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Messages - Myrick

General Discussion / Re: Thanks Sylvan Heart!
February 22, 2010, 07:55:58 PM
That is so cool. Congrats to both of you on finding happiness. I hope to see the two of you on Sylvan for many more years as one of our couples. :)
Questions, Game Problems and Bugs / Re: Lumber-jacking?
January 30, 2010, 04:09:53 PM
Yes, and I was going to say earlier that with lumberjacking combined with axes that I noticed a mana savings when using these special moves.
Questions, Game Problems and Bugs / Re: Lumber-jacking?
January 30, 2010, 07:05:52 AM
I have an axe fighter in game and I find lumberjacking immensely useful. Some people say it's not worth it for the little bit of extra damage, however I disagree. I pulled it off for a while and wasn't happy so I added it back.
Announcements / Today is my 1 yr anniversary as a GM
December 05, 2009, 08:27:36 AM
Everybody get your cake from the meadow!  8)
Hey man, why don't you post a step by step what you did so other Windows 7 users might benefit.
Announcements / Re: Voting
November 13, 2009, 06:40:06 PM
Thanks guys great points. Everyone make sure you do as Aderyn and Link said. C'mon guys, I KNOW we can do this!!!!
Announcements / Re: Voting
November 12, 2009, 10:15:13 AM
We were doing good, but now it seems voting is dropping off. Everyone get out there and vote!!
Announcements / Voting
November 10, 2009, 06:12:05 AM
Hey guys. Today is the 10th of November and we currently have 47 votes. That comes out to 4.7 votes a day. I know many of you love playing here and I ask each of you to take a moment each day and vote at least once. our population is low, but we hav e alot more than 4 players who log on each day. Remember you can only vote once every 12 hours and have it count. I Challenge this shard to have 225 votes by the 20th of November. This is a lofty goal, however, if we make this goal, I will come up with something very special for the shard.


Now go Vote!!

and remmeber, Voting is cool!!  8)
Events / Undead Invasion
October 29, 2009, 08:08:21 AM
We will conclude the undead invasion plotline on Saturday at 4pm EST with a very short rp piece followed by a Halloween Pit. Everyone needs to come and die.
A steady stream of refugees travels across Sylvan. Everywhere it is the same. Undead have attacked and driven them from their homes. First the fall of Cove, then word of Umbra jumping at the chance to ally with the horde, the next to go was Minoc followed later that day by Vesper. Miners had been returning from their mining spots saying some of their friends weren't so lucky. The flow of Valorite it seems was trying to be reduced by the Undead Horde. Strange notes had been recovered, could they be the key to turning around this invasion. The brave warriors who had ventured forth had surely slain many of the enemy, however it seemed to have little impact to this point. With All Hallows Eve being only 3 weeks away, it seems things will get worse before they get better. There had been mention of a ritual and a portal. It was becoming clear now that if this portal opened fully it would surely spell doom for Sylvan. Perhaps there was a ritual and components to counter this portal?
Wish List / Re: New Metals
October 09, 2009, 06:31:49 PM
Moxy, I am in agreement with you that new metals and slightly easier access to Val runic hammers are both things I would like to see. I think when the transmute boxes were set up no one really looked at what is required to get a valorite runic hammer vs what it takes to get a barbed runic kit. Lets just say you could easily get at least 96 Barbed runic kits through BODs in the time you'd ever get one Valorite hammer in my opinion.

That being said, These scripts are likely written for RUNUO 2.0, we are a RUNUO 1.0 shard so not all scripts are compatible. Even if they will work here we have issues everytime we add anything. Custom + Custom usually = Crash. That is the new metals would likely crash the shard if they were dumped in a reward barrel or were the target of a resource box add cursor and so on.

Another issue is we just don't have a scripter. We've been fighting this dragon for the 2 yrs I've been here. We get one and they work out for a while, then they either start doing crazy stuff or just disappear. It has been extremely frustrating for Acacia and I promise you the addition of a reliable scripter is something that would make her happy to no end.

If we do get a scripter, I am going to lobby hard to decrease the number of charges required for turn-in of a runic hammer from 200 to 100.

Help! Undead! Cove has Fallen! All the citizens are dead flesh eating creatures now. The town is no longer safe, I can't go back! Will you help?
General Discussion / Shard rules reminder
October 01, 2009, 07:37:38 PM
Respect the Staff and Players. No harassing, no name calling, no cursing, luring MOBs, impersonating staff or players, no griefing of any kind. Period. This applies to the forums as well. If you enjoy flaming others for fun or profit, go somewhere else.

Someone killed a bunch of pet animals belonging to another player. These animals were in a pen at the players house and the pen was clearly marked as a no kill area. Please respect the rights of all players to play the game the way they desire. You may play how you wish as long as you don't interfere with or grief another players experience. This is a clear case of griefing and it will not be tolerated.
Announcements / New tamable released
September 26, 2009, 02:49:36 PM
A creature of fearsome powers perfect for the coming fall holiday now roams the lands. Go out and find it!
Events / Re: New Quests
September 05, 2009, 08:27:56 AM
ok, issues are mostly fixed now with the crafting quests get new books and try it. If you have a book two thirds done and want to turn in the other items, page staff as stated above. I have the tinkering quest turned off until sometime late tomorrow probably so we can hammer out one last bug.

Thank you for your patience and enjoy the quests.

This Public Service Announcement has been brought to you by your friendly Angel of Death!