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Messages - Jager

General Discussion / Sorry I have been MIA
November 01, 2009, 12:15:13 AM
Hey Friends.

I am sorry that I haven't been around much. I had been ramping things up for a large RP event for the past little while. Unfortunately I kind of dropped off the radar for a while there. Needless to say there have been lots of things going on with me lately. Travel, Death in the family, and a New Job (finally). Thus, This post is just letting people who were waiting on me know that I have been busy. I should be moving to my new job here in a few weeks, then probably another week to get things situated with my new life. THEN perhaps I can do this RP event.

Until then, hope everyone has a good Halloween.

Questions, Game Problems and Bugs / Re: Spawn Question
October 19, 2009, 01:21:23 AM
I agree. I for one would love to see more group-hunts that require teamwork.

I cant remember exactly where it was, I think Fel Hythloth, but that place scares me. I remember i was trying to tank this mob, and everytime i hit it it spawned something else. And that something else had a life-drain. I think ihad like 4 druid trees on me and was still dying in seconds. It was crazy. I am going to have to go back and find that sometime.

Roleplay Discussion / Re: Jazmyn's End
October 16, 2009, 09:02:01 PM
The impact was tremendous and much dirt was thrown into the air. Even from where I was standing, nearly a quarter mile from the scene, I could feel the impact quake in the ground through my boots. The fight was far from over though. Through the settling dust, I could see glimpses of both golem and dragon as they waged their titanic struggle against one another. Dreamer roared in pain as enemy archers began to rush forward and bury their rusty arrows into the thinner scales on her belly. They did not lost long however as she spared a moment to breathe her frigid breath across them, instantly turning them to solid blocks of ice. That moment of inattentiveness cost her though, as the flesh golem sliced forward with his Bardiche and gouged a gaping wound across her right flank. Swinging around in a flash away from the blade, she carried her momentum through, and pivoting on her good hind leg, she brought her tail up for a bone shattering crash into the daemon's torso. I can only guess at it, but seeing as how four ranks of closing troops were thrown on the ground by the shockwave alone, I can only imagine the damage that blow caused. Still though, the golem was not finished. Its entire left side a ruin of mangled flesh, it staggered backwards to sit heavily on the ground. Advancing for the killing blow, Dreamer swooped her head in to grab the daemon's throat in her jaws. Even with the massive wounds, the flesh golem tried to duck aside from that maw of razor sharp teeth and managed to partially succeed. Dreamer only managed to get a half bite on the thing's neck, but that was enough as she tossed her head and half of it came away in her mouth. With its last dying action, the golem thrust upwards with the Bardiche and struck a thin spot in the scales protecting her belly. The wound was massive and many of her vital organs were damaged. As the daemon sighed back on the ground, dead, the death throes of Dreamer tore at the earth and threw turf and soldiers in the air without bias.

The necromancers, sensing that the great dragonkin was dieing, released their power from the spent flesh golem and now focused instead on the powerful glacial. Jazmyn, seeing her Dreamer fall in combat, gave a cry for aid and began to cast another summoning spell to try and save her pet, her friend. Quickly the other druids pitched in their help and soon a broken and bleeding glacial began to phase in on the ground in front of them. Nasduirche, just now noticing what was happening, quickly began to cast a counter-spell to stop the summon. He was too late though. Knowing full well what was about to happen he shouted orders at all his mages and sent a runner to fetch Knossos and his men, things were going to get ugly and soon. The Druids began their chanting, slow and mournful, rising in tone and volume with each repetition of the healing mantra. Her wounds were grievous though and there was only a slim chance that she could be saved. Dreamer stopped breathing, and the wind picked up and forced her lungs to operate. Her blood was too thin, and water and earth mixed to replace it. Her heart stopped beating, and the pulse of the world palpitated it, keeping the blood flowing. Nasduirche finally reached Jazmyn.

"Stop this, you must stop keeping her here. You must send her away before she Arises!" he cried into her ear. She did not waste breath arguing with him though, merely glaring at him as she continued the chant, keeping time with her brethren. priests rushed in and began casting powerful healing spells of their own, doing there best to keep this noble dragon among the living. Their efforts were for naught though. Slowly, surely, Dreamer slipped away, leaving an empty shell of broken dragon behind. This had been the moment the necromancers had been waiting for. With an ear-shattering clap of thunder, a green lightning bolt snaked down from the sky and struck the draconic corpse blowing everyone around it back a few meters. I landed roughly on a discarded shield, but managed to throw my arms in the air just in time to help break Jazmyn's fall. The corpse of the dragon glowed briefly, then began to smolder.  Pale green smoke slowly rose into the air around it, but unlike most smoke it grew thicker and rose quicker with each passing second. It was joined by a darker colored smoke as the grasses around the body caught fire as well. Before anyone knew it, they were looking into the eyes of a truly massive Skeletal dragon that had formed out of the smoke itself. It was ringed by a circle of flames which licked and crawled across its polished white bones as it clawed at the sky.

It stood there for a moment, for a second, for an eternity. Oddly beautiful as the polished white bones glinted in the reflected mage-light. The augments from Dreamer had fused with the bones they had been placed next to, now attached permanently and near blinding with their luminescence of the stored power. It towered over everyone by more than three meters, slowly swaying in the rising thermals from the brushfire. As everyone looked on, still in shock from the scant few seconds which had passed, the air (and my left ear) was split with the sound of Jazmyn's wail of anguish. Unfortunately, she had still been mentally linked with Dreamer when she had been re-incarnated into this... thing. The mental anguish, the fatal clash between Gaia and the vile ways of Necromancy burned out Jazmyn's mind in a second. The Skeletal dragon, seeing Jazmyn as the closest target, craned down its vile head and snapped her up in its jaws catching my left hand in the process. It killed her instantly, but I was more lucky if one could call it that. My arm quickly became slick with both my own blood and Jazmyn's. I had been left dangling there above the ground, and the weight of my body slipped my arm out from between two of the monster's teeth. I fell to the ground and gave a loud grunt. Shocked out of his paralysis by this, Nasduirche shouted orders to the Mages within hearing.
"Boost Me! Boost my power!"
"But, sir. You know that that is dangerous..." said his adjunct.
"Silence," he commanded. "I know the risks. Boost my power anyways and prepare for a dissolution!"

Not knowing exactly how a dissolution worked, I tried to help the mages that were attempting to paralyze and immobilize the undead dragon. I was too weak though from the blood loss, and the pain prevented me from concentrating.  Everyone else hastily cast warding runes and Oblivion Rings of Power onto the ground with their staves around the struggling monster. Meanwhile, Nasduirche was focusing, mentally preparing himself and his soul for what was about to happen. He had experienced this very spell before, but not on this scale. This was a whole new challenge. Quickly, but meticulously, he burned runes of power into his gloves, and traced connecting lines down his arms and to his feet where they ran into a smaller Oblivion Ring. These would serve as conduits for the released energy to travel through, finally grounding themselves out upon the Earth where he stood. The hand full of mages trying to subdue the re-animation were failing. This undead aberration was too powerful for them, and they were slowly losing the fight.

"priests! I need the priests over here NOW!" he shouted into his communication crystal. "Knossos! Where are you? We need help in the back of the lines!" Nasduirche also bellowed.

"I am here Nas." Spoke Knossos from behind him. "I just arrived with what archers I could gather at a moment's notice."

"Good, I need you to nock your bows with Consecrated Arrows. That needs to be weakened." Nasduirche said, pointing at the thrashing mountain of bones.

"You called for priests Sir? Who is hurt?" said a wavery voice to his left.

"I need you not for your skill in healing. Rather I need you to use your Art to help control that. Paralyze it, Immobilize it. I care not, just keep in within that Ring on the ground."

"But, Sir! That goes against..."

Nasduirche whirled on the little man, "Stuff your argument, If you and your men don't do this we will ALL die. Now Move!" He barked.

With the aid of the priests, the dragon was held well enough. When all was prepared, all the mages began to chant in unison, leaving the priests to restrain the weakened dragon: "Ummmma dea numra... Ummmma dea numra... Ummmma dea numra..." I could feel the air electrify with the power they were amassing. The combined mana-pools of over sixty trained and skilled battle mages were being collected together and sent to bolster Nasduirche's own. The extreme use of the art was causing the priests some difficulty in keeping the beast contained. Occasionally sparks of magic would jump across the fifteen-foot gap separating it and Nasduirche, forking like miniature lightning. When, he could barely accept any more power without frying, Nasduirche began to chant himself. His was different though, in that it was spoken in ancient high-drow.

"Per vox rectum. Pro memoria quondam... Requium aeternam dona eis!"
then a repetition,
"Per vox rectum. Pro memoria quondam... Requium aeternam dona eis!!"
and the final chorus with everyone joining in,

With the final incantation, the undead dragon gave a horrendous screech and began to dissolve slowly. All the released magical energy was contained within the Oblivion Ring, and was funneled into the waiting receptacle of Nasduirche to be channeled safely into the earth. The power coursing through him and along the channels runed into his armor was amazing. The sheer power of it burned away the armor and etched the runing into his very skin where-in the power continued to flow. Every last erg of it was safely channeled into the ground at his feet, but it took a horrible toll on his body. After the last of the dragon was dissipated, Nasduirche collapsed insensate onto the thick slab of glass which he stood, dark, night-black glass that shone with an internal light, black glass that had only a few moments before been living grass and healthy soil. The grass and soil were now fused into this glass forever from the force and heat of the spell.
Roleplay Discussion / Jazmyn's End
October 16, 2009, 09:01:32 PM

*You see a hastily scribbled note above a much longer entry*

Enough time has passed. Enough mourning. I feel now that I can finally think back on that horrible day without breaking down. It is now time that I set down on paper what happened that fateful day.  I know that it will never be written down in the Official ES history tomes. I have asked Phoenix about it, but he considers it a relatively minor thing, especially after all the other friends we were forced to part with. For her memory, for the person who was, for my sanity; do I record this.

It happened as follows:

Monday 10th, Sero-Verisum 352.
I had been up all last night making arrows. Phoenix was running me ragged trying to keep up with everything. This morning was to have been a simple advance towards the main city, but a sizeable enemy force held us up. The morning had started out as any normal morning, but by the time the sun rose to its highest point in the sky, an ominous cloud had gathered off to our west. Clouds rolled over the trees at us, and lightning clove great trees in front of the advancing armies of ES. As we crested a small rise, we could see the enemy army spread out before us.  All manner of sick and twisted horrors which I could neither identify nor name, yet I knew in the bottom of my heart that these horrors would pile upon all the others I had witnessed in this campaign slowly desensitizing me to everything. Already the pain from the loss of Kithra and Brianne was fading into obscurity. For now though, I must prepare my field forge and rouse my assistants; there would soon be broken and shattered gear flowing into my shop just like there would be broken and shattered young men and women flowing into the priest's tent across the way. Leaders of men should be back here, on the back of the lines. Perhaps then they would see the true nature of War.

A little time had passed. I had left the shop to my able assistants while I went out to the field and help the priests and the medicae. They had barely been able to keep up with the wounded. Several times the very ones who they were trying to care for died right there on the spot. And such was the latent power of the necromancers that their patients rose up from their death-beds and attempted to slay them on the spot. This nearly wiped out the entire medicae staff until Phoenix gave that dreadful order. I still shudder to think back on it. His face was so grim, and I could see the armor of emotional loss behind his eyes sealing off his thoughts and emotions to the horrors of the words passing from his lips. "Save only those who are not mortally wounded... Destroy the rest before they can be turned."

These memories kept running through my mind, threatening to distract me from the simple healing spell I was trying to cast. I hadn't blatantly disobeyed his orders, but I had skirted the line a few times. I just could not bring myself to follow his orders to the letters. I reached up and swept my rain-slicked hair out of my eyes so I could better see the soldier's wound. The storm had broken upon us as the first fighting began. It was unlike any normal storm though. The clouds swirled ominously, pregnant with rain, and eerie green lightening split the sky often. The close black clouds have shut out the afternoon sun, and mage lights now shed their other-worldly blue light on everything. If it weren't for them we would be fighting in the dark.

Suddenly the ground began to shake. Like a breath of death sweeping through the swaying trunks that were people fighting for their lives, the dark powers could be felt. Hairs stood up along the length of my arms and I could feel everything growing cold around me. A mist, thin at first growing thicker and denser as it slithered its way past our legs, began to rise from all the slain bodies around us. For a moment I was concerned that yet another wave of re-animated corpses would rise to face us. Looking around me though, I soon realized that these corpses had already risen several times against us; there shouldn't be enough life-force in them to get even a twitch out of. The mist was growing ever denser, flowing along the ground like translucent mercury, and as I finished the simple healing spell over the fallen archer, I could feel the weight of it tugging at the hem of my cloak and pants. The battle was still on-going in front of me, and I could see the great mass of roiling fighters push back and forth.

Then, off in the distance, silhouetted by a sudden flash of unnatural green lightning, I saw a lone individual standing upon a raised platform. It was a sight which I shall never forget. There are some things that once seen, can never be un-seen. In the brief instance of another flash of the unnatural lightning, I could see the wind whipping his cloak and hooded shroud. The base of the platform was obscured by fog or mist, I couldn't tell rightly from that distance, but I could see that it was quickly becoming a swirling vortex.  In the fading light of a falling mage-light, I could see the mist swirling up around the figure's legs, obscuring them.  Phoenix must have caught sight of this as well for I could see out of the corner of my eye, the faintly glowing Hammer being raised high in the air, the signal for more light on the field. Seeing this and wanting to see more of what was happening on that platform, I sent my feeble mage-light up into the sky. It wasn't much, but it was all I could manage with my little bit of the Art. Around me, three battle mages under the barked command from Nasduirche, chanted together in sequence, and I could feel the energy pulsing through the air from them right as three titanic mage-lights, each at least two meters in diameter, shot from their out-stretched staves and soared into the sky. Blinking the after-image from my eyes, I looked back down the field, now slick with vivid crimson, illuminated by the harsh blue light. Once again I could see the platform, or at least where the platform used to be. I knew that the Necromancer was still there though, as I could see the red light from his eyes through the swirling mist which now towered over him. The mist had stopped coming from the bodies around me, but I could still see it around the front lines. From my vantage point here on the little hillock, I could see vast quantities of it swarming in from all over the battle field and congregating around the platform. Suddenly, the mist billowed out before being sucked back in; as if an explosion had occurred in its heart. The red pinpoints of light winked out for a moment then reappeared at least three meters higher, much brighter as well and larger. They pierced through the fog, lighting it up from the inside as it continued to swirl around the figure standing inside it, thick and turgid. Slowly, as if walking from a nightmare, this.... this... thing reached up out of the mist. Lightening suddenly forked down from the heavens and connected with it. There was a great flash of blinding light and a powerful shockwave washed over us, resurgent with the smells of battle and something else, something worse....

As I blinked the dust from my eyes and shook my head to clear it of the ringing, I looked out and could see what has been wrought. Where the platform once was, a crater was now gouged out of the earth with ragged edges like a festering wound with smoke wafting out and along the ground near by. Just then, rising from the ground in concentric rings from the blast, were the ranks of enemy who were nearby the blast. They were the lucky ones. Of those who were closer, nothing remained but some half-melted armor and weapons. Stepping up out of the crater, the monster, brandishing a wicked looking Bardiche, opened its mouth and issued a roar like none other. It isn't loud, nor does it shake the ground; instead I could feel it inside my head, pounding on my temples, tearing at my soul, freezing my breath. Off to my right I heard a sharp intake of breath over the sudden silence in the aftermath of the shockwave. Looking over I could see Jazmyn the archdruid looking at the behemoth with dread in her eyes.  Calling out to the druids around her, she began to cast a summoning spell of great strength. I knew not what she would call forth, yet I knew in my heart that it would most likely not be enough to stop this new horror. I tried to lend my feeble talent to her summoning spell, but I know not if I was any help. The druids spread out from Jazmyn like planets orbiting a star, hand in hand, they outline enough space for the summon. I could see from my vantage that this would be no ordinary creature, perhaps even.... yes... I began  to see polished scales appearing in the air. And, the air, yes the air, grew noticeably colder as the scales quickly multiplied and spread up and down the back of a truly massive dragon. It was the greater glacial, old Dreamer herself. As the last of the behemoth finished phasing in, Jazmyn opened her eyes and looks calmly into the face of her pet, "Hello there you old Day Dreamer, I have need of you again."

The glacial, sensing the battle raging around her, gave an impertinent shake of her head, as if to say: "Well, get on with it then." As Jazmyn cast protective spells on the dragon and the battle mages prepped the augments imbedded under massive diamond hard scale plates, the old dragon inspected her scales to make sure they all came through the transition in one piece.  The thick scales that covered her sinuous form are the best type of armor: diamond hard with some as large as order shields; their protection is second to none. The augments that had been inserted under the scales in key areas by my hand began to glow fiercely as the mages poured greater and greater amounts of energy into them, activating them. These precious stones greatly augmented the glacial's strength, agility, and intelligence; doubling, if not tripling her power. As the preparations neared an end, a priest hurried up to make the quick sign of Compassion in the air between the dragon and him then held up a large power crystal above his head and waited for the dragon. Knowing well the drill, Dreamer lowered her head to his level and pressed her forehead against the waiting crystal. There was a brief blue flash before the priest lowered the crystal and rushed off to the back lines cradling in his hands the now glowing shard containing a stored fragment of the glacial's soul should she fall in battle. Finally ready for battle, Dreamer threw back her head and let forth a roar of anticipation.

The horror had by this time worked its way through friendly territory and was proceeding lay waste to the front lines of the Empire, driving back any foe that stood before it. Some men scattered before it, others stayed rooted in place by the fear that overtook them; but no matter as its reach was long and its will determined. Slowly at first, but quickly picking up speed, Dreamer began to lope towards it. She was careful to step around the fleeing Paladins and Templars as they tried to scatter before her charge. After a few bounds though it was unnecessary, as she spread her great diaphanous wings and took to the sky with a sound of blowing air like the exhalations of an angry God.  Quickly gaining altitude, she began to circle the battle, looking for the best angle of attack while Jazmyn offered advice and information of the battle through their shared mind-link. Seeing an opportunity the Great glacial folded her wings and dropped like a stone straight towards the flesh golem. Not one hundred feet away, she finally issued her clan's battle cry opening her jaws wide and spreading her talons out.
Wish List / Re: New Metals
October 16, 2009, 08:56:31 PM
Warning, Wall-O-Text incoming

Leather gives better resistances than Metal? doesn't make sense

They are about par actually. The way that all the crafting materials work is that they each specialize in different areas. I myself use leather 99% of the time, just because of the Runic issue (will get to that later) Spined gives luck, horned gives physical and fire bonuses (50% of the time), Barbed give a pretty good spread all across the board (though poison resists are always a tad weak), Troll gives cold and energy (50%) of the time. Now even though Troll leather IS the better material to make armor out of because it has a total of 43 resistances to spread around the board instead of the 41 that Barbed gives, I still prefer the barbed because of the more even resistance distribution.
On the other hand. There are more metals with which to make armor out of. All this means is that there are more differing bonuses to give to the armor. For instance i know that Shadow iron gives energy and Durability bonus. Valorite is another 'catch all' like Barbed, but It always gives a fire resist detriment, which is kinda important...

Runics: Yes barbed leather runic kits for tailors are indeed much easier to get than the smithing equivalent through BOD turn-ins. This does not mean that they are impossible to get. This imbalance is due to two different reasons.
1)Due to the numbers of smith bods versus tailoring bods, if memory serves the ratio is about 1:3 (tailoring:smith).  This results in really rally crappy return when going to the transmute boxes. It takes about 20x more gold to get a good smith bod than a good tailoring bod. I am not even going to speculate on the ratio between barbed kit bods and val hammer bods, cause truthfully: in all my years of crafting and transmuting bods I have ONLY SEEN 1 smith bod that even required valorite. (This was a small helmet bod as well. Not even part of the seven bods that are the only ones which can give you a val runic hammer.)

When Oak initially scripted everything, he made the Barbed runic kits WAY too easy to get. Now don't get me wrong, this imbalance has always existed even on OSI, it is just all the more evident here because of the tailor/smith bod # imbalance. (see above)

These facts are why good runic leather is SO much easier to come by on Sylvan. I have to admit though that this is probably a large part due t my fault. When I first started out as a crafter here I began with tailoring. Once I found out how crazy imbalanced the two were against each other (*waves fondly to that couple mil that disappeared down the transmute box*), I stuck with tailoring. Over the years I have made more than just a few runic items as well. So that there is kind of a glut on the market.
Aside from that freak instance where that guy got 3 val hammers from hunting; (i think this is a bad example cause the story i heard was the result of a bad spawner or something) all the other Valorite runic hammers that have been used have been used to make weapons. Just cause it is such a PITA to farm THAT many VS for making armor. (my personal opinion there)

Blacksmithing is far from worthless.
In fact; the very necessity that requires its use for socketing makes it the most vital crafting skill here. Nothing would be the way it was were it not for Smiths and their ability to socket. And yes you can begin to socket at 120.0 blacksmithing, but your chance for success is like 10% and the other 90% of the time you WILL waste your val, and you are almost guaranteed to destroy the item. And that is once for each socket, so 6x the chance to destroy the item.

The simple crafter character has all but been eliminated here.

Not true actually. This shard just requires you to think a little differently about how it is done. I myself don't harvest any of my resources. I have friends and alts for that. That doesn't mean that Jager couldn't however. All it takes is 115.0 magery, and every (ore/wood/sea) Guardian can be taken out by 2 fire elementals. I just chose not to because of RP purposes.
There are definitely people who want to just craft and not have any other characters. That is why I play Jager so often. It took me a LONG time to get off the ground as a crafter though. For nearly a year I was building up my resources and bods. Finally after a long time I was able to emerge on the market and begin selling my goods. I have done pretty well for myself I admit, it is just that there are only a few other crafters who have put in the time and effort. Thus it seems like crafting is underutilized.

Crafters who can make the best gear will always hoard it and will always try to sell for a lot.
With how easy gold is to get here though for the advanced players, and hard as crap for the new players; it is pretty dang hard for new players to get outfitted. This is even considering that every new player "wants" to be the cookie-cutter bushido tank. Primarily because the crafters who are out there only make the high-end gear, because it is harder to get a spined runic kit than a barbed, and partially because no one except the Extremely New would look at those Spined-runic-kit-made wares. Gold is just too easy to get. Still though, pure crafting is NOT a moneymaking experience. I would not have been able to keep it up like I have if it was my sole income. One day about a year ago I sat down an recorded how much money I had to put in the transmute box to get all 6 small bods and the 1 large that resulted in a barbed runic kit. I stopped counting after I hit 5 million gold. Even divided by 15 (which is the number of charges resulting) that came out to ~333K gold. Now factor in the ratio of uber armor (which I sold for 50-120K gold) to junk armor (which I pretty much had to throw away cause no one would buy it). Oh btw that ratio, if one is VERY generous is about 1 in 5. So no, not a money making profession.

The myth that the val hammers make better items is complete bunk. In the code itself they are identical, and I can show anyone who asks chests and chests and chests of val hammer made things that are utter crap, worse even than a gold or a dull copper runic.

Tailors make uber gear that is med-able by default! However, the comparison of uber gear made to non-uber gear made is about probly 50/50 or maybe 40/60... which is fine considering
-->Not really. I have cut up a LOT of armor cause it came out so retarded awful. More like 30/70.

The fighting with scissors made me laugh! wanders away thinking of a scissor-arrow for archers

Smith can "easily" make weapons worth socketing..
-->Easy only when you have the right runic, which was discussed previously

But really, I think they're both very well taken care of
-->Agree completely
I personally think this shard is a crafter optimized shard hehe   The crafters you can make on this shard are so awesome... it simply amazes me. Warriors are awesome too, yes, but without crafters... hehe warriors aint so tough running around in cloth and poking at things with twigs and throwing rocks
-->I have to say, in all the shards which I have played, Sylvan is the kindest to the crafters. In 99% of the other places one can get artifact gear that so completely outshines the crafted armor that it makes crafting neigh-pointless. Yay for SH, keep it up!
On that note of fletchers. I do know of a monster that has a chance to drop a runic fletching kit. I have never managed to get a drop but I know that they exist. And while we are talking about our pipe-dreams, runic tinker kits would be a God-send.

Can anyone tell that I am passionate about my crafting? *chuckles*

Anywhoo, just wanted to throw out my 2 gold pieces.

I hadn't heard about the .net greater than 1.0 issue. That could be it, but not sure. I myself haven't had a problem and i am running all versions.

How about this, can you launch Razor by itself and log into the shard?

Cove eh?

They shall soon have a taste of Ulsenar then. The Empire of Sosaria will help keep them at bay.

Lord Phoenix
Events / Re: Lama is Happy
October 05, 2009, 05:22:16 AM
Definately Grats! And nice hue btw.

Wish List / Re: Pet Breeding
October 03, 2009, 09:27:41 PM
Yeah, something like that (when balanced properly) would be a great addition I think. And there are some pretty awesome scripts out that that can be easily modified to fit into this place. For instance, i know that would be awesome to see here.

Monday 54th, Obdormio 352
It has been nearly two months since the last rebellion was crushed. I decided to make a Royal Journey through my lands so that the populace can gaze upon their powerful and benevolent ruler. I scarcely had made it past the boundaries of the city though before I received news of an attack on my lands. Within the first week this force had utterly destroyed my northern cities. Their strength and power are amazing and they field weird creatures upon the battlefield; giant monsters of Metal and Wood, belching forth gouts of steam and dark black smoke.  I've learned that they call themselves the Zod and that they have set forth into my lands in search of something. If I am to rule these lands then I can not let them be destroyed. I must put an end to their onslaught, but I must also lean the secret of their powers! Such great power must be mine as I am the only one who should rightfully have it. I need it: it is necessary to establish the greatness of my empire. I prepared my armies and marched north to meet them in glorious battle.

The first clash is upon us. I have brought my armies north and even now we stand upon a grassy plain. The Empire of Sosaria on one side, and the great mechanical behemoths on the other. Behind my forces the rising sun casts its Holy Light into the eyes of the enemy. I stand there, before the front lines; calm, composed, ready. As we wait for the approaching army to get within range of Knossos's arrows I tighten my grip upon the handle of my Hammer. Over time the faint Aura that it emits has grown stronger, such that even in broad daylight it can be seen from a distance; glowing a deep crimson red. As I opened myself to the Hammer and felt its power infuse me and mine it, I realized that it felt much stronger than ever before; almost as if it sensed the enemies in front of us. Like a wild thing it wiggled and squirmed, trying to bring itself to the enemies for slaughter. Grunting, I managed to keep it in my hands and forced it into submission. This caused it to glow ever brighter, nearly blindingly in fact.


The battle... the battle i should not speak of. not now at least. perhaps in the future. For now I am still trying to sort out what happened. Regardless,it has been a week since my victory over the Zod and nearly a year since I defeated the Dark Crusade, claiming leadership over the Woodlands. In all, my rise to power has been swift and my travels abroad much more fruitful than I could have ever imagined; as now the expanse of my Sosarian Empire is far greater than any Empire in history. But... I grow restless. I need return to the heart of My Empire, it has been without my influence for too long now, and I feel I need to let them know that I am still their ruler. I suspect I shall find a glorious welcome, but if they have forgotten me... if they will not submit to me and rightfully return my throne, then woe unto them all. I have learned that tolerance is weakness and only leads to disorder in an empire in the end. I will have no tolerance for those who do not submit to my rule. I will accept nothing short of total loyalty, in their life or by their death they will submit to me.

(OCC: Phew. that was a long story. Hope y'all enjoy!)

He rushed from his small shop and across the camp to Phoenix's tent. "Phoenix," Jager addressed him as he came into the command tent. Phoenix sat at the back of the tent with Knossos standing to one side both examining a map and some other documents.
"Yes Jager?" Phoenix looked up and replied.
Jager began, "The people are exhausted and some are badly wounded, we need to rest and restore our ranks before moving on. I also need more time to repair the armor and weapons. These battles have taken a terrible toll on us, and not even I can keep up with all the repair work and medic work to be done. We need at least two or three days to build back enough to fight."
"Jager," Phoenix sighed slightly with impatience, "leave the healing to the medics and stay busy on the armor and weapons. Repair them up at least half way and then go to the next, and I need twenty-five thousand more arrows made before the day after tomorrow."
"I've already completed the arrows," Jager told him, "and I've already been doing that with the armor, but I can't take much more of this pace and neither can the men. Even if I could keep the gear in repair, the medics can hardly keep the men in repair."
"Jager," Phoenix said again now beginning to sound more annoyed, "We will be moving out and that is final. I will finish this war and soon."
"Sire," Knossos interrupted, "We have actually already used most of the last quivers of arrows that were made. We do need more before our next encounter."
Phoenix clenched his teeth with rising annoyance, "Jager, you have today. Finish the arrows and what you can of the armor and we will move out tomorrow. Knossos," he then turned to his side, "take a party and scout here," he pointed to an area of the map ahead of them, "Now both of you go, now!"
Later that night, Phoenix visited Jager's small shop. Jager was hard at work as usual. Piles upon piles of armor and weapons lay stacked against the walls leaving barely enough room for Jager to swing his hammer above the anvil.
Wednesday 22nd, Verisum 352
"Good evening Jager," Phoenix said as he entered the shop and gazed around at the clutter. "Good evening my friend," Jager greeted him warmly, "About this morning... I'm sorry, I'm doing everything I can to keep up."
"Yes, yes..." Phoenix brushed aside the comment, "I need you to look at something for me. What do you make of this? I think it has some enchantment, but what can you tell?" he asked handing Jager the War Hammer that he had found in the dungeon all those months before.
Jager frowned slightly and shook his head taking the hammer. He examined it for a few minutes and ran a few basic metal tests on it before sharing his analysis. "Well," he began, "It is indeed well crafted. Its base is runic in nature... but it is most certainly more than the sum of its metal. It most certainly does have some enchantment on it, but unlike any I've seen before. I don't fully understand it and so cannot fully explain it, but it has great power within it, and I sense a terrible darkness as well. I would beware using it my Lord."
"Well, you've told me not much more than I couldn't tell myself," Phoenix frowned and grasped the handle, "I already felt the darkness, but I think I must have suppressed it because it seems much less dark to me now."
"I suppose that's good, but just the same I'd advise against using it further," Jager cautioned. "Nonsense Jager, you worry too much," Phoenix replied ignoring his friend's warning and turning to leave, "Well, I will see you in the morning, you'd best get some sleep. We will move out early."
"Sleep?" Jager grumbled to himself, "I've got fifteen thousand more arrows to make..."

Monday 10th, Sero-Verisum 352
It has now come to the close of the fifth month of fighting. Despite our heavy casualties, we've taken over the Woodland people's main castle and driven out the Necromancers. The war was hard won though. Fully a third of my regiments have fallen to enemy blades, only to be resurrected and slain by their former friends. I have lost many friends and companions. The tragic loss of Kithra was just the first, since then Jazmyn and Brianne have both fallen. With each tragic loss, the emotional scars have formed a patchwork armor around my heart and soul. Each loss hurting less than the one before it, until I barely feel anything at all. Somehow, in a way I know not, I know that the Hammer has helped me get through it all. I draw a lot of comfort and power from it when I hold it, and here recently it has began to emit a faint pink Aura whenever I grasp its smooth wooden handle. I have had the Mages examine it many a time, but they can tell me nothing except that it is a weapon of exceptional magical quality that seems to feed off of my energy even as it returns the favor. With the ouster of the last remnants of the Dark Crusade's Leaders, the people of the woodlands have appointed me as their leader, naturally. Thusly, I've taken this land as a new extension of the Empire of Sosaria. As my first act as leader, I will further our fight against the Necromancers. The tables have turned, and now they are the ones running! We will hunt them down in every village and city. I will have none who would stand against my new empire!

Thursday 30th, Sero-Verisum 352
"Nasdurche," Phoenix addressed him.
"Yes my lord?" he replied.
"Take your troops and destroy the south east city of Woodard. My sources tell me the enemy has a stronghold there."
"What are your orders concerning the terms of their surrender?" he asked.
Phoenix's gaze narrowed and he took a deep breath, "I accept no surrender. I want them dead." Nasdurche's gaze also narrowed and he nodded a bow, "Yes, my lord," he replied with a cold indifference, "as you command." He then turned to leave.
"Wait," Phoenix called back after him, "If they surrender, take them captive. They may have useful information. See what you can get from them. Use whatever methods of persuasion you need and report the information back to me. Also, bring me any who are of High Rank for further questioning and kill the rest when you are done."
Nasdurche nodded again with the same look of cool impassiveness as before and replied in like manner but added the slightest but most unsettling hint of displeasure, "at once my liege."

Friday 72nd, Sero-Verisum 352
After some weeks of hunting them down, the remaining Necromancers holding the outer cities have surrendered or fled. I've "hired" a few of their own to help hunt down the remaining renegades. The necromancers have few scruples and no qualms about hunting each other to save their own necks. While I have no intention of sparing them, they are useful for now. I've also captured a few who would not be hired, so I have thusly encouraged the ones I "hired" with displays of violence begat upon their brethren. However, one thing I initially overlooked is that most necromancers seem to have little fear of death. I have since found that the old methods of torture still work well enough. I've also found a new way to make them useful. If they will not serve me in life, then they will serve me in death! Those necromancers I was able to "hire"; I've used their skills to resurrect the ones I kill. It is a cruel perhaps, but I think it justice to now turn their own spells against them. They will never again fight against this Empire.

Sunday 4th, Aestas Estas 352
I've grown tired of using the Necromancers and had them all killed. It was time they die for their crimes anyways, and I have no more need of them. However, I found their skills so useful that I've watched and studied some of their spells, and I believe I understand enough now on my own. I've also continued my fight against the renegades and have pressed them completely from the woods and into the eastern mountains, but they can only hide so long. One troubling matter is that my people are ready for peace... they are weak stomached peasants. They don't understand that there will be no peace until I have finished my conquest! I will rule not only the woods but the mountains and the plains as well. I will drive out the evil that lurks and bring the order and peace of the Empire to these people, only then may there may be peace.

Tuesday 6th, Aestas Estas 352
"Lord Phoenix," Jager addressed him as he came into the hallway.
Phoenix groaned and narrowed his eyes, "What is it Jager?" he answered with a slightly annoyed tone.
"This isn't our way," Jager began, "hiring Necromancers as mercenaries, torturing captives, and even using the Dark Arts against them... what has come over you?"
Phoenix gritted his teeth and clinched his fist, "What do you mean OUR way? This is MY Empire. I have rebuilt it from the ashes that Icemere left; I won the wars to make it what it is! I freed these people, and I know what is needed and will do what I see is necessary."
"You think using Necromancy to raise the dead is necessary? You're using the very thing you've fought against!" Jager shouted.
Phoenix relaxed a bit and chuckled, "It's called a cruel irony, and it serves them right."
"Since when have we been in the business of making irony and 'serving people right'," Jager further argued, "I thought we served Justice and Compassion and Honor..."
"Silence! That is enough; I will hear no more of this!" Phoenix's outcry of rage echoed in the vast chambers of the Throne room, "I am the ruler, and my Law IS Justice! Don't you ever again dare suggest that I have no Honor. If you dispute me any further, I may try you on charges of treason... Now leave me!"

Thursday 27th, Aestas Estas 352
Today I write of an upsetting thing. There was a rebellion in the main city. Certain of my own comrades were among those revolting! The ungrateful, disloyal, filth! I saved these people and they had the nerve to rebel against me! The rebellion was short lived however, and I had them all taken prisoner. I do not yet wish to have war with my own people, so I will simply kill the leaders, beat the rest, and release them for now. I will not bend to them. My rule must be absolute. I must display my power to keep them in line. Still, I will spare them mercy this time, but should they do it again I shall have no mercy to spare.

Sunday 30th, Aestas Estas 352
This didn't seem to warn them sufficiently though. Once again, rebellions in several of the major cities have broken out like wild fires. The peasants have even joined forces with some of the Necromancers from the hills! What kind of fools are these people? I've taken more of the rebellion leaders prisoner and had planned to have them all killed. This offers me a chance to try out my new spells though. If they will not give me their loyalty in life, then I will have it in their death! I will accept nothing less than total loyalty. I will do anything possible to maintain the order and the peace. Hopefully these few sacrifices will serve as examples to the rest.

Tuesday 32nd, Aestas Estas 352
"Phoenix!" Jager burst into the room, "This is madness! What have you done to them?"
"They brought it on themselves, Jager," I began coldly, "They joined with the necromancers and rebelled against me! They seem to have forgotten that I rescued them from this fate. Maybe now they will remember! I used my power to free them, and I can use it to bind them too. They will serve me alive or dead, it is their choice."
"Phoenix," Jager began, "We won that long ago, if you stop this pointless war and rule in peace and put away these dark arts, then the people wouldn't rebel. You're bringing to pass the very things we fought to free them from! Can't you see that?!"
"So, you would rebel with them against me? You chose their side?" I questioned in anger. "My Lord, I have always been on your side, as am I now," Jager began. Explaining, "I do not wish for these rebellions any more than you do, but this is not the way to stop them. Please listen to me."
"And since when do you know how to rule an empire?" I quipped.
"If you remember, friend, the Empire was left in my name. I was not strong enough though to face the horrors that you have. I only wished to be left to my crafting."
"I remember," I said between clenched teeth, "I also remember that you were too weak, as you said. It is obvious that I know what is best for these people. They appointed me as ruler, just as you had asked of me back in Sylvan. I will rule as I see fit, and unless you wish to join these," he said pointing to the mindless skeletal remains of the rebel leaders with his Hammer, "Then I will not hear you question and insult me again." I said, motioning the guards to escort Jager from my presence. It is only because of the long history we shared that I tolerated his repeated insults. Jager was once my best friend, and could be again. If only he would shed his narrow outlook on life.

Friday 12th, Aestas Sero 352
It has been some time since I have written, but I've found occasion now record my thoughts. The rebellions have ceased for the time. They had claimed a city and made it their stronghold. It was a foolish move on their part: it made their extermination much easier having them gathered into once place. I've destroyed that city and everyone in it. I burnt it to the ground and salted the Earth as an example to any others wishing to follow in their rebellion. My Empire can not stand divided and therefore I have brought it once again into unity. After the display of my power, none will now dare to challenge me. Something else though has come back to the fore front of my mind. As I once again wield my Hammer in battle, the feeling of that powerful presence becomes stronger. I feel it still slowly drawing closer, and its power is immense! The feeling never leaves me, and I've often felt it during the day, but it seems strongest in the night just before I would sleep.
Roleplay Discussion / Ashes of the Phoenix (ES Backstory)
September 22, 2009, 06:27:26 PM
Ashes of the Phoenix

(OCC: My thanks goes out to the wonderful Link of Urak. I could not have done this backstory without his help, as all the main concepts, and events are due to him. I merely provided supporting details, polish, and obsufucations.)

Bits and excerpts from the journals of Lord Phoenix, Imperial Regent of the Empire of Sosaria.
Covering the years of 351 through 352, of the Post-Paxium of our Lord and Savior: Lord British

Wednesday, 73rd of Catumnal, 351
It's the first month of my journey away from the Empire. I've left care of it in the capable hands of friends who've stayed behind. A bit of travel will do me good, as I have been buried under the duties of leadership for far too long now. Had I known the trials and work involved when Jager asked me to be Regent.... Well... I must admit that I most likely would have accepted it anyways. This exploration will be good for me though. I have a good feeling about it.

Today, the scout found a dungeon a few miles to the north. It's heavily guarded but promises to hold great riches! Looks like we'll be doing a little treasure hunting tomorrow! Tonight we'll set up camp and make plans before making our way there in the morning. With a bit of planning and team work, we'll dispatch the vile creatures of the dungeon and claim the treasure before nightfall!

Thursday, 1st of Catumnal Secundus 351
Where to begin... We attacked this morning, and easily entered the dungeon. Upon entering we were met not with swords and arrows but an eerie growl and low rumble almost like laughter. An unexplainable wave of fear and dread overcame us and a feeling of darkness gripped at our very souls. It was the most unsettling experience I've ever had, yet I shoved it aside and encouraged the others, and we pressed slowly forward. The dungeon was much harder than expected. The enemies we faced were unlike any we had seen before. Instead of flesh and bone they were made of metal and wood and belched thick clouds of white steam and black smoke. Their centers were lit with the fires of hell, which provided our only illumination. Deeper and deeper we advanced, losing not a single man and slaughtering many of the enemy in the close quarters. We should have felt elated at our progress, but the darkness and feelings of evil pervaded everyone. Finally having defeated the last of the wicked monsters, we entered the treasure room. To our dismay however, we found it all together empty save for a peculiarly runed and exquisite War Hammer. I took the Hammer, and we quickly retreated from the dungeon. We've set up camp now a few miles back south were we had stayed last night. I've tried again and again to sleep... but the same dark feeling that was in the dungeon is still with me. It has much lessened now, but still I feel a growing darkness in the back of my mind and encircling my soul. It's strange, but I can almost feel it physically coming closer to me, yet being still very distant. The dungeon must have been more unsettling than I realized. In the heat of the fighting I ignored it to some extent, but it seems to have caught up with me. It will probably be some time before the impact of that experience dulls.

I've found it necessary to write in my journal this morning. The dark feeling from last night has worn away a bit, and though I still feel it there, I feel none the worse and actually feel stronger than I have in weeks! We'll be making our way eastward now into the thick woodlands...

*some days later*
Sunday, 3rd of Catumnal Secundus 351
It seems we've stumbled into the middle of a war. The people of the Woodland Empire we discovered are at war with a deadly and wicked Clan of Necromancers who call themselves The Dark Crusade. This Clan has now destroyed the Woodland Empire and set up a new dark Empire. There is yet a few struggling villages and cities of the Woodland people who have not yet surrendered and are now begging for our aid in their desperate condition. I've never been one not to help the oppressed especially when it is the good who suffer at the hands of the evil, so I have agreed to lend the aid of the Empire of Sosaria to their struggle.

The great grassy field spread out before them. The wind moved swiftly through the tall blades of grass... and among the readily drawn blades of the people: the combined forces of the Sosarians and the Woodlanders.  Arranged in the battle proven Reverse-Echelon formation, developed by the Great Manamotto, I directed my troops to begin sweeping through the enemy lands. Cleaning them out of their captured villages and reclaiming the homes of our new friends. The wind seemed to carry and spread the feelings of each person to me: some fear, much anxiety, some dread, others hope, and some anger. All this quickly morphed into the euphoric sense of victory as we drove the vile necromancers before us. I knew better though. I knew that this quick victory would not last.

Wednesday, 6th of Catumnal Secundust 351
For now they stayed in the woods on the edge of the field. The enemy had recovered from the initial shock of our advance and had gathered an army of their own to oppose us. Our advance had been stopped here, on the edge of this wood, not by a counter attack. Rather I knew better than to over-extend my troops. Time would be needed to consolidate our gains behind us, Time would be needed to set up the smithies and the kitchens that would supply this army. Man runs on its stomach, and an army is composed of men. Turning, I peered through the Optica-Lensitium that the battle mages had created for me here at my command bunker. Not even bothering to hide their war preparations, I could see the enemy among the dark boles of the trees; preparing for their offensive. Behind me I could hear the sharp ringing of hammer upon hot Valorite and the grinding of blades upon stone. The crafters were hard at work repairing the battle damage and preparing the weapons and armor of my men. Off to my left, my trusted General Knossos stood in conversation with one of the scouts. I could hear muttered conversation, but ignored it for now; knowing that I would soon learn of anything important. The sun was sinking slowly in the sky and I knew that at best we had until morning to prepare ourselves for the battle to come. As if on cue, I began to hear the wailing voices of the clergy in the distance. They were making the ritual evening call to prayer, where they would bless the men and place wards on them to keep their spirits safe were they to fall in battle. I myself must find time to visit them this evening. If only I could find the time. There was much yet to prepare.

Thursday, 7th of Catumnal Secundus 351
The glorious forces of the Empire were arrayed out on either side of me as I sat before them on the back of my trusty swampie; Flame. Row upon row of Paladins and Pikemen stood at attention before me, with Templars, Battle Mages, and Druids behind them. Archers, under the command of Lord Knossos brought up the rear and to either side sat the Knights upon their snow white steeds. Behind me I could feel more than hear the heavy stamping of the approaching army as the cold grey mist began to seep through my armor. Preferring the darkness, the Necromancers had begun their assault in the early morning hours. I had been shaken sleepily out of my bed-roll by a panicking scout who could do nothing other than splutter incoherent phrases about hordes of monsters advancing out of the forest towards us.

As I stood here before the men I gave no great rousing speeches, everyone knew why we were here. All my men were composed and ready, it was only the reserve ranks of the Woodland'ers that looked as if a strong breeze was blowing through them.  I looked over at Knossos and received a slight nod indicating that he was ready. In turn, I individually caught the eyes of Nasdurche, leader of the battle mages; Jazmyn, Arch Druid; Kithra, Paladin Queen; and Dunneldeen, Knight Captain. After each silent affirmation, I drew a deep breath and turned in the saddle to look behind me. Though I could see nothing through the early morning mist and the cloying darkness I could sense the enemy drawing ever closer. With a great shout, I commanded:
"My brothers! Let us shine the Glorious Light upon these foul creatures!" At this utterance, I could feel the skin on the back of my neck rise up as the Battle Mages drew energy from Mother Gaia herself, pooling it and condensing it, until they let fly huge balls of light that soared into the sky; burning away the darkness and driving back the insidious mist in an instant. Suddenly revealed to us out of the darkness was a mass of trolls and demons and undead. With the twang of released bow-strings, hundreds of arrows flew through over our heads and found their marks in the vile flesh of the enemy. As the archers reloaded and prepared for another salvo, I raised my war Hammer and let forth my battle cry. "Advance in the name of the Light!" Behind me, the Battle Mages worked their spells, imbuing our weapons with a bright white-blue glow and activating the magic gems sewn and welded into our armor and shields. The druids began their chanting, summoning their pets from the stables and calling forth Gaia's fury. I rushed forward, with my army at my back, straight into the midst of the enemy.

Battle has never been a pretty sight to behold. For all the glory that historians try to give it, one who has been through its rigors knows better. Battle is where men unleash themselves and become little more than beasts. It is only their training that allows them to return to themselves after it is all said and done. It is only belief in a higher purpose that one can remain sane in the knowledge that they have taken a life by their actions. Though the enemy also fights with this belief, it is only the victor who can try and justify this to themselves. It is one of the many little things that a warrior does to try and make sense of it all.

The sun was high in the sky by the time everything was over. My armor was hot on my shoulders and my arms felt like wet noodles after the exertions of the morning. I rested my Hammer upon the ground at my side and looked around me. Bodies lay strewn everywhere, of both friend and foe. It had been paid at a ghastly cost, but the evil had finally been repulsed back into the woods. They found little safety in there though, as the Druids chanted their spells and awoke the trees to the foul stench that ran between their trunks. The tops of the trees could be seen swaying in the distance and the grisly sounds drifted up the slopes. Already I could see Medicae going through the fallen, seeing who could be saved and who would be left to the Priests and the Armorers. On my right, Kithra slogged through the bodies towards me.
"How do you fare my Queen?" I asked of her.
"Tired M'Lord, but victorious. That was a difficult battle."
I nodded in agreement. "I fear though that it will only get worse. For I did not once see evidence of a Necromancer among the enemy."
Kithra's eyes became cold hard orbs of flint at this news. "Ah, I had forgotten that Sire." She nodded. "Once they come into play things will be much worse indeed."

Friday 61st, of Hibernum 351
It's been some time since I last wrote; in fact it has been three long hard months of fighting. We have at least been victorious in our engagements and have advanced quickly through the Evil Empire of the Dark Crusade. We have liberated many towns and cities along the way, giving the Woodlanders back their homes and lives. It has been three months since that first heady battle on the edge of the Great Forest. Three months of pain and suffering. My troops are weary in both body and soul as they have had to see their friends fall around them, only to get back up as they were resurrected by the evil Necromancers which we face in ever greater numbers as we creep closer to the enemy capital. Just yesterday we faced an entire Battle Legion of them. Necromancy has always bothered me, but to see it used in battle is much more than bothering. The vile wizards use their dark magics to raise our fallen comrades as skeletons, zombies, and liches to fight against us. Words cannot begin to convey the battle other than it was the worst nightmare that I have ever encountered.  Side-by-side I had fought with the Paladin Queen Kithra. She had been watching my back as I watched hers, but of the two liches and three skeletal knights that I was driving back, one of them managed to slip past my guard. Behind me I heard a pained gasp for air. Not even needing to turn around, I knew in my soul that Kithra had been struck a mortal would. Bellowing for a medicae I redoubled my attack and managed to fell both a lich and a skeleton in one mighty blow of my Hammer. Torn at the loss of my friend and General, tears streamed down my face through the dirt and gore of battle; unfortunately the worst was yet to come. I am still not sure how I knew, but I sensed something approaching me from behind and my Hammer swung back behind me of its own volition. Parrying the deadly thrust of Kithra's War Fork. Shock coursed through my body as I realized that Kithra had been reincarnated as a Lich Lord. I searched in her eyes for any hint that the soul of once had inhabited the body of my friend, but my search was in vain. Standing there before me, with blood still slowly seeping out from underneath her armor, was a cruel joke; the familiar sight of Kithra, The Paladin Queen, with a twisted evil leer on her face. She swung at me again, meaning to disembowel me on the tines of her fork. I lost myself in despair, giving myself fully to the rage begat by loss, submitting to the power of the Hammer that I had found. Swirling the Hammer above my head, then bringing it down upon all enemies around me as I pirouetted on the balls of my feet. My mind lost, my soul torn, I went bezerek.

Saturday 62nd, of Hibernum 351
With a start I awoke in my cot in the room off to the side of the command tent. 'Ow... that hurt.' I thought to myself.  Barely managing to open my eyes, I looked around. I noticed my armor stacked neatly in the corner with the Hammer laying against the pile. I could barely move and felt sluggish and drowsy. Croaking slightly as I tried to call for someone I could feel the dryness of my throat. Almost immediately a Medicae and Brianne, the ArchDruid, were at my side.
"Try not to speak M'Lord." The Medicae said. "Your healing is progressing well, but you are still weak."
"" I managed to squeak.
"Here drink this." Said Brianne, removing a vial of Spring Water from the leather pouch at her side.
Slowly the Medicae tipped the contents of the vial into my parched mouth. The sacred Spring Water, consecrated by Gaia herself flowed down my ravaged throat and rejuvenated me. Sensing that I could now speak with less effort I opened my mouth, but I was cut off by a warning look from Brianne.
"Give the water time to work Sire. I can image your question and I shall try to answer it. You did not receive a wound in battle, at least, not a physical one of any severity. Instead you took a grievous mental wound."
At her words I remembered what had happened, remembered the loss of Kithra. Tears welled up in my eyes again.
"Do not fret my Lord. I have received word from the Priests that they had managed to capture her soul and send her on before she was raised. She did not suffer any. But you must rest and recover. We have won that battle and are gathering our forces together and preparing them for the next stage.
Relief at this news overcame me. I was so glad that Kithra had not had to suffer at my hands. The Medicae murmured another spell over me and I could feel my eyelids becoming heavier. Before the merciful oblivion of sleep took me, I motioned for the Hammer to be put in my hands. Somehow I felt stronger whenever I touched it. Complying, I could feel the comforting weight of the handle being laid into my right hand as I fell into a healing slumber.

Sunday 63rd, Hibernum 351
I have recovered at a miraculous rate. Within a day I was up and about, giving orders and preparing my men for the advance upon the capital city, whose spires we could see over the tree-tops in the distance. My soul will always carry the scar that was inflicted by the loss of Kithra, but I knew that it would act as armor upon my heart. Within a week we had moved out and continued our advance upon the enemy. More and more friends were felled alongside me in combat. Always it seemed that a Necromancer was within range to reanimate the corpse and force us to fight against our friends. For every body that was slain, both friend and foe, another arose from the ground to fight again. It was fighting three armies for every one. Only when the corpse was battered and broken into several pieces was there too little Life-Force for them to reanimate. To see familiar faces with an unfamiliar and completely cold darkness in their once bright and living eyes, is the most heart wrenching thing a person can endure. I would rather see them dead than raised again in such a way. I will spare no mercy in my destruction of these necromancers, we will be victorious!

Thursday 4th, Verisum 352
We have won every battle thus far and with every victory I feel stronger and even more encouraged to fight. I feel a power within me... it's a power that has been slowly growing within. I felt it first when holding the War Hammer I found in the first dungeon we raided in these new lands. It's amazing, as if it gives me strength in battle when I should be worn. Ever since I held it while in bed recovering, my strength has grown rapidly and my vigor in battle seems inexhaustible. I've continued to use the Hammer, and it is an amazing weapon even more so than I ever realized. Despite the foes I've slain and the armor it has destroyed, it still holds its shape and even seems to be more solid and fitting to my hand than the first day! I can feel power flowing within it and through me. It must have some special enchantment. Having now remembered once again that dungeon from those many months ago, I also once again notice another feeling I've had since that time. I still feel the distant presence of incredible power. It is so very strange...

Wednesday 22nd, Verisum 352
Early one morning Jager received orders to pull up camp and begin moving forward. "What?!" Jager outburst upon hearing the orders of the sergeant, "Again so soon? We can not keep this up!" He had been up most of the previous night tending the wounded and repairing broken armor and weapons just as he had for the previous three weeks of nights. He had no real healing skill, but his rough crafting Magery allowed him to assist some of the over worked Medicae of the army. He could probably fight in the battle himself as a mage in the back ranks casting simple spells and healing, but Phoenix purposefully kept him at camp away from the battles. His skills as a crafter were in greater demand. There was no other in all of Sosaria who could keep up the supply of weapons and armor as he did. However, while his diversity of skills made him very useful, it also gave him a great deal of hard work.
Roleplay Discussion / Imperial Announcement
September 22, 2009, 04:24:47 PM
You look of as a man dressed in white and gold robes appears in the meadow. He raises the trumpet at his side to his lips and blows three strident notes.

He clears his throat:

Hear ye, Hear ye...
I would like to announce the inception of the Great Viskeroth Tenmar into the hallowed ranks of the Glorious Empire of Sosaria. His skills and the knowledge that he brings will be invaluable to our cause. Glory be to the fighters for Truth and Order.
That is all.

Herald for the Empire of Sosaria
Roleplay Discussion / The Empire of Sosaria
September 21, 2009, 03:26:30 AM
Traveling along the familiar road through Magancia, you notice a freshly pasted placard on the signpost, Moving closer you begin to read the message it shouts out to you in stylized gold letters on a white back ground.

Imperial Announcement from the Glorious Lord Phoenix,
Imperial Regant of the Empire of Sosaria.

Greetings Sylvanites

As the Imperial Regent of the Empire of Sosaria, I would like to inform everyone that I have returned to Sylvan Heart from my many months of travel. In the time which I was gone it seems that much has changed, but I can assure you that The Empire's Dedication to upholding Justice and Order is never wavering. From my travels I have learned much and met many people, A few of which have agreed to return to my Empire, which I am sure you will meet soon out and about the world.

This announcement is also to inform everyone that I intend to resurrect my Empire from the ashes of history and return it to its once shining glory and power. It has been to long since the glory of the Empire was upheld here, and I plan to grow our numbers and reforge the ES name, quenching it in the warm bodies of our enemies.

Those who wish to join, please contact me or my staff and we shall consider you.

Imperial Regent of,
The Empire of Sosaria

OCC: I am disappointed that I couldn't get text coloring or fonts to work :(
P.S.: I am aware that this would normally go in the "Guilds" sub-section, but since I am announcing this for purely RP purposes (no new members accepted) I decided to post in here.
Misplaced Graphics / Floating Elephant Ear Plant
September 07, 2009, 05:37:54 AM
Random floating elephant ear plant at Buccaneer's Den (2660.2197.4)
