Question about the poisoning skill

Started by TTG, June 20, 2007, 01:45:52 AM

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Hey guys, I am still just befuddled when coming up with a perfect template, and due to recent real life situation, I am going to have to stick with the 1200 cap a little longer than anticipated.

However, since it's my lunch break, and I can't get this out of my head...... Here is my question:  What are all the ways to transmit different levels of poison to a non-poison resistant monster?

*Assuming 100 poisoning and wanting to use necromancy's evil omen to obtain the highest level of poisoning strength*

1.) Magery within 3 tiles. (Does eval int have any influence with this? i'm assuming not, but it is an assumption)
2.) Poisoned bladed weapon that has the special move infection strike (is there the existance of the elven bow that has the special attack "Serpent Arrow?")
3.) Food + tinker trap
4.) Shurikans (does this require a special skill to use? and/or I don't know how to go about this at all)
5.) Poison arrows. (are they modified by your poisoning skill?)

Thanks in advance.

Forest Rithik

1) ((Magery + Poisoning) / 2):
Less than 65.1 : Level 1 poison
65.1 to 85 : Level 2 poison
85.1 to 99.9 : Level 3 poison
100 and higher : Level 4 poisoning.

No, Eval as nothing to do with this and Your always better using Poison Fields rather then the Standard poison spell.

2) No we do not have Elven bows or any of the Mondain's Legacy stuff here, yes standard melee weapons with Infectious strike work as normal.

3) No idea really but Faction/ Traps I don't think work on anything but players, Poisoning food is the the same and poisoning players via food in Trammel areas or leaving poisoned foods in Trammel areas is a No-No.

4) As far as I am aware anyone can use Shurikans, provided someone with the necessary skills as poisoned the Shurikan then anyone can poison something with the Shurikan (Same as if another player with poisoning, Deadly poisons a Kryss, someone with 0 poisoning but with the ability to use Infectious strike move (Weapon skill requirement) can Deadly poison what ever things they use Infectious strike against ingame, atleast until they run out of Poison charges).

5) No idea these days, but it used to do Static Greater Poison about half a year ago, around 2 years ago it did static Deadly (Unless someone casted Evil Omen before hand then it was +1 level higher).


Sorry for the be-lated thanks, but......... Thanks!!!

After reading your post, I not so quickly rose my Magery to 120 and began poisoning.  Then finding out that when being 1 tile away from a monster, casting evil omen, followed up by either the poison spell or poison field spell, that no **** BUMPAGE ***** in poison strength was granted, i threw everything off the desk and danced around on my keyboard for many hours.  Not quite, but somehow I talked myself out of lower magery for fencing so that my goal of having lvl 5 poison abilities could be accomplished.

So after working on poisoning, Wintermoon was looking at raising magery a bit more so she could work on some druid spells, however she goes about doing that, and since she was using an axe as well as I, that was a mage weapon, she thought her magery didn't go up at all, but when indeed it was 120.  Point being, I explained to here that mage weapons use magery skill, (at a reduction deemed by the weapon), to determine chance to hit....

Soooooooooooo I get magery, mage weapon and poisoning all in one! woot.  now to find a good mage weapon :))

See ya'llllll lata....



What is your weapon skill? I have tons of them.


I decided not to go poisoning after fighting in fel today.  Post was edited.
