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Messages - Festus

Announcements / Re: Anonymous staffer to be be revealed!
September 19, 2012, 08:30:37 PM
Tell Anonymous Festus says Hey.  LOL  What a pimp.  He will do you all good im sure.
Should be able to mine while hidden
Should not be able to loot another's body while hidden
Should not be able to loot a monster kill while hidden

Its possible that if using an invis potion some of this is infact possible.

Finally, since I "cant play here yet I am not an athourity on any damn thing.
I hope that  will change tomorrow?  *heavy sigh*
Chit-chat / Re: Thank you Sylvan Heart...
September 17, 2012, 04:18:44 PM
And to top it off Mlady, your a Dear Heart.  Thank you also.
Chit-chat / Re: My uo decorating site
September 15, 2012, 01:04:32 PM
Quote from: ShadowMoon on August 26, 2012, 03:27:56 AM
Most the pics will be from houses I used to deco on OSI Sonoma. But I have already posted a couple of the house I use to have on here and a few of the inn I just decorated a month or so ago.
I cant wait to get logged in and get a start.  I book marked your site.  Thanks

Oh ya, Sonoma?  When were you there?
Chit-chat / Re: Vantessa M"Lady
September 15, 2012, 01:02:57 PM
Quote from: Monte on September 15, 2012, 04:55:10 AM
Festus i can help you with that in the morning

lol, Monte
hahaha amazing.  This is looking better all the time.  Wow!!
General Discussion / Communication Methods
September 14, 2012, 09:07:03 PM
Being very new here I am unable to find a Ventrilo, IRC or any other Sylvan sponsored means of chat.  Is there anything set up and if so would some kind Gent or Lady post the info below?  Thanks in advance and if there is someone I may know around here, HI THERE!! Hope to see ya ingame soon.
Chit-chat / Vantessa M"Lady
September 14, 2012, 09:00:55 PM
Ive found you.  Hahaha.  Last time i talked to you was in a YEW guild house I think when you popped in to say hi to the upper cruster Yewians.  Well I sent Cypress a PM as it was mentioned and hope to join you soon.  Ill just need to get someone to help me set up my system.   *crosses fingers*
General Discussion / Re: Back in the day!
September 14, 2012, 07:43:12 PM
hahah,,, Well, back in the day

On osi's second day public I made an archer character. Keep in mind that you had to equip weapons by hand.  I thought to go out and learn how to kill stuff.  Soooo, as i walked out of town I was first chased by a monbat till exausted and was monbat killed.  I didnt feel to bad about that since it was a common occurance.  I ghosted back to town and found a healer hut and was reserected.  Wow i was amazed.  My bow is still in my pack.  Sooo, out of town I went in search of a foe less dangerous than a monbat.   Ahhh ha!!! A chicken!  Wooo hoo.  So,,, the chicken and i faced each other down.  He looked at me and clucked and i looked at him and wondered, now what?  I finally figured out how to arm the bow and spent a short time admiring the stout look of my fine warrior, standing tall while brandishing a fine bow.  Next I ran up to the chicken and nothing happened except that i was out of stamina agan.  Ohhh noooo's.  Well thought I, it cant be to difficult to figure out this stuff.  I looked around  at another player that was using some sort of weapon to kill a giant looking monster and Im only looking at a chicken.  It was about this time that my son looked over at my computer and said "double click the damn chicken and you will attack it."  So i did and my bow fired but missed. Then it missed again,  The chicken was hitting me and dropping my life quickly.  In a very short time I was dead.  My son laughed at me an i felt like shit.  To this day when i see a chicken I remember my death just outside the city limits of brit to a chicken.  Oh man, it was horrible.

By the way,,,,Hello Vantessa, Ive missed you and your awsome staffing skills.  ;)