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Topics - Strade_Silverbow

General Discussion / 5 years
July 09, 2017, 10:44:15 AM
Hard to believe it's been that long.  I'll have to track down my UO stuff and see if I can get back in.  Wonder if my acct is still there.

My acct is still there, but having some issues ingame
What client do we need to patch to now,  since the old autopatcher isn't working right
General Discussion / Greetings
December 21, 2011, 04:23:34 AM
It's been a while since I've been around,  unfortunately RL does that sometimes.  Decided to come back and see if SH could draw me back in like it did the first time.

I've seen a few names I recognize.  *wonders if he's still in the top 5 for splosions from Thane*