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Topics - will parrish

General Discussion / Hello (Hears Echo)
December 05, 2013, 03:52:38 PM
Hope everyone is doing well. My gametime has minished of late due to a new promotion and different hours. I miss getting to see everyone at different times like I used to. I hope the Holidays find you and all your families well and I wish you safe travels during this wonderful time of year. Hope to see you all soon.
Announcements / Change in Schedule
October 11, 2013, 04:34:57 PM
As a few of you that normally see me online at certain times (Festus and others) I have received a new job title inside my Department where I work in Law Enforcement. Instead of having a weird schedule where I work two days and then off two days I now work a normal five day a week job. Therefore some of my playtime has been cut drastically. I have to play in the later evenings and so on. Every few weekns I will have some morning play time. I am truly hating this new schedule until I adjust but it was for the betterment of my family. Sylvan and all its players are an extended family and I will truly miss not getting as much time as I can with you all.

Festus Ole friend. I am truly going to have to get you my schedule where maybe we can do a little dungeon romp here and there. When I have some morning time off I will let you know so I can arrange us some hang time.

One good thing is this should allow me to easily make the Halloween Festival and maybe some evening events.

May even get to meet some other players I have never seen. See you all soon as I can!!!! ;D

Shard Downtime / Shard Down???
October 04, 2013, 04:04:45 PM
Was in middle of a dungeon and had just obtained my own seeker trapped collectable.....starts crying
General Discussion / Message Board Game
August 30, 2013, 06:03:01 PM
I would like to see if anyone would ne interested in donating In Game Items...Rares...tameables....etc and make a game out of it. I think we need to drum up the activity on the message boards here. I have noticed that we are seeing a slight rise in activity of player base. One thing I think we need to also do is maybe set up a game of sort for the forums and possibly have a GM select the winner some way wether it be most active for a week period...most unique story...ssomething. We could use the donated items as prizes and if they are rares then we could draw in more players if they see activity here on the boards. Just a food for thought. Hopefully some will like it and we can make it happen or if anyone has a way to make it better or tweak it. Just an idea to stir up activity and promote the shard a little better for when people visit. Thanks
Shard Downtime / Razor Cant Connect to Server
August 28, 2013, 11:58:24 AM
Maybe it is just my pc I thought but when I tried to log on razor cannot connect to server. I tried logging into an old server I played and successfully did to check make sure want me.
General Discussion / Vacation Time
August 05, 2013, 02:16:33 AM
Just wanted to say hi to all my Sylvn family.....esp you Festus. Anyone that would like to catch a glimpse of nice weather should go to and check out the web cam and thats where i am for a few days. Take care all... ;D
General Discussion / Lockpicking
July 11, 2013, 11:02:48 AM
Does anyone have any clues how to raise lockpicking past 100. I am doing Level 7 Tmaps and I occasionally get gains from those. I am currently at around 102.5 I think. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
General Discussion / Hunters of Adventure
June 29, 2013, 01:45:07 AM
A new group has been see wondering the land. These people appear to be nice and kind and are seeking treasure and adventure that few dare to tempt. If you see them make them feel welcome as they have welcomed anyone to join there ranks that enjoy adventure!!!!    ;D
General Discussion / I'm Back!!!!!
June 12, 2013, 04:13:39 PM
Just wanted to tell everyone that my school is done and I am back to my normal schedule and it is so nice to back to Sylvan where I belong. It was nice to see everyone that I saw yesterday. I see everyone is doing decent. I know life takes us for turns at times but I can again not itterate how happy I am to be back. I hope to see my buddy Festus soon so we can run a few T-Maps. See you all around soon.  ;D
General Discussion / Absent From Game .. Somewhat
June 03, 2013, 02:44:12 AM
Hey Sylvan. Just wanted to let you all know that I am currently away sort of... I am in General Instructor School so that I can be come a certified instructor to train BLET Classes in Unarmed self defense, fire arms and so on. I will be graduating on June 7th and will return to my normal schedule in game on June 11th. Hope you are all well.

Garrick.. I truly hate I haven't seen you to get your birthday Hue. It looked awesome. But anyways Take care Sylvan and I will see you very ,very  soon.   ;D
General Discussion / Talisman of Meco
May 01, 2013, 07:23:19 PM
I am assuming that this is a quest reward item. Can anyone tell me if this is how this talisman is acquired or is it something that can no longer be earned. Please someone help me with this. Thanks
Shard Downtime / Is Shard Down?
April 29, 2013, 06:31:13 PM
I can not get pat verifying account screen? Is shard down or is just on my end???
General Discussion / Thoughts I felt Led to Share
April 12, 2013, 05:14:41 PM
First off let me start by telling all of you what an honor it has been getting to know some of you better than others but you have all been nothing but enjoyful to be around.(No this isn't a good bye speech)
Let me give you all a small history of how I came to Ultima and found my way here.

   It all started around August 1998. I had just been involved in a serious car accident and was recovering well. One day while sitting outside on my front porch I met my neighbor. He had lived beside me for a long time but I had never ever spoken to him. He came outside and we began having a conversation about any and everything about life. I'm sure everyone has had that person and that conversation before. Well as we were about to depart he asked me if I liked computers. I told him I had never really been around any but I loved electronics and video games. He invited me inside and there on his screen was Ultima Online. So my addiction began there. He introduced me to MMROPG life and I LOVED IT. Wasn't but a few days and I went out and bought my first computer and hence I was born into a society of online games. So there I was on Lake Superior shard and in the guild KFG(Largest on that shard). This guild was a good group of friends and everyone cared to help each other. So off I was into ths world and I stayed in Lake Superior for about 4 years. After a while I grew weary and needed a break and I also met my wife, which changed the scheme of things as well. So in a nutshell priorities changed and I grew away from something that I called my home for quite a few years.

Then in Jan 2007 I rejoined this once loved game and had a new fire and passion never had before with it. So now I learn of free shards and hence I came to Hybrid. Was the hardest time I have ever had in game. Had no friends no one to pal around with if you will. So here I am venturing around in Hybrid getting PKed and all the other terms you could use. Finally one day I ran into a group near the town of Yew. It was the Yew Militia. And long story even shorter I had found my home. this was a strictly RP group and I have never ever been apart of role playing. I knew what it was but had never done in fully with a character. I LOVED IT!!! Well the Militia was a good group for me and I fell right into place. We moved from shard to shard for awhile. Divinity and Angel Island and back to Hybrid some. Well none the less I lost touch due to they left from playing UO and played Darkfall. NOT MY CUP OF TEA!!!!!

So again I took a break from UO and also my computer took a dump. Then along came the second greatest gift I have ever been blessed with and that was my Daughter. So as any parent knows there goes any free time you thought you had until you learn the ropes of this new found love. As with any new change in life everything changes and you adjust and that is exactly what I did. So now I was able to get adjusted and got a new computer. My first laptop. So i found myself quickly downloading UO again and found myself on the free shard IPY. While there I met back up with the militia and I also met someone that low and behold at the time did I know what become a good friend. Was a bard that went by the name Black Betty. Betty was quiet. Did not bother anyone and always seemed to be hunting like you would not believe.

If you notice in my story I have moved around alot on the free shards. But you know you always seem to follow the ones that make you happy and you enjoy playing with. So again IPY died out or at least the group I was with died out. Then we went to Perilous. Population never really boomed there but there was a close nit group there that enjoyed being together. But as you can probably already guess it was short lived.

Which leads me to where I am to this day and that is on Sylvan Heart. As most of you know I am always seen with Scathach d' Scott. I have enjoyed every minute that I play Sylvan with Scat. Scat has been a good friend and has been there everytime I say, Hey lets try and kills this or lets do that. Which alot of the time leads to death for me. He always seem to prosper and makes me a better person and player.

Sometimes we all need that one person that makes us better. Every morning when I log on I look forward to hearing him say WOOT or call me a Person In Management Position leader. (P.I.M.P)

I guess it is time to put an end to my story of how I got here. But in summary life is short and people are always coming in and out of our life and friends come and go and you make new friends. But the one thing I have learned is that when I am logged in no one seems to judge me and people accept me no matter whet. Even if it means they have to come to some bottom less pit of a dungeon and save me from unheard of perils. But what stands out the most to me is again no one judged me. I am who I am. Kind of funny in a way isn't it. What if the entire world treated each other as we do in game. We accept each other regardless. The world would be an awesome place and we would not have half the worries we do. So in short I have so enjoyed playing with you all and will continues until either the shard shuts down or I move on. Either way you all will have a special place with me and I will always remember you all. Some of you will hold an even better place with me than others but you have all touched me in a special way with your kindness and patientence.

** Friends are the Family We Choose**

General Discussion / Needing my UO Fix
April 04, 2013, 11:03:27 AM
Been gone on a small break due to my daughter being home for Spring Break and spending alot of time with her. Hope you are all well and doing good. I will be back on my normal routine on Wednesday of next. May get a little time over the weekend but nothing major other than macroing from work. Take care sylvan and see you next week. FESTUS I MISS YA OLE FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
General Discussion / Nice Dungeon
February 15, 2013, 01:43:35 PM
First off let me tell Cypress what an Awesome Job he did on the dungeon I found yesterday near Brit. It was Amazingly fun. Everyone needs to check it out at some point. Don tquite know yet what the payoff is for completeing it but that will be found out hopefully Monday. I will defintely be taking Festus with me as he will make a big difference in finishing the dungeon. So buddy be ready to head there Monday morning when I get my next day off. Again everyone make sure you go find this place. You will Love It!!!!!
Questions, Game Problems and Bugs / Help
February 12, 2013, 12:29:35 AM
I am having problems when i log in. My game window automatically minimizes and I can not get it to maximize so I can play. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trading / Valorite
February 06, 2013, 03:05:43 PM
Looking for 5k Valorite to buy if you have it. PM Scatach or Will Parrish when you see one of us and we would like to buy it. Thanks
General Discussion / Forum Activity
January 24, 2013, 05:24:56 PM
Come on everyone lets get these forums active and start posting. Also we need to make sure we are voting as well. If we get ourselves on the first page then we will get noticed more and people will start coming. Kind of like the movie Field of Dreams....If you build it they will come. If make it better people will come. Come everyone lets do our part.
Events / Event for Friday 1-25-13 8am CST
January 22, 2013, 09:36:12 PM
Would like to see if we could get enough people that will be around Friday morning and see if we can do a big Fel run or something. Anything. I know Festus will be game if he is around. I am going to try and drum up some excitement for the morning crowd somehow some way. So if you would like to mee Friday morning and go do anything just look for Artimis Monk/Will parrish and we will come up with some ideas. If you have any them pm me here on the forums and I will check them out the next two days while I am working.
General Discussion / Morning Champion Spawn Event
January 15, 2013, 01:58:49 PM
I would like to ask the staff about possibly having a morning Champ Spawn event. I know alot of events are held at night and so on. I for one along with Festus and a few others are early morning players and can not attend evening events. This is just a small request since I know the champ spawns have some special drops related strictly to them along. I love hunting rares but I think a champ spawn encourages team work and fellowship amongst players and allows them to do something together hunting wise. So if possible could one of the stff look into maybe doing this as a weekly event in the morng hours for us morning birds. Than you all for your time and consideration into this request!!  :)