Sylvan Heart Forum

General Category => Roleplay Discussion => Topic started by: abraxys on June 04, 2015, 09:57:27 PM

Title: ¯|'[]'_|"[]'["|¯'[" chronicles
Post by: abraxys on June 04, 2015, 09:57:27 PM
     Abraxys paced around his small study in Branathar Manor contemplating the survival of the Fae as he always had.  It was his birthright, his divine calling, his only tether in this realm.  He had to organize is thoughts into crystal clarity if he wished to communte with the Fae gods.  It was no good, his pacing only quickened as his mind began to race even more.  Unknowingly in his distress his mind reached for the divine realm as if some sort of defensive reaction to his growing frantic pace.  

   All at once he found himself in the presence of all four of the Fae Gods.  Their faces reflecting his.   Abraxys was greatly unprepared for such a communion with one of the gods let alone all four.  He tried to slow his storming mind and simplify his thoughts to sort out what happened.  Before he could even tackle the first thought he heard her voice.  It was soft and warm matronly voice.

" We heard your call and felt your distress." Sa'luna whispered.  Her face shown of motherly concern.  Her pale face glowing  with a soft white light that seem to only intensify the colors of her green flowing dress.

"It isn't often we all come together, however we feel as you feel." Xenthril said diplomatically. His bodily glow catching on this golden chain shirt.

"I... didn't mean... I wasn't ready.." Abraxys mouthed, thoughts still reeling in a growing tempest of emotion, fear, and awe.

Seraphina rolled her eyes and looked very annoyed at Abraxys's less than graceful speech. Her eyes settled back on Abraxys and begin to darken and narrow much has her void black shroud.

Aurora softly put her finger over her lips in an effort to calm Abraxys.  Abraxys felt a divine peace fall over him and the cranial tempest settled like the calm after a storm.  "It was we who called you, at least in part.  I believe you felt our pull and reflexively came to us, to be more accurate." Aurora slowly spoke. Her silvery glow pulsating at every syllable. "We sense your concern of the decaying state of the Fae people.  As Xenthril said, we feel this way too.  You have guided the Fae through many of the Ages in our place.   Even now you guide the Fae even while the Elders of the tribe are asleep and gone from this realm.  However, It is time again to awaken the Fae, and lead them to new heights.  There is still much of the culture you must rediscover.  We will aid you where we can."

As if it was all rehearsed, Xenthril raised his right hand in a conjuring fashion. A soft glowing golden orb lifted from his palm and quickly flitted to Abraxys landing on his forehead. "This piece of knowledge I will grant to you, its a location of a tome you might find very interesting." he said with a sly smile.

"Be warned however, nothing comes for free." Seraphina grinned wickedly.  "The tome could be a blessing or it could be a curse."

"It is what you make of it, I suppose" Sa'luna interrupted.  Her eyes falling upon her willful child, scolding her for her wicked games before returning them to Abraxys.  "Abraxys, this is all we can give you at this time.  It will lead you on a great quest.  Good luck."  

   At the end of those words Abraxys' eyes pop open to reveal he was back within his own study.  His mind calm and focused.  He could feel the pull of this object he was meant to search for, almost see the tome in a pile of old books in one of the older buildings of Wind.  "What could it be?" he pondered as he descended from his study in the tower to his basement and out into the bright sky of Failte.   The Sun's golden hue's seemed to radiate all the brighter.  He looked up in recognition of the celestial form of Xenthril.  "Thank you Xenthril for this knowledge, and thanks to the Fae gods for this renewal of hope." He quickly and calmly continued his path to the Fae river plaza and to the Fae portal into Wind...  (The end of chapter 1)
Title: Re: ¯|'[]'_|"[]'["|¯'[" chronicles,
Post by: abraxys on June 10, 2015, 04:31:21 PM
    With a deep breath and one last focus on the direction of the pull the tome had on him he stepped into the Faerie portal of Failte.  His excitement grew as he stepped through the portal to Wind.  The usual dizzy sensation knocked him from his concentration.  His eyes readjusted to the darker tunnels, the smell of sea air was replaced by stale mildew of a cave.  The sun warm skin quickly cooled in the damp cold tunnels.  He once again cleared his thought and tried to find the pull of the tome, but there was nothing.  I sensed the tome but there was no pull.

"Probably the powerful magics that still permeate all of Wind" he thought to himself.

     Abraxys knew there would be obstacles in his path, but didn't expect one so soon.  Wind wasn't a large city but had many libraries for an ancient tome to hide in.  One Fae couldn't hope to find the book quick enough, but perhaps the whole of Wind may help.  The Maithaos tribe were organized, efficient, and quick to follow an order, especially one given by the gods.  With no Elder rallying the Maithaos may take some time to convince, while most gave up on their suspicions of the Dria'octhaos tribe, there will still be those who have not.

     Abraxys smiled at the thought.  He truly loved each of the tribes and all their quirks, rituals, and behaviors. However, it is quite amazing he ever accomplished anything as each new law or governmental regulation seemed to have met with resistance from one tribe or another.  This task and many of the ones to follow will suredly be met with the same resistances.  The Fae were on a whole a stubborn race.
                                                                                                        (End of Chapter 2)
Title: Re: ¯|'[]'_|"[]'["|¯'[" chronicles
Post by: abraxys on January 23, 2016, 03:26:47 PM
     His thoughts drifted to the last time he was in Wind and found it was some time ago.  He had hoped to reclaim his government office but found resistance from a group of Maithaos traditionalists.  The Traditionalists were gaining political pull but so often does the Fae government flux with the influence of each tribe.   Abraxys found himself walking toward the Governmental Offices, it wasn't long until he noticed the lack of color.  Many Na'du'raos tribe had homes and visited Wind, their colorful robes popped amongst the stark white marble and robes of the Maithaos tribe.  Similarly there was no dark colors to indicate a Drai'octhaos, usually you would see once studying at the Government building's library or the cultural center.  Concern grew on Abraxys' face and his step quickened.  The Government building was in sight, but was eclipsed by several Maithaos guards stepping in his way stopping him. 
     "Dia duit, Maithaos guardsmans.  I have business at the Government building I must attend to.  I must speak to the tribes." Abraxys said with a smile only partially masking the concern and confusion.

     "The building is off limits to the Drai'octhaos!  You will have to leave at once." The closest guard growled.

Abraxys was taken aback by such unusual disrespect of the tribe and rank.  "I am the Oracle!, I am on urgent business from the Gods!"

     "Drai'octhaos scum, We will remove you from the...."   The guard was interrupted by a heavily armored guard walking down the Government building stairs.  "Let him in, Commander Tyrius would like a word with him."
     The guards glared as they parted infront of Abraxys.  His feet moved quickly and almost automatically has he was still reeling with such out of place disrespect and malice for his tribe and rank.   The guards ushered him through the building to where his old office was.  The door opened to reveal of gruff and sour faced man behind the desk.  The guards shoved Abraxys in the office and slid the door closed.  Abraxys looked around the office, it was nearly emptied of all its previous decorations.   The room was stark and bare except for a few office essentials.   

     "Sit!" The Commander scolded.
     Abraxys finally coming to an understanding of the situation defiantly yet calmly retorted "I would but you are in MY chair".

     The Commander's upper lip curled as if smelling bad cheese.  "This chair was long since abandoned by you, and Elder Stroem.  I have claimed it for my own and I won't relinquish it just because someone wishes to come back and play at our ways of life".

     "I came here on urgent business given to me by the Gods, The given us the task of finding a very important book.. something ancient." Abraxys said trying to appeal to the Maithaos' calling of serving the Gods.  The Commander's last statement still stinging like a hand across the face, yet Abraxys disregard both the comment and its possible implications.

     "You will not come in here and claim some ancient book because of some claim you made..  You will not unroot the order I have created in this city.  Your rank of Oracle means nothing anymore.  You are stripped of rank, of office, of any importance.  Fhealltóir!"  The Commander rose out of his chair, his pale white face growing dark red with anger.  His final word like a knife in Abraxys' chest. 

     To be called Traitor, Abraxys' mind went reeling again.  It was all too much, Abraxys started whispering magic words to escape and found himself once again blinded by the sun and assulted by the sea air.