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Topics - Mirage

Questions, Game Problems and Bugs / Rune Useage
October 03, 2007, 08:36:39 AM
for certain runes i know you need certain requirements. Can you tell me the requirements for the follow?

TyrRune Weapons:  +Special attack Stamina Drain / Shields: +Special defense Stamina Drain

MefRune Weapons:  +Special attack Gift of Health / Shields: +Special defense Gift of Health

YlmRune Weapons:  +Special attack Vortex Strike / Shields: +Special defense Spike Shield

BTW: Triple Strike..evil rune. Glitchy. EW ew ew ew
Chit-chat / Final Fantasy Tactics
September 24, 2007, 07:21:28 PM
Okay yes I am a gaming nerd darn it! FFT Is coming out with a part two and I am tickled about it! TICKLED! *drools over
Questions, Game Problems and Bugs / T-Hunting
September 23, 2007, 10:08:30 AM
Though I know mining is a much needed ideal right now I was wondering. While I was looking for treasure I always had a .# at the end of the directions.  I would be at the spot but there would always be a .# at the end that apparently made me on the wrong spot. Example: 3128, 890.10 (mind you this is made up) What does this .# represent? Higher ground?
Chit-chat / Silly Kitty
September 18, 2007, 02:24:13 AM
For those of you that don't know we recently got a new kitten. My daughter kind of found it and wasn't bound to let the little critter go.

Well tonight I spent a hour or so playing Xenosaga II and the kitten was resting against my arm on the arm of the couch. I noticed something rather funny. While my character moved the cat's head moved..sure enough the kitten was watching my gaming! *laughs* she sat and just watched for almost 30 minutes before falling asleep.

Yeah I know..not exactly spectacular event but thought I would share.
Roleplay Discussion / Past. Present. And a Crush.
September 15, 2007, 03:41:27 PM
======The Past======

There is a time, in everyone's past, that they sit and think..."Was it the right thing to do?" For's more then just once. Niima was no different. Born of a noble house of Moonglow, the beginning of her life was very sheltered. Her mother dying during childbirth, Niima was brought up by her father and his court. She was taught to be as regal as her kin, though what feline doesn't hold a sense of pride and nobility? Many hours where spent on things like language skills, riding, the violin, flow of speech and how to act among the people. Truth be told she had little of a childhood. Even the children of Moonglow seemed to keep at a distance from her. And though it weighed heavily on her heart, she kept smiling.

At the age of a young woman, she was with an apparent innate for the arcane and spent plenty of her hours with her nose in a book within the grand library. Or even with her nose in a book within the garden that had been created for her mother. It was like a peaceful comfort to her. A piece of her mother that had been left behind. As fate would have it, this is where she met her first friend. Tobias, a young elven who traveled with his parents on official business with her father. Peeking from around the corner she watched the silver haired elven as he stood next to his mother, yawning out of boredom. It was a giggle from Niima that touched his ears and drew his attention. And in that moment that their eyes met and smiles exchanged, they where friends. In fact, there was times Tobias stayed for lengths of time with her, remaining in the house under supervision. As time progressed it was rare to see one without the other, like they where bound at the hip.

But like all things, their friendship was not to last forever. Several years later Tobias was yanked from her presence and never seen from again. Under the fold of night he apparently either left on his own or was taken against his will but the fact remained his bed had gone empty in the silence of night. What left her to believe it was against his will was that not even a note had been left behind and Tobias surely would never of left without a word to her.


It was said that was the last time a true smile ever touched the young woman's lips. With her desire to go seeking her friend, her father kept her under constant watch in worry that his only child would take flight to find the elven man. And there was attempts at such, each time she was drawn back to the homestead kicking and clawing like no tomorrow. Every attempt had her back to square one, crying in frustration. Her father eventually told her if she didn't stop her foolishness she would be cast out from the house and household with no hopes of return. And without thinking on the consequences of her actions, she gathered a few of her things and bid her father a farewell that could of broken any parent's heart.

And thus her travels begun...

======The Present======

"Mirage stop that!" Niima scolded at an age old feline friend who was digging through a pile of clothes. Okay, so she was actually tossing them aside as she searched for something particular. A scold set on Niima's pale lips she watched a newly trailered dress go flying over one of the chairs in Niima's cozy little home.

"Oh come off of it! I know ya got somethin' nice in 'ere. I am in a hurry!" Mirage's words, though as sultry as the woman, sounded like a whine to Niima. Niima's arms crossed, palms resting at her sides, she watched more clothing fly off. With a chuckle she moved away from Mirage's presences with all intentions of cleaning the mess later.

It was years since she had started the search for Tobias and it was her near death that brought her and Mirage together. Mirage having saved her hid from a small horde of trolls several miles from any structure of civilization. And it was Mirage who constantly helped to seek out Tobias. But they had life other then searching. Niima had taken up several traits of skill. She so enjoyed crafting! Not only that but her knowledge of the grand arcane had began to take hold. In more ways then one. She started to see the aura of the arcanum in the earth. The sky. The grass. Everywhere around her. As if mother earth herself where calling out to her.

TWACK! A groan escaped her lips as she looked over to Mirage who was currently standing with one shoe in hand. The other apparently used to knock Niima out of her thoughts. "Owww! What was that for?!"

"Stop daydreaming! We've work to do for tonight's dinner." Mirage's finger wiggled out at Niima and she was granted a simple stare in return.

"Actually. I am going meet someone later today to pick up something. Besides tonight is your turn to cook." Niima found herself laughing at the sour look that crossed Mirage's face at being caught. With a huff, Mirage was out the door.

Since she had settled down she had made many friends. Seterwind and Khana who where without a doubt in her mind the most energetic duo she had ever seen. Asimon who always left her guessing. Marissa, a fellow feline with a hand too quick to follow. And several others that warmed Niima's heart. But Mirage was much like a sister. A nag and a blessing all in one. With a sigh she shook her head and reached for her cloak. She had things to do.

Shopping. Ah, yes, she needed to pick something up didn't she? The gear that Mirage demanded she wear for protection was missing a piece. And so shopping she would go! With the ability to check various shops with simple stepping stones of transportation, she was quickly progress. In fact she was nearing the ending of her list as she came to the current vendor. It was there she met..him. A very kind hearted man who was very helpful to her. Offering his help and skills he soon had her with more then she had originally came for. However, she asked herself..was it because he was so sweet and kind to her that she had bought so much or was it because she really needed it? Well...yes..she did need it. It was better protection after all..but she sure did enjoy watching when he flustered. She found it rather adorable.

Once his presences had left she scolded herself for being so flirty. But she found herself liking the man. However, she knew better. Most good men where already spoken for. With a defeated sigh she went back on her chores.

Ah.  A crush, shortly lived. And her first none the less.

(Note: this was on the spur writing. I haven't reread through it yet)
Just a question but do you get a -2% taken out if you do bulk loads to the reward barrel? The reason I ask is because I placed in 12 exceptional plate mail (female) and got 1734 when a single gives me 152 (152 x 12 = 1824)

I did this a number of times and still found that doing single gives more just takes more time.
Questions, Game Problems and Bugs / Hiding NPC
July 28, 2007, 03:21:19 PM
In the Merchant's Guild, Nikolos is hiding in the water.
I haven't been around much for the last..oh..week been kinda busy. Well I signed into Niima and found her..dead. At home..and dead. I did not leave her like that, I know this for sure. And noone has my account info so...i dunno what's going on. All i know is she aesa birthday colored dress and cloak *sobs*
Questions, Game Problems and Bugs / Evening Gown
July 07, 2007, 02:24:16 PM
Don't know if it's been noticed but when yous it..the evening gown goes poof. you look nakie even though your doll is fully dressed *giggles*
The Professionals / Tamer Assistance
July 06, 2007, 07:28:36 PM
Hm. First time making a tamer I was wondering if you professionals have any advice?
Announcements / Opening of Le Marché De La Muse
June 30, 2007, 09:05:09 PM
That's right I opened my own shop! I've placed most stuff for low prices..[some ..not so low..but still under 5k!]

*A few lesser Artifacts [1ok/each]
*House Decors [500g-2k depending on items]
*Clothing fashioned of lovely colors [500g]
*Full Spellbooks [2k/each] and BoD Books [500g/each]
*Custom Order Book - Do you need special orders of Alchemy, Carpentry, Tailering or Scribing? Or maybe IRL artwork for that special loved one or a tag for yourself? I've left out a book on the table with my vendor for people to leave their special orders. Though not all these skills are capped they are close to it.

Note: Currently working on adding Mining and Blacksmithing.

Note: I also have a box for 'donations' if you wish to leave me anything. Skins, items, I am a packrat!

The tile to my shop is on the very last row on the right hand side of tiles, middle tile.

A child sprints down a rocky mountain path and turns her head momentarily to view some unseen pursuers, panic streaked across her youthful face. During her haste, she trips over a gnarled root and crashes to the floor, yelping in pain as her left leg becomes unnaturally twisted. Her attempt to regain her footing fails miserably as her leg refuses to cooperate or support her. Finally she attempts to crawl, but such a pace is unable to evade her pursuers who have now caught up to their prey and surrounded her.

Her pursuers are all men, each wearing cowled cloaks of deep shades of sable and silver. The largest of the group rips a coin purse from the hapless victim with a snarl, spilling many of the silver coins about the ground in the process due to his haste. Wordlessly, the group then begins to mercilessly beat their quarry with feet and fists. Relentlessly bloodied fists continue to pummel the now misshapen features of the child. Just as it seems the child will expire over the beating it ceases. The leader of the group then pulls out a vial from his belt pouch, uncaps its stopper and slips it through the split lips of the miserable form. Its contents emptied, he tosses the vial to the side. A hiss like voice passes the man's lips as he hovers over the small child as a strong hand placed under her jaw, forcing her head to cock back and mouth closed. Forced to swallow..

Gasping  she jerked from her slumber, her eyes snapping about as the recollection of her present situation sank in. Surrounded by trees and the very things of nature, she found herself in the campsite outside of a large city. Her hand rose, fingers tenderly drawing across her brow to remove the cold sweat that had formed during the nightmare. more like a memory from ages long ago. Softly her head shook and she sighed, her eyes catching sight of the dying fire. Shifting out of her bedroll she crawled towards the dying fire, sitting down when she was close enough to toss a few more dead branches into it's heart. Her dual colored eyes reflected the flames as they danced and lapped at the fuel.

"Well atleast I am far enough from the city that if I cried noone heard.."

But then again travelers where not accounted for. Her hands lifted to draw her lavish hair back from her face, weaving the soft locks into a loose braid. Her hands however paused in mid-action when she noticed her hands where shaking. She stared at her left palm, watching the vibration of muscle until it calmed. Her body even reacted to the horrible dream. A heart-felt sigh was given as her hands flopped into her lap.

Trying to leave the past behind physically and yet her mind refused it.

It would take all things.
Me and Serenity had got to talking. She said she likes to write..and I admitted I enjoy writing too. But drawing is my passion. I told her I would show her some pieces I've done so I am going to post a few of the past and present favorites  ;D Alot of them are female because I like to draw my own characters.

^ Uh..Yeah. One of my roleplay characters in her secondary form. I am tinkering with colors on it ^^;

^ Uncolored and Uninked. Also not exactly touched up so there are alot of..errors that will be fixed in the future.

^Cut piece from the top. Tinkering with 'flowing hair' extensions and whatnot.

^ Elven glory!  Actually this was my first attempt CGing in

^ Bounty Hunter

^Serenity (My serenity. Old old old character.)

^Knight in Shining armor. Too bad his player stopped roleplaying *sobs*

^I did this little fella for Team Tenshi last year. So he's under their copyright but still mine!

^Seriously old picture of my friend in Dragonrealms

^I'd chase him around all day (actually my character did for almost 5 months LOL)

^Last one I will post. Um..This is an admin's character from one of the free servers of Lineage II I GMed for. Unfortunately the server was one of the few experiences I did not enjoy GMing for.
Questions, Game Problems and Bugs / Seeing Green
June 02, 2007, 08:24:48 AM
When I go to a NPC or certain the bar line for baddies..I get green. Very griddy green. ..Someone..Who i shall not name..*eyes a certain male GM* said it was my screen. *eye twitch* Which I know it's not! It can't be. *whines*  So maybe a glitch with my UO?