New Alchemist? Need a bump in stamina or hp?

Started by Festus, February 29, 2016, 12:39:57 PM

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Yep when the going gets tough im gonna try potions.  Strong Arm Magee has been busy makeing kegs of potions for greater heal, Greater Agility and Greater Str.  I havent tried out the Greater Explosion potions yet but am curious how and if they will help at all.  It just seems there are times when I need just enough stamina or just enough hp to get though or over the hump.  Could this be the secret?   We shall see.
If anyone is intrested in trying let Magee or Scathach or Festus know. 

I did hear Magee the other day talking about how difficult it is to build potioin kegs.  I just laughed at him as I to remember making them in the past.