An idea for voting

Started by Jairc, November 01, 2007, 04:25:37 PM

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I nkow most people do thier part in the voteing system so this is not ment for you but the general idea is ment for all.  Seems how we do not have the votes we should have coming in maybe start a rewards program for votes, some kind of incentive. I know for most it is the pride of seeing your sahrd in first place but i think to many do not care about that, i know when i came to Sylvan Heart a month ago I went to the skypage cause it was in first place. anywho, to my idea, i think there already is a stone in place that takes you to the page to vote, i do it through the forums, but could said stone kick out like atones or gold for each daily vote? Like click stone and have vote directly register? give some of the people the needed kick in the *censored* to get the votes rolling in.  Thank you for your time in reading this. Game on, and long live Sylvan Heart.



As far as I know, it's against honor and rules (not to mention Logic... if you care enough about the shard you'll vote out of respect) to offer anything to players to get them to vote. 

Lamalas Telemnar

There is no way to track who is voteing and who isnt. Just please show how much you like what e have and vote.


dont know exactly your trying to say there ttg, but you look at the votes and people playing and tell me why we have 36 votes.

Lamalas Telemnar

He basically just said same thing i did. We have no way to know who votes or not its just done on an honer system basically.  Jus a  reminder to some also my antivirus has to be disabeled in order for my vote to take.


i don't think we should have a 'gift for voting' type thing. That's just buying votes. We should be voting as a honor and our support to SH. *pokes rapidly at Jarek*


dont poke me woman, lol, j/k mirage, i know you guys are right, but it just angers me that most poeple do not vote, you think or i think its the least they could do, and i know every one is not voting or we would have a good 40 votes a day easily.


What about voting stones? I think it will be best solution to be able to vote ingame to.


That wouldn't work.  The server would be the one voting, which means that someone could use the stone only once every 12 hours.  This has to be done from different computers, so in that sense an EasyUO application could be made to check to see when you last voted, then go and vote for you, but it can't be done in game.