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The Professionals / Re: Ore: The storied question
Last post by Dolos - November 29, 2020, 05:46:29 AM
Yes as you level mining you will have a better chance of mining the more advanced ores. The advanced ores are spot specific tho, so being a mage and marking runes will be an asset for you. Increasing the skill also increases your chance of smelting ingots, ie; don't smelt your valorite until your skill is maxed so you don't waste the rare ore. Mining and smithing are the same skill as far as I remember.

Good luck and welcome
The Professionals / Ore: The storied question
Last post by Isabeth - November 28, 2020, 09:22:45 PM

I did attempt to research this but the "search" function lied to me or was being mean, so thus the questions.
As a noob miner, I seem to be expecting to see different ore varieties as I level up. Is this true by your experience?
Also, is there an advantage at going 120 in mining versus 100?
Last, what about smithing at 120. What are the advantages?

Many thanks.
Roleplay Discussion / Strange Earth
Last post by Isabeth - November 28, 2020, 06:15:13 PM
Part 1

Mira hammered away at the floor of the mine just over in Minoc. She'd been at it for hours, taking a
break now and then when her body demanded it. It was the dreams, you see. The dreams she had of
a powerful wizard trapped under the earth for no-telling how long. She, the wizard, had come every
night to lay out the plan of how to free her. First, find the box. It was a fine box, a box made of ebon
wood, a box with fine carvings on the lid, the body, the sides. "Let me out," she said, "and I shall reward

It was the only way, Mira knew, the only way to rid herself of the tall, dark woman who stood at the edge
of her bed, moon-pale glistening like lilies. "Let me out, and I shall reward you," she said, said now with a
voice that took no "yes, buts," or "I would but" from anyone, so Mira kept digging.

Mira found a bit of contentment in the search. She hit a patch of earth she took for iron, and so took the dig
in a easterly direction. "Free me and you shall be rewarded," the dark lady promised. But oh, Mira thought,
what reward would that be? Best she could dream of was a book on magic, that way she could summon up
food when she was starving...right about now. be continued.
General Discussion / Re: Oh Really!
Last post by Cypress - November 03, 2020, 02:14:45 PM
If it was 2012, chances are you still have your account and stuff. I'm not one to deleted accounts very often heh  :D. PM me here on the forums if you need help getting back into your account  :)

Also, the Halloween stuff is still available!
General Discussion / Oh Really!
Last post by Emayecue - November 02, 2020, 09:18:04 PM

I check my email today, and I receive information about the Halloween party, and realises that last time I was here was in ummm 2012 or something?

That mean that I got a crap load older since then, and honestly I can hardly remember anything, and I'm actually wondering what would happen if I would try to log in again.

Would anyone be able to tell me, like let's say if I should believe that I may have still an active account? What if I had a house, would it be still standing?

Kind of wondering if I should try and give it a lot on tonight  :D

Regardless, I hope whoever reads that, have one heck of a nice day!
General Discussion / Re: Hello All
Last post by Cypress - October 31, 2020, 05:12:29 PM
Think so huh? hehehe
General Discussion / Re: Hello All
Last post by Nopulse99 - October 31, 2020, 04:15:41 PM
Lets all agree we can take Cypress with no armor or weapons. aka this is Zerker. ;)
Events / Re: Halloween Undead Invasion
Last post by Nopulse99 - October 31, 2020, 04:14:15 PM
Thank you for the Halloween Undead Invasion! A lot of good fun for everyone! ;D ;D ;D
Events / Re: Happy Halloween, I re-open...
Last post by Cypress - October 28, 2020, 08:48:04 PM
The Halloween dungeon is back!
Events / Halloween Undead Invasion
Last post by Cypress - October 28, 2020, 08:38:26 PM
The Vampiress Queen of the undead horde is invading Magincia! The western coast is now covered in deep darkness and overrun with undead! Kill the undead and their evil queen and perhaps gain a powerful trophy!

Beware, the darkness is too thick and too deep for even night sight! Use a torch or take a small, magical guiding light or two to follow you!