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Messages - BlackOut

Shard Downtime / Re: Down!?
July 18, 2017, 05:54:21 PM
Yes it's still down :'(
This is one of the longest outages we had in a very, VERY, long time.
I hope everything is alright with our host. :-[
Shard Downtime / Re: Down!?
July 15, 2017, 04:52:56 PM
me too...hopefully it wont be down too much longer...its never down for more than 48hours most the time
Announcements / Sylvan Raffle!!!
July 14, 2017, 08:43:47 PM
I will be starting a Raffle where there will be 3 Prizes to choose from and one of them will be a rare pet. The items will be Artifacts or Rare Drops and even possibly Quest Rewards from quests no longer active. Might also Have Old Hue Of The Month Items!! Shocked

A Raffle Ticket will cost 5 Virtue Skulls and each player may only buy 2 Tickets.
Each Raffle will be 7 Days and the drawing will be held at The VS & Atone Store.
Each Raffle will also feature 3 different items. So each Raffle will have new items every time.
The Raffle Prizes Will be at the VS Store 2nd floor in the Raffle Room in front of the Raffle Ticket Taker.

Enjoy the fun and good luck to all.
Happy Hunting! Grin Wink
Events / Sylvan Raffle!!!
July 14, 2017, 06:23:38 PM
I will be starting a Raffle where there will be 3 Prizes to choose from and one of them will be a rare pet. The items will be Artifacts or Rare Drops and even possibly Quest Rewards from quests no longer active. Might also Have Old Hue Of The Month Items!! :o

A Raffle Ticket will cost 5 Virtue Skulls and each player may only buy 2 Tickets.
Each Raffle will be 7 Days and the drawing will be held at The VS & Atone Store.
Each Raffle will also feature 3 different items. So each Raffle will have new items every time.
The Raffle Prizes Will be at the VS Store 2nd floor in the Raffle Room in front of the Raffle Ticket Taker.

Enjoy the fun and good luck to all.
Happy Hunting! ;D ;)
Shard Downtime / Re: Down!?
July 14, 2017, 06:15:12 PM
Thank you Cypress. ;)
General Discussion / Re: Hey
July 14, 2017, 05:49:51 PM
Welcome back ;D
Shard Downtime / Down!?
July 14, 2017, 05:49:05 PM
As of 10:48 MST The Shard Is Down. :(
Shard Downtime / Re: We Are Down
June 13, 2017, 08:51:37 PM
lmao...just messin cause you were talking about how you used to crash the server ;D :D
Shard Downtime / We Are Down
June 13, 2017, 06:47:17 PM
Im pretty sure Pablo crashed it....hes  a funny guy like that but he didnt relize it takes a long time to get it back up...good job Pablo >:(
General Discussion / Re: New Player 😁
June 05, 2017, 06:54:58 PM
Yay! ;) ;D
General Discussion / Re: Greetings Sylvan
June 05, 2017, 06:54:39 PM
 ;D :D ;)
Announcements / Re: New voting site!
June 05, 2017, 06:51:31 PM
Go Vote Sylvan Heart everyone!! :) ;) ;D
Announcements / Re: Admin Alder Ogham Retiring
June 05, 2017, 06:50:51 PM
Thank you for all you have done for Sylvan. ;D :D ;)
You Will Be Missed. :-[

Farewell Alder Ogham.

Trading / Rare Drops For Rare Pets
June 05, 2017, 06:46:08 PM
I'm willing to trade any of the pets i have posted for some rare drops. :D

So if you don't have enough VS to buy a pet you want maybe you have a rare item that id like ;)

Some of the items I'm looking for are: Dragon Robe,Heart Robe,Arachnid Robe,Bear Mask(+15 Taming)

Those are just a few I really would like but please feel free to offer up any rare you'd like. ;) ;D

I'd also like Hue Deeds if you have any. :o

Happy Hunting Sylvanites!!
Trading / A Reptalon
May 31, 2017, 01:32:48 AM
Selling for 60VS