The Swear Word List, Role Play and "Adult" Role Play

Started by Admin Acacia, June 30, 2006, 09:36:43 PM

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Admin Acacia

Please remember that this is a family shard.  We have players as young as 5 and 6 playing here.  Most all of you know by now, or eventually will find out, that we do have a "swear" word list with auto jailing.  This is an attempt to help with the family shard part of things, and also help you expand your vocabulary. *chuckle*  The auto jail for these words sends you to jail, you mine a bit of rock, then head out on your merry way.

This being said, the game knows what word is in its no-no list.  It does not know your intent, or the fact that you made a typo, it doesn't comprehend that you are role playing. ... you go to jail.

Now, to the "adult" role play. If you to get yourself in a situation like that... remember, this IS a family shard.  We have players as young as 5 and 6 and many others under the age of 18.

Never be less than your dreams.

Admin Acacia

Never be less than your dreams.


If no one reads other than the two chatting and the two chatting are the right age then it should be okay, right?  :P


In game:

In game no more.Goodbye.

Lamalas Telemnar

Pm's or party chat between 2 players is between 2 players. What ya say there is between you2 ;-)

Admin Acacia

But make sure who you are 'chatting' with is not under 18, please.

Never be less than your dreams.