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Messages - Reasey

Roleplay Discussion / The Snowfalls so prettily.
December 06, 2007, 01:34:33 PM
It was that time of season again in the township of MarketVale. Winter.

The season of fall has iced over, and the wind blown from across the vastness of the ocean has brought with it the chill from the otherside of the world, allowing the world to die and slumber within itself as the first snow fall of the season blankets across the fields and workshops of its various merchants and citizens.

The sky itself casts its grey visage to the earth, illuminating itself in a dull brightness that lits up to the point of morning as the soft crunch of boots marrs the newly developed landscape. There he reaches his destination of the estate to do what he has sought to do.

There before the estate that Rayne had poured forth her fortune to build he stands, Rease Hunter, with his black countenance contrasting starkly to this white world around him as he stands before the path leading to the door. Granted he could simply walk to the door, but deep down he knows a bit of the ways to make moments more special in their meaning.

"tap tap" goes the sound of a pebble against frozen glass. He stands there with one hand in his pocket, with an arm outstretched holding aloft a couple of pebbles within his grip, smiling slightly for he knew that at this time of day, Rayne would still be asleep and in bed. Hoping to catch her attention he tosses a few more pebbles towards the bedroom window

"tap tap"

[Art Picture goes here after I get my scanner workin]
Chit-chat / Re: Video Games in a New Light
November 24, 2007, 12:14:53 AM
Holy crap, that was awesome.

I prolly guessed almost everygame that they played as.
Roleplay Discussion / Punkin, the Kitty.
October 18, 2007, 06:32:40 AM
It had been a few weeks now that the family of MarketVale has adopted a new one into their fold, and the newfound bundle of joy has come in the form of a Cat by the name of Punkin.

It was strange, at first having had a new pet in the house. Indeed Rease Hunter remembers the first time Rayne had adopted a couple of dogs into the household and the hassle of raising two wolves into the fine sophistication of not pooping in the corner, and marking tables as theirs.

How he loves animals.

But this one seemed different. Almost... intelligent. Granted he has never tooken into stock the intelligence of even the bigger animals such as dragons, but this one had a perception and an uncanny amount of common sense. She scratches at doors when she wants out, opens doors with her head, and has even been trained well in using the bathroom when she needs to badly go.

And that wasn't the end of it, as she seems to understand the conversation at hand whenever he talks. And Rayne it appears, know things about the cat as she appears to be on more of a bonded level than anyone else.

Strange things about this animal, he'll have to keep a closer eye....
Roleplay Discussion / Re: A Night at the Pratertian
October 17, 2007, 08:56:35 AM
The lights were dimmed, and the bartop cleaned. It had been a busy day for all indeed as tales of woe and strife has reached far and wide.

But Rease Hunter was diligent in his non-beleif that night. Knowing full well that the end to the last tale had been written a long while ago and that its heroes laid to rest with the end of the corrupting influence of the Demi-Lich Abraxius, and the downfall of him that began with the downfall of Damira Sunkarn the Paladin Queen.

Ohh how it seemed ages ago that war was embroiled upon the continent of its Self Rightous and its pitifully weak, and within the center laid his township. How he had worked to keep his citizens safe under his protection while maintaining their freedom by playing against both sides of the field. Laying the pawn of the Empire, and the Knight of the Cult in the center.

But all of that was gone now, save for an unsettling peace that laid about the land for a long time and the events of the people of the world. Marriages, divorces, fights, loves, happiness and anger all intertwined with the growing of the community and its needs.

How it all seemed ages ago, and yet he cannot shake the unmistakable feeling that the past shall come to haunt them him, and his betrayal of the last Contract between the Cult and their crazed lord shall damn them all....

to be continued....
Announcements / Re: Welcome all the recent new players
October 04, 2007, 11:43:33 PM
Hahrar. Welcome one and all!

For those of you that are interested in Roleplaying, we have a good Roleplaying Community here and are very much entrenched in a current storyarch that's been taking place over the past year, give or take a month or so in between archs.

I'm sure Jager, Rease Hunter, or anyone else will help you get involved, and get you built up to become regular players if you wish to spend time here.

Have fun!
Hehe, if you want, I can give you a critique on your artwork.
Hmmm don't think its your skills that are the problem. Might be your equipment. What resists and all do you have with your armour and jewelry?
Guilds / Re: guilds
March 25, 2007, 08:51:43 AM
Lol take offense? I didnt take offense, and I hope she didnt take my line of "don't read it if you don't want to" as offense either. I just figure its a rule of thumb that if it's on here instead of on the Guilds website or in a mass PM then it's a safe bet that it was meant to be public for anyone to read.
Guilds / Re: guilds
March 25, 2007, 02:55:03 AM
Lol RedWolf is actually right in that I was also talking to other people outside of CMV as well. But I think generally most people are correct.

Caerbhalyn is mostly right in that the Guild Forum is a fairly smooth going. Most Guilds don't have a website, as they get started and quickly fall apart due to competition or neglect, others last a fairly long while, enough to get a freewebs or Angelfire site running, and few last around long enough to have a professionally done website with a professional board done.

Plus, even in CMV's case, I have some members who don't regularly visit the website as much as Me, Isa, Rayne, Ardin (who by the way is part of OOC) Stroem, and RedWolf, so I had to make a post as well on the SH boards so that they'd still see :P. So I don't mind if you want to read the CMV posts and catch up on our news. Not posting anything private that Im sure most people don't allready know about. Most other Guilds do that as well, specially in the case of TCP, ES, OOC, CoM, and a few others so if you don't want to read up on their news, your more than welcomed to skip over em.
I seem to remember a post a short while ago on the CMV boards when I had made a comment to the effect of:

" All Drama will be Ignored"

And I remember being applauded as a great leader with ambitious idea's, and with pledges from everyone on the subject of keeping things simple and clean, and their ego's in check for the greater good.

Now I ask, and pardon my speech: What the hell happened?

I turn around, i get things back on track with people, we live our lives and play our game and things explode the more I get involved to keep things under control

And the effect? The game not becoming fun for me no more, and me leaving it more and more to persue other things.

The reasons you might ask, are quite simple. What has been done lately is simple. There has been personal attacks against people openly, gossip behind other peoples backs, lies, deceptions, ego's unbalanced and running amok, and people involving personal feelings within the game itself.

People. I am 21 years old, I run what I use to think was a decently ran RP Guild on the Sylvan Hearts shard. I am perhaps one of the youngest people in the Guild itself, but yet I feel I am more mature than some of the older people who feel entitled to their own opinions who state them, tact and courtesy being damned.

We are seriously, SERIOUSLY in a crisis of tact, courtesy, and general respect for one another within CMV and some that are not even within the guild that its appaling and sickening me to the point that Im not having fun with the game, or talking to some of you.

We've had arguments over people who feel other people are destroying this Guild within the game, and instead of keeping it civil or at the very least ignoring the other party, spreading the news of it like wildfire through other ranks and reporting a biased view of the entire thing to others and ostracizing the other party involved.

We've had people gossiping and rumour mongering behind other peoples backs, spreading things that should otherwise be a personal matter to one person and one person only.

We've had ego's running loose, with people feeling they are allowed to lead others when no one seems to be asking simply because they they have seniority, a shiny title, or entitlement to do as you will.

We've had people contact staff for outrageous reasons because they feel they've been "harassed" by another player for whom they've started arguments against.

We've had players LEAVE because of all of this, and slowly, so am I.

Im going to lay it down thick and hard for some people, because I want to insure to everyone that my message becomes loud and clear: I am not having fun, and those above are the very things that are destroying this guild. No, it's not because one person started another guild, and some people left for that one. No, it's not because Im hardly there. No, it's not because of ANYONE. It is THOSE reasons above, and I am quite sick of them. Sick of them to the point that Im thinking of becoming too honest with some people.

I made this Guild as an RP haven, as an escape from the "Empire/Kingdom" ideal that was popular at the time for a small town look and feel. I had played MarketVale for almost 4-5 years previous, and I had also thought that perhaps it would be a nice idea to relive some of my nostalgic days when things were fun and lighthearted, and was all about the story. Sadly, now it's not about that, and I want to remind people also that CMV is there for Friends, and for Me. I made this, and if I think people are going to treat it as a childs object, then I will take it away, and I will either move it somewhere else, or I will simply make it cease to exist.

So for those people who have been causin problems, here is your options: Grow up, or leave. If you choose to leave because of the harshness of my words, then Im sorry that we are not the Guild for you, and for you wasting your time. Im only going to be building this further on for people devoted to Role Playing, for being Friends, and for sticking your nose out of peoples personal life from here on out.

Some of you should expect things in the PM's here shortly.

SO I say thank you for staying through my rant, and if your not part of the problems that I've mentioned, thank you, and I hope that you'll stick around/come back to help us build further. However, if your part of the problem, then I say sorry for being so harsh, but sometimes people need truth to realize their mistakes and better themselves in the end, and hope your mature enough to do that without hard feelings.

~Rease Hunter
Chit-chat / Re: New Game: The person below me...
January 29, 2007, 07:27:52 PM
True! Please let it be me.

The person below me is really the first to page 9
Chit-chat / Re: New Game: The person below me...
January 29, 2007, 09:00:12 AM
Why do I answer the ones that will humiliate me amongst my peers :( Tis true.

The person below me cant beleive we've gone on 8 pages already.
Chit-chat / Re: New Game: The person below me...
January 28, 2007, 02:32:43 PM
How did you know Im wearing the shirt I washed? :-\

*looks for hidden cams*

The person below me thinks Valius might be on to somethin there :P
Chit-chat / Re: New Game: The person below me...
January 27, 2007, 11:41:35 AM


Ohh god how I want one!!

The person belows me pity me for not owning one yet.
Chit-chat / Re: New Game: The person below me...
January 25, 2007, 12:08:41 PM
I'm so ashamed! It is so true!

The person below me also plays other MMORPG's