it to be true. She said out loud "Migon, one day you will fall and I will be there to see it."

She walked down the white marble stairs. Then walked down the second set and stepped onto the teleporter that led outside. No one was anywhere. She felt as if she must do something to get her mind cleared. She knew one of the greatest evils threatened this land. It seemed as if there was evil everywhere she went. If she didnt know any better she would think she was cursed.

Will write more later...........
Title: Re: Sweet Sins
Post by: ShadowMoon on December 24, 2006, 01:14:23 AM
It was now closer to Christmas and still Shadow had not heard a word from her husband. She feared that his soul may have been taken. But he had hidden so many times before that she wasnt even really worried yet. Her heart just wasnt in it these days. She had close friends but no one to love. Love had always been grand around the holidays before. She could remember the first holiday her and her husband Nighthawk had spent together and the gifts they had exchanged. The look of love in his eyes when she had opened the beautiful gift to the surprise inside. But now that was gone. It had been several years since they had celebrated a holiday together. Shadow sat back on the couch feeling desparate and alone, she reached over and grabbed the little pillow and layed down with her head on it and her arms wrapped around it. The more she drowned in her own misery the more saddened she became. And without meaning to she let the glistening tears run down her face.

Valorien had bought her a very special gift. She gave it to Guin. Guin seemed to be more in the holiday spirits...bouncing around the house, humming songs and decorating. Even being friends with Valorien made her want to cry. He was handsome and married. It seemed that all the good men were already taken. Everytime she came down the stairs and seen the garland she thought of him and what a good man he was. His wife was so lucky to have a man with such a big heart and a man that was always around and there for her.

Shadow couldnt control it any longer...with a huge sob and her body shaking she held onto the pillow tighter and cried.

So many men had showed her attention and each time she had told them she was married. She was infact married but she was lonely. She wanted someone to talk to. Someone to explore with. Someone to hold her and protect her. She wasnt a weakling, but it was always nice to have a man there to protect her. She wanted someone to love. To laugh with. Someone there at night to wrap a warm arm around her when she shivered....

All she could do right now was cry...nothing else seemed to matter.