Sylvan Heart Forum

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Caelan on November 10, 2009, 02:01:40 PM

Title: We Need You!
Post by: Caelan on November 10, 2009, 02:01:40 PM
Recently, we have noticed a significant drop in player activity. I know we have had some issues with lag and the shard was down for a while, but I'm not sure why the numbers have gone down so much.

This is where you come in!
We need you, our players, to give us some input so we can come up with ways to make a change for the better. Knowledge is power and we cannot move ahead if we don't know what needs to be done.

Now, a few questions and comments...

Why are players not in the game as much as they have been previously?

Is it a personal issue?

Connection issues?

Real life?


Tell us!

Is there something that staff can do to get you back in the game and actively playing?

Do you want more RP, and if so, are you willing to help make that RP possible for more players to join in on?

Is there a favorite event that you look forward to participating in that isn't getting done as often as you would like?

Do we need something new to peak your interest and lure you out of your homes and out into the wild and wonderful lands?

As most of you know, we do not have a scriptor, so we are limited in what we can do.
However, there is more to the game then scripts and we have been able to accomplish a lot with a little imagination and player input.

Are you voting and getting the word out that we have a great shard and we want even more players to make it even better?

Myrick has put a challenge out there and he will make it worth your time to vote people!

So vote!

Tell your friends to vote!

Drag your friends in the game and take them to Fel and laugh as they get murdered by mobs!

It's all good!

Our numbers are down...let's help get them back up!
Votes for the shard are down...get out and vote so more people know we exist!
New player numbers are down...tell everyone you know that this is the shard to play!

So, give us your feedback and let's get Sylvan Heart busy!

Title: Re: We Need You!
Post by: Cpt_Starfox on November 10, 2009, 02:48:09 PM
I try to vote on all three sites at least once a day if not more depending hehe  ;)

However, I've not been around nearly as much as I would like... reason being RL stuffs keeps me fairly busy. By the time I do get around to playing a little, it seems like it's already time to get to bed so I can get up for work again and start it all over. To tell ya the truth I'm not sure what staff and the shard could do more than they're already doing. We just finished off part of this holliday season and WOW was there a lot to do and a lot going on - even a little RP   :)  I'd say that it's a pretty sure bet, that there will be pleanty more going on for other parts of the holliday season too. Yall've been doing great so far; I just might need a few more hours in the day hehe.
Title: Re: We Need You!
Post by: Knossos on November 10, 2009, 08:02:01 PM
I am not too much of an RPer, but I was very interested in trying it when I came to SH.  I love challenges, and even more doing what people though impossible.  Being the first to accomplish something, or show it can be done easily are things I love to think about.  I care more about the theory than the practice in most cases.  I'm still interested in RP, but since many of the people I knew moved on it's harder for me to log in just for this aspect.

I know personally it became pretty boring.  I started signing on with a second wind after being gone because of personal issues for almost 7 months and found little changed.  In fact, many new issues came about.  Features I used often were removed ([point comes to mind), everyone was running around as un-killable, and nothing new worth talking about and nothing new worth archiving.  I started farming materials, and gathering bods, but then I realized "for what?".

SH's "boss" creatures were once feared, but could be conquered in small groups.  Once too many people became un-hittable, the mosters were changed so the only victory strategy was to send waves and waves of (wo)men crashing on them until dead.  Having them slowly tink away at your health, regardless of your armor, changed the way the game can be played.  The problems need to be fixed, not worked around and this is the way that many of the games current issues were resolved.  I realize many people don't really care about this because, for the most part, killing monsters is nothing more than a chance of deco.  This is where I get my fun, and where I find it lacking.  When gear that you can get from monsters, is no longer useful in killing the monsters because of how they damage players, what is the point?  This also goes for the monsters that even the best geared players hit them for 2-3 and they have crazy regen. There is no fun in spending 10 minutes attacking a boss with no mana because you can't regen any.  Bosses health can be increased by 400% (if it doesn't have a fire breath) and increase the damage players deal by 400% by reducing virtual armor, and nothing changes except the fun players have.  Being painful for the sake of being painful isn't something a shard should do in my opinion.

What is the end goal of SH?  Is it for RP, are you focusing on events, end game 'bosses', holidays, a second life, and what are it's priorities?  It's obviously a power shard, but what is Sylvan Heart suppose to be?  In my mind, SH is a good place for everything, but not a great place in many and, in that sense, many people can find something they don't like.
Title: Re: We Need You!
Post by: Cpt_Starfox on November 10, 2009, 10:32:07 PM
Hmm let's see..

"everyone was running around as un-killable"
Hehe, hardly. Monsters can still kill even the toughest players, but I figure maybe you mean pvp? Ok, even in PVP, when you verse a tank against a tank... what do you expect? lol It's gonna be a long battle and possibly a draw. If you wanna do pvp, get creative ;) There are ways of killing even the strongest ones hehe.

"the monsters were changed so the only victory strategy was to send waves and waves of (wo)men crashing on them until dead"
Well... that is certainly ONE strategy... but certainly not the one I would choose LOL!  Personally, I've seen some of the meanest things out there... and sure the first strategy people tend to use against them is "die a lot and tick at them until you win" ... but I watched that... and I studied the monsters, and I've found new ways of defeating them. It just takes some creative thought and a bit more strategy hehe. The new Shame dungeon is insanely difficult... but it *can* be soloed if you want to die a lot... personally I prefer to go with a partner (Misty usually hehe) and while we still die if not really careful, overall I think we do really well, and we have great fun! (btw, thanks again for that dungeon!).

"There is no fun in spending 10 minutes attacking a boss with no mana because you can't regen any."
That's where massive leech on your weapon comes in handy as well as various leeching skills... as well as having partners to help you. I generally try to let one or two tank the leeching beast while the rest of us use the ole reliable hit, run, regen, hit again method hehe.

"monsters that even the best geared players hit them for 2-3 and they have crazy regen."
There are ways of increasing your damage hehe which I have found useful aginst those monster that I can generally only hit for 2-3 ... Also, again, having a partner(s) helps ;)

"I realize many people don't really care about this because, for the most part, killing monsters is nothing more than a chance of deco.  This is where I get my fun, and where I find it lacking.  When gear that you can get from monsters, is no longer useful in killing the monsters because of how they damage players, what is the point?"
That seriously depends on the monsters you are killing hehe - perhaps you just don't know what drops what? There are some seriously nice and very useful drops out there if you know where to look ;) And I'm talking NEW ones... so, yeah, there's all the good old ones that you know and love, but there are certainly many new and VERY unbelievably good ones out there to be had... *takes deep breath* I'm sorry I can't say much more though in the public forum *sigh* hehe. -edit- Was just thinking..., we can't have *too* much awesome drop gear available... we still gotta maintain the crafters market for such things... I think thus far, that has been done well, there are great pieces of drop gear that crafters could only dream of... but not *toooo* many, and still there are gear needs that it seems only a crafter can really meet. -end edit-

"Being painful for the sake of being painful isn't something a shard should do in my opinion."
I do agree with that, but for the most part, I think we don't have an overwhelming amount of that going on... there are some very painful fights to be had, true... but as I've kinda said above, the pain can be lessened with some extra strategy hehe ;)

I'm kinda like you I guess... I might not always be the first to kill something, but I might well be the first to figure a way to solo it or two-man it hehehe  ;)
Title: Re: We Need You!
Post by: Aderyn on November 11, 2009, 07:01:52 AM
I fell off the shard for several months a while back, but it was mainly due to a number of personal reasons. Sometimes real life just gets too overwhelming.

The only thing I can say that I am missing right now is that I'm a bit sad that Pet Wars died off at some point while I was inactive, but as I understand it died off due to lack of interest, so I suppose there's no sense in bringing it back if I'm the only one who misses it :)
Title: Re: We Need You!
Post by: Onari Ithildin on November 11, 2009, 06:22:29 PM
I do not think it is just you Aderyn that has missed Pet Wars. It is something I enjoyed as my player as well and also something I had thought of reviving. I have spoke with a few players who were interested once more. I know it was also something Acacia always enjoyed.
Title: Re: We Need You!
Post by: Admin Acacia on November 11, 2009, 08:08:26 PM
Pick a good day and time, and we'll kick it off again.  Probably not do it ever week like old times, but once or twice a month could work so people won't get bored.
Title: Re: We Need You!
Post by: Abbadon on November 12, 2009, 02:11:50 AM
Kind of agree with most of the points that Knossos has made. I'm going to be talking mostly about powergaming aspect of this shard, because I believe the majority of our players are powergamers atm. (Evident from seeing the RP events, its usually always the same 5-6 people)

There is a very large gap between mobs - from personal experience its either mobs that can barely scratch players to 100% parry mobs to 1 hit fire breathers. Now Im a bit of a powergamer (or was) so I enjoyed challenging myself and trying to solo everything I could. However this inevitably did get boring after a while and I'm really not sure what can be done to fix that seeing as we dont have a scriptor. The way drops are, if you were to draw a graph about uber-gear, it'd looks something like a diminishing returns graph - it begins to get extremely tedious and painful to get to the next stage in better gear which doesnt even really make that much difference, its just for the sake of having perfect gear (powergaming mentality) e.g. getting full mythics or getting a perfect set of runic gear etc. I think the gear aspect has been a little neglected - I say this because there are constantly new "levels" of monsters and dungeons being brought out, however the gear isn't really keeping up with this new level of difficulty (nor are pets) and I think this is making people fustrated. You can talk all you like about strategy and stuff but some people just don't like to think when they play games. They prefer to just whack stuff and let it die, or continously throw themselves at the monster and chip it down. But doing this usually means dying a lot, which usually means people arent going to come back to fight it after they beat it once, which means chances are that particular monster's "uber" drop or deco isn't going to be gotten. Now you could say, "well that's their problem if they don't want to put in the effort to get the drop" - however, I think this stance is causing many players to leave, so we must treat players like customers in a store if you want to keep them here. If you look at people hunting, I think the most frequented places would be certain hunting spots like Chaos, Alaric's Dungeon etc. This kinda shows to me that what people want isn't harder monsters, they want more farmable places, more gold, atones, gear etc. and also for it to be convenient and close.

What else would make it a little more interesting (for me at least if I still played), is perhaps if we had more players, we could have an actual economy, rather than 1 person supplying the entire shard with all the gear or having to go out and get everything yourself. Theres very little you can do with cash other than throw it at stuff at auctions which are rarely held due to low amount of items/players. Also more players would hopefully mean the rise of a bit of guild rivalry which is something I've always been interested in. This doesn't mean it has to be PvP (as much as I love PvP), it could be something like player-set PvM guild events such as, see which guild can farm the most amount of gold in an hour etc. and maybe even some day have a ranking board for the guilds! (probably not going to happen though :( )

Another thing would be perhaps a wider variety of events. From what I've seen, the odd event that we do get is either a Champ Spawn or paintball which kinda does get dull after a while especially Champ Spawns because once you've done them all it just becomes boring grind. I generally participate in these to help out new players who want to participate or just to make up the numbers. Which brings me onto another topic - new player friendliness. This is a bit of a touchy subject because I've seen new players being completely ignored by some of our older Sylvan Heart players. However we also have people like Link and Misty who even went as far as making a new player starter pack (which is something staffers should probably be doing). But it isn't always our fault, I've also seen extremely rude new players who completely ignore our new player helpers.

Staff wise I think theyre doing a great job but problem is that there are times I see more staffers online than players >.> which really should not be happening. Once again its the player population problem.

Anyways those were just couple of the things that bugged me and I think could be fixed with a bit of feedback and thought.
Title: Re: We Need You!
Post by: Moxy on November 15, 2009, 04:51:40 PM
Personally I havent been around much lately because of alot of issues in real life going on.  I just bought a motorcycle, and then my 69 chevy broke down (sad face.) My boss is about to transfer so that leaves me picking up alot of extra duty around the station here.

Other then that I would like to point out that this server seems pretty stagnant due to the fact that we do not have a scriptor.  If you GMs really want to get this server going again, you absolutely need to get someone who can script.  The bottom line is this game is over 10 years old and if you want people to keep playing it, you have to be constantly coming up with new ideas, and new changes.  Spawning new monsters isnt going to cut it unfortunately.
Title: Re: We Need You!
Post by: Moxy on November 16, 2009, 05:17:23 PM
On a side note, I just noticed while looking around on the forums that all of the major threads have several posts with the headline "Crash" in them.  Now I know this server is very stable, but for people looking to join this shard, the forums is their first glimpse of what this realm has to provide.  Checking out the forums as a guest and seeing a whole bunch of Server Crash posts is likely to scare off more then a few people.
Title: Re: We Need You!
Post by: Caelan on November 17, 2009, 02:52:16 AM
I personally believe that a new player, or an old one for that matter, would be more put off by trying to log on and not being able to but not knowing why.

There's nothing worse then trying to log in and thinking something is wrong with your computer because you can't. Then, you discover the shard is down, but no one bothered to post about it.

Knowledge is power, hence the reasoning behind this posted topic.

Title: Re: We Need You!
Post by: Aesa on November 17, 2009, 03:23:50 AM
Anyone notice  numbers have been up a bit lately since I started popping in more? Coincidence?.... :P
Title: Re: We Need You!
Post by: Cpt_Starfox on November 17, 2009, 03:37:33 PM
The power of pink!  ;D
Title: Re: We Need You!
Post by: Aderyn on November 17, 2009, 04:07:03 PM
Hey, it's no secret that people are attracted to bright colors. :D

Gotta admit, I never thought of the possibility that all the crash/ISP problem related posts recently could be scaring off potential players.
Title: Re: We Need You!
Post by: Ponch16 on November 17, 2009, 06:34:24 PM
Until i can figure out this issue with windows 7 UO is remaining uninstalled on my computer.
Title: Re: We Need You!
Post by: Caelan on November 17, 2009, 07:26:52 PM
*blames Link*
Title: Re: We Need You!
Post by: Moxy on November 19, 2009, 09:29:47 PM
I agree with you Caelan, it is nice to see a post to confirm if the shard is down. However, once the shard is back up, whom ever is in charge of moderating the boards should consider deleting these crash topics.  Theres tons of them, and honestly that would scare me away if I didnt know better.  Like I said this is a very stable shard and I have no complaints there at all, but its all about perception.  I havent played in like two weeks and I look at the forums and see about 8 or 9 different Crash topics so to me, not knowing one way or another because I havent been on, it appears like the server has been down a ton. Although I doubt this is actually the case.  Its all about perception.  The forums are defining factor for many in coming players. I spent two days monitoring the boards for activity before I joined this shard. If there was half a dozen crash topics posted during those two days, I wouldnt of even bothered applying for an account.
Title: Re: We Need You!
Post by: Moxy on November 19, 2009, 09:40:01 PM
ps...I want to see more scheduled Role Playing events. I know it has been announced that it will kick off again after the holidays so Im very anxious for that.  However, thats like a 4 month gap of no role playing events, and personally that was my main reason for joining this shard.  My hat goes off to the few of us out there that actually do some minor role playing in our every day conversations, Bill and Link come to mind, and there are a few others.  Its very easy to lose steam and motivation for it though when there is no organized role playing.  Every game of dungeons and dragons needs a Dungeon Master regardless of how many players you have.
This is in no way meant to be a bash on the staff though.  I think you guys do a spectacular job running and maintaining this shard, and there is no shortage of Paintball, and holiday events.  This shard is labeled as a Role Playing shard though, so naturally alot of Role Players are going to congregate here, serious and casual alike.  I did quite a bit of quest GMing back in the day so I would be more then willing to help out with quick little story ideas that take very little work on a GM's part and can be setup in game without the need for a scriptor.  I used to hassle alot of the other GM's on my old shard that said they couldnt do quests and I would say to them,"If you can make a gate, and name an item, you can make a fun quest." It doesnt have to be super hard with some awe inspiring monster that requires some new found strategy, it doesnt have  to be scheduled, and it doesnt have to have some crazy loot that throws off player balance.  It just needs to be a group of players working together with the staff to do something different, something to break the monotony that so plagues us devoted MMO gamers.  If you need any ideas throw me a line, I can think of half a dozen memorable ones I ran from ages ago, and one of them even included killer bunnies....go figure =P
Title: Re: We Need You!
Post by: Caelan on November 19, 2009, 10:00:27 PM
I see your point grasshopper...I shall commence with removing old crash topics!

I'm new to moderating the shard forums and so I blame Link...

Cuz I can!

*carry on*

Title: Re: We Need You!
Post by: Cpt_Starfox on November 19, 2009, 11:01:09 PM
Sounds cool Moxy! I think that would be wonderful. I also kinda like the idea of just random little RP events... nothing big or anything like you said, but just people working together and having a good time! :) I can remember having done at least one "off the cuff" RP story with a GM - Thane I think it was. It was nothing major, not even anything long or shard-shatteringly epic lol, but it was sure enjoyable!

We did get to have one shard wide rpish event thing recently with the cities being taken over by the undead - that was also a lot of fun and the epic pit for the ending was great :D Thanks to Myrick for that one ;)

I'd like to hear some of your ideas! I'm thinking that if we can get a group of us in game, we might could bribe a gm to put something on for us random style hehe  8) - no i don't mean bribe literally *hoards his junk and guards it closely* hehe
Title: Re: We Need You!
Post by: Moxy on November 20, 2009, 10:55:50 PM
One thing I was always fond of doing as a quest gm that was pretty simple was, I would name myself something peasanty, and just say over general chat "Someone help, there are bandits in my home!" I would then have the players gather together, follow me to my characters home, where they would commence to slay the rather easy bandits. During the fighting I would go invis, change into an evil wizard, pop back up, throw a few lightnin bolts, and then drop a gate to a cool unique area in game.  Some of the hidden caves and such work great.  Places players might not usually know about, or find on their own.  This area would be pre-spawned with some tougher monsters, and an actual npc named after the aforementioned wizard. That wizard would have something neat on him, like a cool named wand, or just some random weapon that was moderatly powerful, but not unfairly so.  This entire "event" would last all but 10-15 minutes, with a good portion of that being the race to the original characters home, or farm, or whatever.  People would always get left behind, and then the other players would have to either move on without them, or work together to get them caught up.  It creates a frantic, faced paced sort of action that keeps people on their toes.  This was pre aos so loot situation would have to be modified slightly because of the whole "this corpse does not belong to you" deal. The item could be dropped by the invis GM half a screen away from the group, so everyone has to rush to get it.  This allows even the weakest participant a chance to get something cool.  Also the monsters were not difficult in any sence of the word.  I didnt want people dying on my little role playing events, I wanted them feeling like champions! and actually having a good time doing it.  Then if you have some time Lord British could invite the crime fighters to his castle for a small feast and you could pass out other small rewards or even just special named food items, based on the difficulty, and length of the quest.  Often times if I had alot of time these little mini events would last through 3-5 different locations, each progressively harder and harder.  It never took me more then 20 minutes to get one of these things going and it was always a blast. 
Title: Re: We Need You!
Post by: Mina on November 29, 2009, 06:15:36 PM
hey guys,
  to answer the original question posted...  me personaly am just having such a hard time with everything that i can never seem to get online n play,   trying tho

8)   apart from that, as an older player,  i think shard is great, best one i ever played on and i'v not ben to another since i started playing here