Checking in

Started by Miri, June 28, 2012, 06:41:36 PM

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Well hello peeps.

It's been many years since I was last caught lurking around here. I'm pleasantly surprised to find that it still exists, truth be told. Nevertheless, since I was in the area, so to speak, I decided to slip out of the shadows for long enough to wave at some passersby.
By now I doubt that there are many here who remember me. In fact, there's only one or two names that I'm certain I know. So, hello to them, hello to the ones I think I remember but cannot be sure of and hello to those I've never met.

Varani etc.


Hey hun, How are you? Why dont you login and say hi later. Its nice to see you stopped by here and said hello though.


See... there's a name I think I remember but can't be sure about  ;D

Alas, I don't have UO installed on either of my machines right now and I sincerely doubt that either of my accounts still exist now.


One way to find out ;)  Drop me a message with your account name and character names so I can take a look and see :) Alas though, I could not find a Miri or Varani: any others I could search for?

Still, good to hear from an oldie hehe ;)  You should install it and make a come back! *grins*


No promises, but I'll see what I can do. I haven't played UO in years.
I've been amusing myself with LoTRO since it's release... stopped playing late last year. I do have to admit that I've missed a lot of what UO offered - the housing system for a start.

Blazer Bloodfire

Wow, it's been awhile since I've caught myself in this neck of the web.  I'm guessing my account was deleted though, it's been years since I've logged in.


Oohhhh another name that I vaguely recognise!

Blazer Bloodfire

I had my fun causing trouble back in my day. The whole Abraxius mess was quite fun too.  Is my brother's guild still mucking around? ES or whatever it was called?


Hmm.... yes... your name sounds a lot more familiar now.
The Abraxus stuff was fun, and you always kept people guessing about whether or not your character was a decent guy, no?