Rare Tamable Issue

Started by gunnyman5, March 03, 2012, 08:33:17 PM

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      First thing id like to say is i really enjoy the fact that there are so many different rare creatures to tame and have as pets that  have been placed all over the world for folks to enjoy and show off. I have one small issue with this that i would like to address about this subject and that is the that the spawns seem to be in the same locations everytime and they are 3 months to sometimes even 6 months between spawns. My real problem is that recently i have noticed the same people taming the same thing everytime due to the fact that they already know the spawn location with most times a rune marked right to it and since they tamed it the time prior they have realized the spawn times and are keeping pretty good track of them.  I feel this is unfair to folks who would like to tame some of the creatures for themselves. Perhaps something could be done to alleviate this by maybe ajusting the spawn times and/or the locations to different areas or times every spawn?        Thank you


I understand the issue here . some players do seemd to Hoard there pets. and camp the spawning spots. I will get with the rest of the staff and see if we can come up with a soulution. Some of these spawns are from way back long before i became staff and not even sure where some of them spawn. but maybe we can come up with something that might work.

Thane ir'Wyndan

Changing spawn locations is insanely easy and SHOULD be done after each protracted spawn time for the more unique pets. 

Time is a healer, time is a stealer, time is an angel, time is a devil that burns.


14 of our Rare tamables have relocated and found new homes. so get out your taming gear and thinking cap and start searching for there new locations. We have also located 3 old tamables that hasnt been seen in years, so go forth young ones and find that Rare Pet you have always wanted.


Yes go forth and find them. Risk life and limb for the amazing pets that Iris has found and Re-released into the world. They are such beautiful and majestic creatures. Will you be the proud handler of such a prize? May the Avatar find and keep you.