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Topics - Cypress

Questions, Game Problems and Bugs / Magic Millinery Tool
December 07, 2012, 05:34:01 PM
It should now work with the ElvenWingedPlateHelmet and ElvenPlateHelmet as well :)

Hope you enjoy!
~ Admin Cypress
The point command had a bug that crashed clients when pointing at various things.
Also, the Vu Castle was a known client crasher to which you went at your own risk lol.

Both of these should now be working fine with no more client crashes!  ;D

Hope you enjoy!
~ Admin Cypress
Announcements / New new new stuffs!
November 30, 2012, 06:02:26 PM
New places, new dungeons, new items, new tamable? See the RP section for more information!
Deep in a forgotten corner of Ilshenar, you find a small village of simple people who live freely and honorably. They call themselves the people of Chaos simply because they are not the people of Order. Their ways certainly seem far more chaotic than the pomp and ceremony of the civilized "people of Order." However, only the old shamans really know or hold true to any of the ancient beliefs. As a whole, they are barbarians who value glory and honor in combat and hunting just as so many do even among those more civilized. They are strong, honest, and courageous and live peacefully as long as they are not provoked. Go there. Hear their tales and learn their ways for in them mysteries unravel and legends abound.
A reminder with an addition and request,

It has been wonderful to see so many inviting friends and family to join us here, and I'm glad that you've enjoyed our lands enough to invite them.  However, as we continue to get new people who bring in friends and family, I think we need to be reminded of the following rule:

One account per person. If you sneak in an alias and get another account, both of them are up for deletion. However, it is perfectly acceptable to have two or more unique accounts (1 per person) in a family with the same IP number, ie: a cable connection or whatever. Please PM Cypress and/or Iris with your account names if you do have multiple people on the same connection to avoid being considered as the same person.

I'll also add to this that while we encourage you to bring friends and family, we also ask that you please not play on your friend's and family's accounts.

Also, with our continuing growth, I'd appreciate it if those of you who have multiple accounts in the same house or on the same network would please send them to Iris and me via a forum pm. I can't say that we've devoted them all to memory as we've made them, and there have been quite a few lol!

Thank you all!
~ Admin Cypress
Announcements / The Sylanavi and Oracles of Roccos
September 20, 2012, 05:53:10 PM
"I want power!" someone would say. "And you shall have it," a mysterious voice would reply from an unseen figure who'd be observing everything, "Join us and you shall have it in abundance."

These words of invitation have been spoken at various times throughout the years in shadowed corners of the land by a reclusive group known as the Sylanavi. Not much is known of them except they are extremely powerful and that they are allied with another group known as the Oracles of Roccos who were known to be the most powerful magic users to ever exist. Once joined with the Sylanavi the Oracles have also become extremely reclusive and no-one has heard from them in many years. However you can guarantee they are constantly observing from their hidden tower with the Sylanavi.

Who are the Sylanavi exactly? How did they get so powerful? Are they good or bad? Perhaps you can seek out the Oracle's tower and find out for yourself! The tower is said to be hidden in an ancient and mysterious land. When you wander until you're lost then you might just be geting close! Beware of approaching their tower should you find it. They do not take kindly to uninvited guest snooping around their region as they are extremely reclusive and secretive.

Hope you enjoy!
~ Admin Cypress

Announcements / Anonymous staffer to be be revealed!
September 19, 2012, 08:00:26 PM
Sometime this evening likely between 4:45 and 6, the anonymous staffer will be revealed! I have a feeling this is an event you won't want to miss out on!

Hope you enjoy!
~ Admin Cypress
Announcements / Mazer the Mad Wizard's Maze Tower
September 09, 2012, 04:40:18 AM
A new challenge awaits those of skill and intelligence presented by a wizard gone mad. Mazer the mad wizard has built a maze of a tower and guarded it with warriors of incredibly strong defense! He feared warriors and so has made himself and his fortress nearly untouchable by strength or skill of sword. However, his pride has left a weakness in his defense! He considers himself the strongest wizard of all time and so considers other mages of little concern. This may work well to your advantage!

The entrance to his tower is a bit of a puzzle tower itself and may be found to the north of the hedge maze.

By the way, his tower also may hold an extremely rare treasure of great value.

Hope everyone enjoys!
~ Admin Cypress
Announcements / The return of [point
August 23, 2012, 09:54:13 PM
*Points at you*
Yes, you!
Why?  I don't know.... *points at the next person* Pass it on! LOL

Yes, we can now use the [point command again!

Hope you enjoy!
~ Admin Cypress
Announcements / Blessed quest book bag
August 22, 2012, 10:44:12 PM
There is now a blessed "quest book bag" (looks like a BoD book) that can be purchased from the atonement stone for 10k atonements under the tent next to the Magincia meadow.

Hope you enjoy!
~ Admin Cypress
Announcements / Ophidian rebellion
August 13, 2012, 08:55:29 PM
Delucia and Papua have recently come under attacks from a tribe of Ophidians who they were supposed to be at peace with. Well, as usual you can't trust a snake, but maybe there's more to this instance. Talk to the Wolven and Feline captains about it.

This may seem simple enough, but can get deeper and much harder if you follow it!

Hope you enjoy!
~ Admin Cypress
Questions, Game Problems and Bugs / Bugs fixed
August 06, 2012, 06:13:07 PM
There were two bugs one with the moveitems command and one with the ranged system that seemed to plague us somewhat regularly with server crashes. These have hopefully been fixed and will no longer crash us :)
Fix for stackable potions
32 Bit systems:
64 Bit systems:

Right click on "Computer" in the start menu (or "My Computer") and go to properties to see if you have a 32 Bit or 64 Bit system. Note that you may still have to tell the fix where to install. It needs to install in the place where you installed UO.

~ Admin Cypress
General Discussion / Prayers for Iris
July 18, 2012, 08:10:13 PM
I have some sad news. As some of you may know Iris' father had been having health troubles recently. He has now gone on to be with the Lord his Savior and reunited with the loved ones who had passed on before him. We know he's in that better place, but we keep Iris and her family in our prayers during this time.

~ Admin Cypress
Changes have been made to the ethereal, porcelain, and obsidian mounts and how they work with race forms. There was an animation glitch that most have probably noticed that made you disappear to others when you were mounted while in race form. Now, it can be different. If you mount after going into your race form, you will likely notice a small "bean" (as it has been called) above you.This should allow your animation to be visible to others while you are mounted on these mount types.  (It doesn't work if you mount first.) Other players watching you may see some slight "blurring" for various race forms, but this is normal.

This isn't a perfect fix. It is just a work-around for the time being and seems far better than completely losing your animation while mounted heh.

Hope you enjoy,
~ Admin Cypress
Announcements / A Thank You :)
July 02, 2012, 04:58:12 AM
I spoke with our host, Admin Llewelyn, and we had a hard drive go out on the shard server machine. However, thanks to the donations that have been given, he was able to replace it! This is why the shard was down for a time.

Thank you to those who donated, and thank you to Admin Llewelyn for hosting and the work you've put into it :)
I spoke to someone about this in game, and I agree that it was terribly annoying at times. What I'm talking about is how with Ninjitsu Animal Form, it would sometimes auto-morph you into the last body that you used. This has now been removed so that you can choose forms more easily when needed instead of being locked into the last one you used.

Hope you enjoy,
~ Admin Cypress
Announcements / New dungeon!
June 10, 2012, 11:52:55 PM
Pirates sail the Sylvan seas!

There's a new dungeon open with a new quest as well! Pirates have raided Magincia and taken captives! Go rescue the captives and bring the pirates and their evil captain to justice!

It is said that the captain holds a map to a treasure like no other! Maybe it's true. Who knows, but there's one way to find out!

The quest is on the north Magincia docks, and you need to complete it to summon the pirate captain. The quest should also give a clue leading to the location of the pirates.

Note: The dungeon is rated moderate to hard level. These pirates aren't pushovers!

Hope you enjoy!
~ Admin Cypress
Announcements / Ninjitsu Animal forms
May 19, 2012, 03:37:06 AM
As you may know, some Ninjitsu animal forms allow you to run at mount speeds even though you cannot mount. However, as some discovered there was apparently a bug keeping this from working. Well, this has now been fixed :)

Hope you enjoy,
~ Admin Cypress
Announcements / Auto-stealth
May 15, 2012, 05:20:51 PM
Alright, we got an update to stealth done now and seeing how it goes!

First, you walk into an area just casual and normal so as not to draw much attention. Next, hide and wait a few seconds while everyone sort of forgets you were there and goes on about their business (after about 10 seconds... people have short memories I guess lol). When you are ready, turn on your spy skills and start sneaking around. Once you've entered stealth, you will stay in stealth until you are ready to reveal yourself like when making a stylish surprise entrance to a party  8), or you will also leave stealth if you make a mistake... like tripping and falling flat on your face in front of the monster you are spying on  :o  lol... whichever comes first hehe.  ;D

Hope everyone enjoys,
~ Admin Cypress