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Messages - Festus

I tried the wand thing in the newby dungon but it seems that while holding a wand you cannot attack anything.  It wont swing as a mace does.  so no skill gains.
Events / Re: Solen hives
January 19, 2016, 12:44:51 PM
a wise man gave me instructions and I searched and searched.  Finally I heard what he said and found a way into the hives.  It still exists and now i must find the quest.  Hence my quest is to find a quest in a spot aparently very secret!
For those of you interesed in joining.  Remember the old and aged of Sylvan.  Seek  ye the solen where ye cannot plant a garden.  Seek ye your destiny where ye cannot swim nor but can however see the water.
Events / Solen hives
January 17, 2016, 10:35:49 PM
Are there any quests at solen hives?  Stratics says yep but i cant find anything there.
haha I forgot what i was reading this thread for.  Macing.  Someone showed me a good way to raise macing in the newb dungon but i seem to have forgotten the trick.  Info??
Quote from: Kage on June 29, 2007, 03:47:19 PM
Quote from: Valius on June 25, 2007, 10:44:52 AM
I remember the days when resistmagic was raised via casting firefield and walking up and down it :D

Ah now those were the days :) fond memories indeed lol
I remember when on osi magic resist spells was gained by casting blade spirits from the wing on a tower and standing on the wing.  Also there was some spell that could be gm'd by walking up and down the stairs in a small workshop.  Maybe it was also resist.  There was so many bugs.  LOL
General Discussion / Ohhh snap
January 17, 2016, 02:38:31 AM
Just found out my wife is going to Washington State to visit our son and his wife as well as our 4 year old grandson.  She will be gone for a week and a half.  Loook out Sylvan.   
General Discussion / Happy New Year
December 31, 2015, 01:29:59 PM
Man i had a couple tough days on sylvan.  Stupid me forgot to loot my body after a death.  Lost a bag with around 6 fully socketed weapons.  Even my sweet dyed Heater shield and katana.  Some of the sockets were filled with Mythics.  Then durring a move into a pure workshop I lost two resource chests that I have been stuffing regs, leathers and scales, gems, wood, augements and pretty much everything from my pack for 3 years into.  Yesterday I was pretty upset at myself.  But Lo unto me.  I logged on today and there they were.  Right where I had left them.  For two days they werent there and yesterday they were there.   hahah Sooooo, I feel happy this morning.  I only lost a few mil in socketed weapons.   hehe   Ohhh So Happy. 

Oh btw,,I Love Sylvan and her People.  Happy New Year to you all.
General Discussion / raw dex question
December 26, 2015, 08:04:17 PM
Does anyone know at which point raw stats do no good?  For instance my Dexer/Mage stats are at: 


Str 150        HP 125
Dex 150       Stam. 150
Int.  132      Mana 132

With her gear and Axe

Str 152         HP  275
Dex 256        Stam 249
Int 140          Mana 140

Im sure its way out of wack but its worked thus far.  However Im sure I can fix it somehow so that I can either mele or at least manage to survive firebreath from higher end mobs. 
General Discussion / Merry Christmas
December 25, 2015, 02:42:44 PM
Well, its nice to finally be the first one on this fine day to say to all, Merry Christmas.  I hope this time of year is treating you well.  


                                                                               Merry Christmas To Everyone!!!!
                                                                                                                    From Santa and his Wife

General Discussion / Re: My Birthday!
December 19, 2015, 09:21:50 PM
Happy Birthday old man....
Announcements / Re: Become a Technomancer
December 18, 2015, 02:50:42 PM
so with necro you can then cast Magery Spells also?  Just as effective on damage?
General Discussion / razor help
December 17, 2015, 01:34:57 PM
If anyone needs help with razor I will help you out anytime I am on.  I really prefer to do it with voice chat as its so much faster and easier to ask and answer questions.  I have just about any voice chat software including Sylvans Raidcall channel.  I know there are a few newer people to the shard that are needing help.  If you see Festus/Scathach on just sing out and ill be there.  You may have to sing out a couple times though as I will be farming hard at Christmas town and it can be a bit messy on my screen with stuff including my OoooOOOooooOooOO'S
General Discussion / Re: good place to train archery?
December 17, 2015, 01:29:52 PM
Im not sure if you have magery or not but if you do you can make a macro to cast summon Fire ele, air ele or deamon on land/ recall onto boat at shore/Attack your summoned/ Heal self/ Jump off boat after sys message (whatever it is when your summoned dies) Jump off boat, Loop.  Im pretty sure that will work.  Either that or cast summon from a porch or roof area of house, ban the summon, attack summon, heal self then end if/sys message (whatever it is when he dies) Loop.  This works reall well with the old style smithy house that has the large patio thats fenced in or even a small workshop that has no sides.  You can even gain some resist this way as they will cast magic on you albeit very little.  Use the crappiest bow you can find.  Or just go to a lower level dungon and farm away and get gold at the same time.
Roleplay Discussion / Re: Technomancy
December 17, 2015, 02:33:47 AM
ohhhh I wonder if this is the hidden place i found accidentally one time while running around looking for hidden spots.  ;)  I bet it is.
Announcements / Re: Become a Technomancer
December 17, 2015, 02:30:57 AM
Now I need to decide what Character to rebuild.  hehe Probably my roach thief or my partially done druid.